Rating:  Summary: Beast Wars takes transformers to new level. Review: If you are a hard-core fan of Transformers or just enjoyed the first season of Beast Wars, then you'll love the second season. The plot quickens and focuses in these seven episodes, reaching a cliff-hanging finale that ties the Beast Wars to the original Generation One Transformers. The intricate way that the story develops and the nearly flawless animation (steps above the first season) drew me in when I first saw the origianl airings and convinced me that the Beast Wars incarnation was more than a creative spin-off using the 'Transformers' name. I'm pretty picky about which of the many variations of Transformers storylines I choose to follow, and I think this is one of the best. To be fair, there's not much in the way of 'special features', but that doesn't detract much from the value of this collection.
Rating:  Summary: Beast Wars - Season Two - `bout time Review: It wasn't until the DVD release of Beast Wars that I actually viewed the series in chronological order and saw some scenes removed from the US television and VHS versions. With the quantum surge, resulting in the `Transmetals' (which was never fully explained), the return of the aliens, two Fuzors and the dramatic three part adventure `The Agenda'... this was the best season of the three.
Rating:  Summary: The Transformers Strikes Back Review: My early impressions of Beast Wars were formed based on several toys that didn't exactly excite me. For someone who first knew the Transformers in the 1980s, perhaps it's too wide a cultural gap for me to accept Transformers being turned into animals. Still, I decided to give the animation series a try, and bought my first Beast Wars DVD three years ago, Atlantic Alliance's Beast Wars Classic Episodes Vol. 1. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed the show, and the rest, as they always said, is history.
I didn't buy Rhino's Beast Wars Season 1 DVD Boxset, because I was faithfully following the progress of the Alliance's Classic Episodes release. But when there were no signs of Alliance proceeding with more volumes, I decided to order Rhino's Season 2 Boxset. So, here I am, giving you a lowdown of what to expect from this latest release.
The episodes for Season 2 are as follow:
201 Aftermath
202 Coming of the Fuzors, Part One
203 Coming of the Fuzors, Part Two
204 Tangled Web
205 Maximal, No More
206 Other Visits, Part One
207 Other Visits, Part Two
208 Bad Spark
209 Code of Hero
210 Transmutate
211 The Agenda, Part One
212 The Agenda, Part Two
213 The Agenda, Part Three
It's difficult to run through a section about episodes without revealing some spoilers. Do pardon me if I reveal too much. It has now been established that the Beast Wars were indeed happening on a prehistoric planet Earth. The Maximals and Predacons, who're descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons respectively, have unwittingly travelled back in time, when Earth was the target of an alien experiment. Think about the movie "Back to the Future", or simply, imagine your current self being transported back to a time when your grandfather is a young kid. You get the picture. It's therefore all the more interesting to see the sequences unfold. The following are just some of my recommended episodes.
Picking up the pieces from an abruptly concluded Season 1, "Aftermath" documented the transition of some Transformers into "Transmetals", due to a quantum surge. The gloomy atmosphere in the Maximals' camp, following the supposedly destruction of Optimus Primal, was very well rendered. We get to see very distinctive character developments in the ways how Rattrap, Cheetor, Rhinox and Dinobot handled their leader's death.
"The Coming of Fuzors" two-parter wrapped up the loose ends from earlier episodes, as well as introduced two new characters in the form of Silverbolt and Quickstrike. These episodes liberally employed a "western cowboy" style of story-telling, which is a joy to watch. Of course, the return of Optimus Primal saved the day for the Maximals, again!
"Code of Hero" is perhaps one of the best Transformers episode I've ever watched. It featured the death of a fan favorite, the Predacon-turned-Maximal Dinobot. His shocking departure will rank as the best death scenes in any Transformers episode, outdoing even G1 Optimus Prime's death in Transformers: The Movie. Dinobot single-handledly took on the entire Predacons army in protecting humanity, and died a hero that he always aspire to be. The impact of his death was as compelling as the first time I watched the show.
And of course, "The Agenda" three-parter provided the most blatant linkage of the Beast Wars series to the original G1 story. We saw the appearance of the G1 Decepticon Ravage and the many cameos of G1 characters like Optimus Prime, Soundwave, etc., and we rejoiced that an excellent animated series like this has finally went into history as being an official continuation of the great G1 series. These are episodes that you'd want to watch again and again, because just by the sheer thought of mentioning, I'm already experiencing goose pimples.
There are more action that I could ever pen from these 13 episodes. The relationship between Silverbolt and Blackarchnia was also an interesting subplot, as well as the evil schemes of Tarantulus. In short, you could very well be tempted to watch all 13 episodes at one go, which I did! If you need to read detailed sypnosis and comments on all the episodes, you may visit Ben Yee's BWTF.com.
For a DVD Boxset, the special features are pretty flat. We're given a 360 degrees characters shots, close-up headshots/ poses, scale reference charts and some transformation sequences. Sadly, none of these are narrated, and it really does get very boring after a minute. Perhaps an inclusion of episodes introductions, or some interviews with the creators of the show would have make this more enjoyable.
