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Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

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Rating: 4 stars
Review: Set during a Mexican summer, Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN focuses on the lives of two 17-year-old boys full of ... hormones and human curiosity. Shortly after their girlfriends leave for a backpacking trip around Europe they meet the Spanish wife of a cousin who agrees to join them on a road trip to a secluded beach. What evolves is a richly textured tale often testing the boundaries of friendship and life itself. Full of frank ... scenes that were filmed with taste and appeal, Y TU TAMBIEN might not be for everyone. Regardless of a viewer's sensitivity this film is worth viewing and deserves the praise it has received since its theatrical release last year. I especially enjoyed the frequent social and political commentaries of side events that first appear to have nothing to do with the film itself but at closer consideration these commentaries succeed to adding social context and dimension to this seemingly adolescent film. Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN is well worth viewing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: maximum achievement in script and cinematography.
Review: A very satisfying, natural and perceptive film.

The Amazon synopsis is accurate, the effect of this story you must take on yourself, so I'll just give some additional insight...

For those who don't speak Spanish, know that an English translation doesn't do a justice to the full dynamic and meaning of a Spanish script, so don't depend on the subtitles so much (they aren't even necessary in most scenes).

Also, from reading other reviews, know that there is no "upper-middle class" in Mexico. Don't be presumptuous about Mexican society and culture as others already have. That's annoying. If you hail from the country "sin cultura", just catch the underlying plot, it's all you'll understand anyway. And if your taste is along the lines of the Robert Turners of the world (see above, "no gusto"?), don't waste your time or money on this film, gringo.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Insight into Mexican life
Review: If you have any experience with Mexico's upper class business and political culture (which are usually one in the same), you will instantly recognize the characters of Julio and Tenoch. They are spoiled brats who have everything handed to them on a silver platter and have yet to understand anything about life. They typify Mexican "machismo," bragging about the girls they deflowered and boasting of their sexual adventures. But for all their bragging, these spoiled brats finally learn that they don't have a clue of how to satisfy a real woman, but only their teeny-bopper clueless girlfriends. The director does an excellent job of comparing their ridiculous little lives with the hardships of the Mexican working class. While their experiences on their way to Heaven's Mouth (the beach) help them grow up a little, they clearly still have a long way to go. The "Spanish" if you can call it that, is composed of very colorful Mexican vulgarities that will be difficult for many non-Mexican Spanish speakers to understand, although the narrator speaks very clearly.

Finally, a comment on the so-called "sensuality" in this film. The bedroom scenes are very poorly acted and obviously fake. Also, there is nothing sensual in the 30 second in and outs of the sexually immature male characters. This aspect of the film clearly needs improvement.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Y tu Mamá también
Review: A surprisingly fast-paced, never boring, a no-you-can't-go-to-the-bathroom-because-you'll-miss-something kind of movie!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wasted time
Review: Not all it's cracked up to be. Mediocrity at best, this film is highly overrated. I agree that the sex scenes were tastefully done, but that doesn't excuse a poor film. No character development, no emotion, no gusto. This film fails on so many levels; psychologically weak, socially impractical, utterly a waste of time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: not softcore porn- not porn at all! an excellent film
Review: I was a bit discouraged from watching this film from reviews talking only about it's nudity and porn-like qualities. Yes, the boys in the film are really immature and disgusting to say the least, but that's really not that point.

This movie made me cry among many things. There is a strong showing of class distinction in Mexico. The ones that are on this trip are just young brats of light-skinned well-to-do families, and so is Luisa, a Spanaird.

There are many clashes throughout the road trip of harsh Mexican realities. Meanwhile the kids cruise and hardly pay attention to what is really going on. THey get to stay in hotels, have a car and don't have to work. After all their nonesne and fun they must move on.

The only time when the characters interact with the non-European blooded Mexicans, full mestizos is at the end, when Luisa is at the beach. What does this mean? This is the only time that she seeks them for comfort and companionship, otherwise the boys and Luisa just blatantly ignore their surroundings. An analyzation of this can be pivotal to the main message of the film.

Another similar movie is Ratas, Ratones y rateros (Ecuador 2001). It is a bit violent and hard core. It is another coming of age film, but while Y tu mama tambien cleans up pretty well at the end, this oen doesn't suggesting something even more profound and real! Also recommended.

This movie is hardly porn and despite some graphic scenes with nudity they are basically part of the scheme. Y tu mama tambien is the title that comes from a scence when they were drunk and just talking nonsense. It shows how nonsense can be meaningful and... you will have to see it to realize this film's potential.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disgusting
Review: Not one who is usually disturbed by sex, nudity, etc, I found this movie to be disgusting and almost turned it off during the first scene. I had heard from many people what a work of art this movie is, but I found it to be nothing but porn. I could not believe that such a movie could be in any section in the video store short of pornography, but there it is, on the shelf like a regular movie. It is pure [garbage].

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sexual, unique
Review: If you're looking for something controversal and fearless, "Y Tu Mama Tambien" is the movie to watch. I have great respect for movie producers who are not afraid to push the censorship limits. This producer should do this more often. That way we can have more quality movies like this. Its screenplay keeps your eyes wide open the whole time. You'll always want to know what happens next. I'll warn you, everytime you'll think you've seen the most extreme scene part, the next one will go further. It continues to become more unique as well.

If you find graphic sexuality and sexual conversation disturbing, you may want to watch another movie. If this controversy attracts you(like me), this is the movie for you. You will not be disappointed, I'll guarantee it. If you're not into subtitles, then just the visual scenes will keep you watching, or you'll look beyond it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Two Different Films
Review: Having first watched the R rated version, I was not sure whether I fully understood some of the character's motives thruout the movie (and therefore was not sure if I even enjoyed the film). After reading the Amazon reviews and seeing that there exists an unrated version, I then watched this version and everything I questioned became clear and the film's ending had more impact. Watch the unrated film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hot Sex on a Platter!!!
Review: Whew!! That opening scene alone nearly did me in ...

No Seriously. GREAT Movie, Good Performances by all. The 2 young actors.... Very Good, I hope I will see them in more movies. The woman OUTSTANDING!!! very convincing. This is more than just a tale of 2 young boys on the road with a older woman to whom they both have sex with. There is a real story here. There are glimpes into the Middle Class life in Mexico, the poverty and how it must be to be a "middle class" teenager in Mexico. I believe one of my fellow reviewers mentioned the Political under currents in the movie, yes, they are there but it doesn't take away from the movie I believe it was the writer and directors intent to let the viewers know what was going on in these young mens world. Tenoche (one the male characters) father was Secretary of State, Julio's (the other male character) sister was a protestor against the government.

I liked SO much about this movie. I find that I can't pinpoint them all, however I must mention that there are quite a few sexual scenes in it and I do not recommend it if you are not open to the possiblity of homosexuality, or if you find drug usage offensive then this may not be the movie for you.

One thing that I have noticed, lately with my Foreign Film selections, is that the movies don't always have a Happy ending. They don't tend to leave any loose ends, but it isn't always what you think it might be...... watch the movie it is rather a good pick.... and despite what you may have heard there is a very good story here.

Now I'm off to watch {Sex and Lucia}!!!

Respectfully Reviewed

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