Rating:  Summary: This was the greatest show of my childhood Review: As a younger man, I loved this show, and I have both seasons on DVD, but where is Season 3? I will be extremely upset if there is no Season 3 DVD released soon.
Rating:  Summary: beast feet Review: Beast wars finally figures out that it will not pander to an audience of children in second season and instead decides to aim itself at the 20-30 something generation 1 crowd. The result is a more violent and horrific series. It is still a great show to watch with your kids, but now the parent gets as much satisfaction from the show as the child.
The transmetal plot line carries over well. The new bodies and transforms are great as the beast wars is taken to the next level. Also the comedy is still readily apparent. Examples include but are not limited to: Rat Trap calling his motor cycle mode "Kinevil Mode" . . .
The addition of the decepticons adds depth to second season, as well as the plot tye in with the ark. All in all a great season.
--Safe travels:
Rating:  Summary: Oooh yea Review: Beast Wars is the best Canadian CGI show ever...yess^_^. Beast Wars is one of the few shows that I will watch now that Im 16. It never gets old, and the Transmetal bodys are sweeeeeet. Inferno and "The spider" (I cant spell his name) are the best! and Rampage! peace out.
Rating:  Summary: "your turn to burn optimus primal" Review: Beast wars season 2, prbably the best season but I don't remember it only being as long as 2 dvds but anyway. The series starts of in the same minute that the first ended, with optimus getting blown up to save the planet, wich is later descovered to be earth. The story becomes more developed in this season with some episodes that are really well written (code of hero) and they even threw in some romance. This season also introduces alot more characters like the fuzors(quickstrike and silverbolt) and new transmetals (rampage). there are also characters who are taken out of the beast wars, i won't ruin it for you. Again with all the seasons there is some packaging problems. The first is that they have optimus's face on disc on but megtrons picture behind it...wait...thats it. But it's still really cool to watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: Buy this NOW Review: Beast Wars was my favorite cartoon show from 5-10th grade...I'd get up every morning @ 6:30am to watch this! And I had crappy reception at the time, so getting the BEST season of the show in perfect DVD quality is beyond amazing. If you like great plots and characters for kids AND adults, please buy this ASAP!!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Season Hands Down Review: Firstly, Beast Wars was a pioneer in CGI animation on a regular television show, and was a worthy successor of the OG Transformers for all kids that grew up in the late 80's/early 90's. Regarding the box set, Season Two is the Empire Strikes Back of Beast Wars. If you know what happens in the "Code of Hero" episode, you know this set is worth getting. This is THE essential Beast Wars Volume. After Season 2, the series jumped the shark anyway so just pick up the first two and then erase any memory you have of *shudder* Beast Machines.
Rating:  Summary: YES!! Review: i remember this great show! i watched season 1 back in 7th grade every morning! then when i started 8th grade season 2 started.. it was only on once a week now but man was it good. i never really was into transformers as a kid but i loved this show. its only 13 episodes but this is the best season in my view. i still remember back when cartoon network had the week of new episodes... ah the good ol days
Rating:  Summary: Season 2-Where the action really starts Review: I would have to say that I am extremelly pleased that Rhino decided to continue to release the Beast Wars complete seasons. This season is where the action truly picks up. The only downfall to this season would have to be the fact that it is only 13 episodes, half of the first season. Also, the death of Dinobot came as a disappointment to most fans of the series.(Although he does return in a new form in the third season.) All in all, if you even just slightly enjoyed the first season, you will love this one. The action is exciting and any Transformers or even animation fan shouldn't be without this title. Code of Hero is my personal favorite episode in this season.
Rating:  Summary: The best TF show since Gen 1 Review: I'm not going to bother with giving you a break down of the episodes, since you're looking at this you should know what they are. But rather my flat out opinion of this DVD set. Beast Wars was a show that like a fine wine, got better with age. The first season was more for the kids, where this season really got back to the roots of the Transformers for us older fans, and the stories are great. One thing I noticed about Beast Wars was the fact it was not as toy driven as G1, you were introduced to new characters (toys) for the sake of storyline only, not have 10 characters all of a sudden crammed into an episode. Beast Wars stayed primarely with it's starting characters, developing great personalities for each one, you actually cared for these guys. The "Code of a Hero" episode for example. The voice acting also is top notch, great talent used for this show. The animation is far much better than the first season and gets even better in the third, my favorite of the three. It's great to see this series uncut, Fox Kids butchered some episodes, and that definitly ruined the impact of some stories. My only complaint is the lack of special features on the disc, but that's a small price to pay to finally get one of the best CG series out on DVD. Hurry up Rhino. The fans await season 3. And I want to give Amazon.com a big "Hooah!!!" for delivering my order and some much needed entertainment to us troops serving in Kuwait & Iraq.
Rating:  Summary: Reliving my childhood, one disk at a time. Review: I've been a TransFan for as far back as I can remember. I remember the good old days, watching Optimus Prime beat the living snot out of Megatron, and then reliving the battles with my worn out action figures...yes, those were the days. Sadly, Transformers slowly faded from the airwaves and store shelves, and I was forced to move on to other hobbies. Fast forward to the mid-to-late 90's. I was entering middle school, and it was now that I heard some shocking news. Transformers was returning in a new series known as "Beast Wars". Needless to say, I was skeptical about the quality at first. I wasn't too sure I liked the new designs, and to have all of my favorite Autobots and Decepticons scrapped was quite a gamble. But then I saw the series premiere...and I was hooked. The blend of CG action and amazing characters was magical. As great as season 1 was however, season 2 blew it away. These episodes contain the maturation of Transformers for a new audience. From political trechery to death, the topics were a lot more complex and powerful. This season contains the now classic "Code of Hero", which successfully killed off one of the most popular characters in the series while creating some of the most well crafted diologue in animated history. Also contained in this season is the 3 part masterpiece known as "The Agenda", finally linking everything back to Generation 1 Transformers and giving the season a finale that is not often seen. This is not only the best season of Beast Wars, but one of the greatest sets of animated features available, second only to the classic Generation 1 cartoon. I don't think I need to say it, but I will anyway. Buy this set.