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Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: TOO LITTLE ....TOO LATE....
Review: I am so sorry I watched this movie. I hated it. That's not to say it's a bad movie---it isn't. But it bummed me out. A road movie should contain some enlightenment for the characters and for the audience. And this IS a road movie, I don't care what other reviewers say. I found none. For everything the characters go through, you're pulled into it with them. This much works. Although I didn't care at all for the two male leads I grew to like them eventually. The female--Luisa--is on a sexual fling. She enjoys both the boys and finally brings out their attraction for each other. At this point I need to address the nudity and sex. It's there all right, but neither is enough to really hit home the emotions that will surface later. It comes off as trashy and teasy and that's not what is needed to give the gut impact we will experience later the full blow. I know this sounds ridiculous, but for once had a film's nudity been more explicit it would have worked in favor of the film as a whole. The characters would have been more realistic. It doesn't have to be as raunchy as it is here. Just frank and natural. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, the ending is one of the worst endings I have ever seen in a movie. It just ruins the whole film. It just bums you out. You don't want to watch the movie again because the ending's so bad and there's nothing else in the movie to rewatch because there's either not enough of it or it's not explicit enough. It sends mixed messages in every direction. I will not recommend this film to anyone. Period.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Although not too rare, it isn't often we see a film with such honest characters anymore. Hopefully, films like this will help people to understand the things that really matter in life. I can't wait until my copy gets here!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: How to make a teen movie
Review: If your looking for a funny, well-crafted, meaningful and memorable film, pick this up. You won't be disappointed. To call this film an erotic comedy would be an understatement. Some of the scenes are just too outragous to comprehend. The cast do an outstanding job and the directing by Alfonso Cuaron is really fresh. He has a way of narrating that is both interesting and remarkable. This is in fact a sex flim. But not sex for sex appeal but rather sex for meaning. Which is why this movie is so different than your modern American teen movie that so dominates our pop culture. You get a more authentic feeling from this film. So if you consider yourself an open minded person and have an itch for a comedy with substance, give this a try. It'll be worth your while

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is awesome!
Review: I absolutely loved this movie. It had everything you could possibly want in a movie! I strongly reccommend it to everyone-I am even going to order myself a copy!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A movie for every man and his mother
Review: In NZ the clowns at the Society For The Promotion Of Community Standards tried to have a court injunction placed against this movie (as they have done with BAISE MOI and BULLY- fools), thankfully the judge rejected them. In NZ you have to be 18 to see this, so I mainly went to see it because of the controversy. I just LOVE controversy, even if there's no real reason to ban it as in the case of Y' TU MAMA TAMBIEN.
The film is another take on the old "coming-of-age road movie" theme, but it is slicky filmed by Alfonso Cuaron (who apparently will direct the third HARRY POTTER movie) well acted and thoroughly absorbing. Y' TU MAMA TAMBIEN manages to bring something new and refreshing to an age old movie tradition (I mean, this sub-genre probably began in 1969 with EASY RIDER)and deserves to be seen. Especially by the Society Of Ignorance And Fear, who will just adore the scenes of full frontal nudity (male and female- I enjoyed the female nudity, of course), plus a couple of graphic scenes of bodily functions which are amusing, (mildly) shocking and liberating all at the same time. But the bottom line is if it offends you, don't watch it.If you're that narrow minded and ignorant, then it's your loss. You'll be missing a great movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful tale with multiple layers of interpretation
Review: ... Before seeing this movie, I was told by one person that it was an awful movie about two sex-obsessed teenagers; another person told me that it was a beautiful movie about two sex-obsessed teenagers. Those remarks piqued my interest and I saw the movie in the theater.

The sex comedy elements of the movie are likely to offend some viewers, but they are essential to the realism of the film. This realism touches on the sexual practices of middle and upper-class Mexican boys, the sexual malaise of well-to-do Mexican adults, the nature of friendship and trust, and the social and political climate of post-PRI Mexico. I noticed a lot of "earth tones" in the color scheme of the cinematography, which reflect the purity and naturalism of the content of the film.

The realism of the film is offset by strong elements of fantasy...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perfect blend of drama and hilarity
Review: This is one of the best movies I've seen, period. First of all, Gael Garcia Bernal is a great (and great-looking) actor, especially in a role such as this. The transition from boyhood to manhood is a favorite topic of directors, but often the subject is treated with sentimental extremes. It is rare to find a coming-of-age film that is neither heavy with drama (such as "The Graduate") nor reduced to nonstop slapstick ... gags (like "American Pie", which was an enjoyable comedy but certainly not art). "Y tu Mama Tambien" treads with ease the line between farce and melodrama. It sensitively but candidly addresses issues such as friendship, competition, social politics and the male ego while offering up a steady stream of laughs. Gael Garcia Bernal once again proves himself one of today's finer young actors on either side of the U.S.-Mexican border (and, in my humble, crush-tainted view, in the entire world).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A road picture and a sexual odyssey
Review: This tale of two teenage boys, best friends despite different social backgrounds, who impulsively invite a older married woman along on a trip to the Mexican coast with the express intention of seducing her, created quite a stir on its theatrical release. The sexual frankness and nudity may seem shocking to American audiences but, however crude, strikes one as a realistic depiction of randy adolescent obsessions. The shadings and ambiguities in the two boys' relationship with each other, as well as with Luisa, the woman, are superbly conveyed by the actors, making the unexpected climax, where their friendship takes an unforeseen turn during a three-way sexual encounter, credible, if no less breathtaking. Cuaron, the director, loads the simple plot with a bit more baggage than it can comfortably bear--a hidden tragedy, and detached narration with a distinct political bent that seems out of place. Still, "Y Tu Mama Tambien" remains a bold and fascinating exploration into cultural and sexual mores.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great send-up of Machismo Mexico
Review: The craftiness of this film weaves broad social issues (globalization, capitalism, class struggle) with the transistion from childhood to adulthood with great subtlty and believable characterization. The hedonistic nature of the two main adolescent characters is the nature of men, countries, "and your mother too" the film seems to say.

Where the film falters is in the female lead character's fatalist tendencies that sends the film into a predictable spiral towards the second half of the film....

The film is dead-on in its portrayal of Machismo excess and the phallocentric lines it draws between various social contstructs as well as forming a fair criticism of the Mexican economic and political machine.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very intensive....
Review: This movie is one of the best ones I have seen when it comes to describe human nature. Perhaps Kundera would agree to say that this is a modern " unbearable lightness of being".

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