Excellent story-telling and some compelling action sequences made Beast Wars Season 2 one of the best animated series ever. For those who've yet to watch the show at all, I suggest getting all three season boxsets and enjoy the ride. For those who have, take this opportunity to get a re-introduction. This is a highly recommended product.
Rating:  Summary: oh happy days Review: oh my god the second season is off the chain.boy you all are doing it up.is like after you looked at the first season you just have to get the second.regardless.even if you have to put off a bill payment.i cant wait for the third season.the long wait is killing me.i beg you please bring out the third season asap.i can only put off so many bills lol.
Rating:  Summary: Beast Wars the complete second season Review: Ok I just watched over every episode of the DVD and here are my feelings on each part of this AMAZING collection.Disk 1 1)Aftermath- This episode wraps things up from season 1. And considering it is only about 24 minutes i feel it did a good job at that. We get introduced to the new transmetal bodies, and see the maximals try to hold things together without their leader; Optimus primial 2.)Coming of the Fuzors Part I- This episode introduces 2 brand new characters who will endure the rest of the series Quickstrike and silverbolt. They show both of their personalities well and at the same time reintroduce the now transmetal Tarantulas back into the series (in season 1 tarantulas had been killed by the predacon Inferno for disobeying Megatrons orders). And sets up for an old western showdown between Megatron and his troops vs the badly outnumbered and outgunned maxmimals. 3.)Coming of the Fuzors Part II- This episode is all action. After having 2 semi-quiet episodes things are finally starting to heat up as Dinobot, Cheetor, and Rattrap battle desperatly against Megatron, Tarantulas, Inferno, waspinator, silverbolt, and quickstrike in an attempt to buy time for the maxmimal Rhinox to complete his mysterious project. And at the end it reintroduces the maxmimal leader Optimus Primal. Which i feel was the greatest point in the episode. 4.)Tangled Web- This is a basic episode used to make season 2 longer. Basically Megatron sends Tarantulas, Black arachnia, and quickstrike to build an energon refueling station. But their plans are foiled when Rattrap and Silverbolt appear. 5.)Maxmimal No More- This is a great episode. Here we see Dinobot begin to wonder what his destiny is and who he really stands with. He goes from Maxmimal to Predacon to Maximal again all in about 24 minutes. 6.)Other Visits PartI- Though not really important to the overall story this 2 part episode is great. The aliens who were defeated in season 1 have returned with another weapon of mass destruction. But Megatron and his predacons seem to have a plan to eliminate both the alien and maxmimal threats. 7.)Other Visits PartII- This is the second part in the other visits episode. Megatron actually manages to take control of the alien weapon and is planning to go back to their homeworld of cybertron where he will lay waste to the Maxmials cities. And only Optimus prime can stop him. DVD 2 8.)Bad Spark- This episode introduces a great and evil new character. And that is "protoform X" aka Rampage. This episode also begins to show the relationship between the Maxmimal Silverbolt and the Predacon Black Arachnia. 9.)Code of Hero- In my opinion this is the single greatest episode in the set. Megatron has found out that with the golden disk he can change history. And is planning to eliminate humanity by destroying the valley where the first prehistoric humans live. Dinobot is the only Maxmimal nearby and now he must save humanity by defeating Megatron and 5 other Preadcons. This of course results in the dramatic death of Dinobot which was the best moment in the entire series. Buy the DVD just for this episode!!! 10.)Transmutate- The series is really on a roll here. As it has yet another great episode. A horribly disfigured transformer neither Predacon or Maxmimal has appeared who possess incredible power but at the same time wouldn't want to hurt a fly. Yet it befriends of all people Rampage! 11.)The Agenda Part I- This is the first part in the 3 part masterpiece known as The Agenda. The Predacon leadership known as the Tri-Predacus council has sent their special agent Ravage (who happens to be the last decepticons for all you G1 fans)to eliminate Megatron. 12.)The Agenda Part II- Ravage has captured Megatron. However it soon revealed that Megatron had this entire series of events planned. As Megatron shows Ravage a message that quickly forces Ravage to change sides and fight against the Maxmimals. This episode also shows how utterly insane the Predacon Inferno is. As he blows himself up in an attempt to destroy Cheetor and Primal. 13.)The Agenda Part III- This is it! The last episode of the Agenda trilogy and the last episode of this DVD set. And this last episode is by no means least. This episode covers 2 things mainly, the relationship with Silverbolt and Black Arachnia has come to its full climax. And As Megatron reaches the Ark where the Transformers of Generation One are frozen in time. Megatron shows is insanity by changing time itself! All in all this is GREAT set of episodes. Even if you are not a big transformers fan i advise you buy this DVD It is filled with political turmoil, action, romance, and the stunning. Of course in that case you should buy season 1 as well. However season 3 is even greater and as soon as it comes out I plan to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Best series ever Review: The Beast Wars series is the best Transformers series ever. I think they should have continued the series.
Rating:  Summary: Finally.... Review: The best way to describe this season would be "the ragin' climax". Everything changes here, some from season one go, some stay, and what's better....almost everyone gets a transmetal upgrade. That's what I like most about this season, the interesting new forms that various maximals and predacons take on. Personally I think the most powerful and sleekest looking TransMetal would have to be Tarantulas. Only complaint here is that the season is waaay too short. Oh well, nice transition to the best season of the Beast Wars....Season Three. Good Job Rhino, keep'em comin' and please bring Beast Machines to DVD!!
Rating:  Summary: Some problems Review: The last scene on Coming of the Fuzors Part II was unreadable - ditigal garbage. Has anyone else had this problem? No extras this time. Oh well. No convenient menu selection to access separate episodes. Episode pages are chained together. Accessing later episodes requires first going through the pages for each episode before it on that disk. Very awkward; I have never seen it done that way. Great episodes tho, when they're readable.
Rating:  Summary: Great 2nd season Review: The second season of Beast Wars saw the introduction of Trans-Metals. Some first season 'bots saw a Trans-metal transformation, while others died off, only to be replaced with new 'bots. Episodes included are: 27) Aftermath: The alien machine is destroyed and Optimus went up with it, but the explosion sets off a quantum surge that changes the planet - and several of the robots. In his new, more powerful transmetal body, Megatron hopes to take out the Maximals before they have a chance to regroup and recover. 28) Coming of the Fuzors (1): Two new Maximals awake in Predacon territory, both with bizarre looks and unusual personalities due to the damaged systems in their stasispods. Taking advantage of their confusion, Megatron convinces them they are Predacons, hoping to finally crush the Maximals with these reinforcements. Meanwhile, Blackarachnia returns to the Predacon base with Tarantulas' body, Tigatron and Airrazor go of looking for more stasispods, Rhinox shuts down and connects to the Axalon in an attempt at reaching Optimus' spark, and Dinobot realizes that the aborted armageddon has left the planet looking awfully familiar. 29) Coming of the Fuzors (2): Hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned, Rattrap, Cheetor and Dinobot try to keep the Predacons away from the Axalon where Rhinox lies delving deep into the Matrix, pursuing a faint hope... 30) Tangled Web: Megatron sends out Tarantulas, Blackarachnia and Quickstrike to build an energon refueling station, though the spiders' scheming complicates even the simplest task. 31) Maximal, No More: Dinobot is captured while on a recognizance mission, and surprisingly asks Megatron for permission to rejoin the Predacons, offering the golden disk as proof of his sincerity. 32) Other Visits (1): While out surveying the planet, Airrazor and Tigatron trigger a remaining alien site. While the Maximals scramble to their rescue, Tarantulas is already on his way, determined to thwart the aliens' plans. 33) Other Visits (2): Surviving the energon surge thanks to their new transmetal bodies, Tarantulas sets up a shield around the alien construct and heads inside along with Megatron and Quckstrike. Outside, Optimus and Rattrap try to figure a way in, while the two other transmetalized Maximals return the wounded Rhinox and Dinobot the CR chambers 34) Bad Spark: Cheetor discovers a huge stasis pod, containing Protoform X - a failed Maximal experiment that created an indestructible spark but drove it insane in the process. When Predacons arrive, a fight breaks out over it, setting off an energon storm that leaves Blackarachnia and Silverbolt together damaged, having to fend for themselves - While Protoform X awakens, looking for a victim... 35) Code of Hero: Rhinox discovers that the Trans-Warp wave will soon reach Cybertron, meaning that a rescue may at long last be at hand. Megatron also learns of this, and decides that he will not surrender. Instead, Megatron uses the Golden Disk to destroy key details of the past that would severely alter the future. Meanwhile, Dinobot is still searching for a way to reclaim his lost honor. He gets the chance upon finding out Megatron's new target for destruction: The early human race. 36) Transmutate: A series of earthquakes uncovers a heavily damaged stasispod. Out of it comes a freakish robot - barely sentient, but with extremely powerful weapons. Scoffed at by the others, both Silverbolt and Rampage sense a kindred spirit, each in their own way. 37) The Agenda (1): As the transwarp wave generated by the explosion in "Other Voices (2)" nears Cybertron, the Maximals rejoice, thinking the rescue is on its way. But unbeknownst to them, it is intercepted and diverted by the leaders of the Cybertronian Predacon alliance, who view Megatron as a loose cannon and wants to deal with him quietly, by sending one of their covert operatives. 38) The Agenda (2): Megatron is captured, but the battle used up too much of the cruiser's energon supply for there to be enough for the travel back to Cybertron. While Ravage interrogates Megatron about where they might find more, Primal confronts Silverbolt about his relationship Blackarachnia, leading the Fuzor to go off on his own to find her. 39) The Agenda (3): The Maximals manage to take out the transwarp cruiser and fend of the Predacon attack. But the battle is far from over, as Megatron heads for the now uncovered Autobot Ark - containing the heroes and villains who'll shape the Cybertron where the Predacons and Maximals come from.
Rating:  Summary: A short second season... Review: The second season tends to take a more dark and serious side of the Beast Wars storyline. Though the second season was cut short of perfect litterally, it continues directly off season one which had to many elements to take to heart. While season one carried many comedic moments, Season two has less of that with a darker tone. With it's cheap and easy to afford price, Season Two is something all Tranformers fans should get on their wish list. I recommend buying this if your Transformers, or the beastwars fan.