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Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

List Price: $14.95
Your Price: $11.21
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: ATTENTION! Do not get the R-Rated version of this film! I made the mistake of watching this movie for the first time after having rented it from a certain rental chain that will remain nameless, but which, I unfortunately had forgotten, carries only R-rated imitations of films originally NC-17 or NR.

Editing may not usually be such a problem, but it ruined the experience for me. In it's original form, this film is PERFECT: uniquely magical, haunting, beautiful, tragic, and all of that good stuff. I envy anyone the experience of watching this film for the first time, and I plead with anyone who is about to do so, please, please, please Do NOT get the edited version. It is an absolute masterpiece as it was originally created, and the MPAA butchered it. I am not saying the R version is bad: it was still incredible, and after watching I went out and got the original version. But, compared with how the film should be seen, it is incredibly unfortunate that the most readily available version is the one that is chopped up.

Please get this film, but you have to go to an independent rental store, or buy it somewhere, but get the NR version. And do not watch the R version before watching the NR version. I only wish someone had told me the same thing

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Contrary to what others may say, the unrated version provided no kind of enlightenment on the meaning of the movie. I was appalled by the sex scenes, and continued to watch it only because I wanted to see if there was a point to the movie. When it was over, I still had no idea why anyone would waste money on that. I don't recommend it at all to anyone, especially if you don't like porn!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good but Overrated
Review: It's a callous thing to say, but somehow I doubt that if Y Tu Mama Tambien had been the same film made in America and starring American actors, it wouldn't have gotten nearly the same amount of praise that it has thus far this year. Why? Because some of the things you're more or less willing to accept here (a mature woman going on the road with two horny teenagers, and willing to have hot monkey sex with both, and the secret she carries with her) could easily come off as contrived. It's a testament to all the actors involved here, along with director Alonso Cuaron, that the film doesn't let that happen. Every character in the film is real and compelling, and the sexual dynamics between the three main characters keep you hooked all the way throughout. Why can't American films be populated with people this realistically attractive? Only My Big Fat Greek Wedding can offer similar qualities.

Even so, the more unrealistic aspects of Y Tu Mama Tambien nag at you long after viewing. And the film is also hampered by a narration that is both unnecessary and hideously intrusive. Sound breaks when the narrator chimes in about issues seemingly more important to the filmmakers than the audience itself. And that's a shame, because it hurts the story's momentum, and at inopportune times.

Also note that the R-rated version of this film edits out critical plot points as well as, let's face it, some hot action. Stay far away from that butchered cut.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this review is more on the dvd rather the movie
Review: i was very much satisfied with the dvd although i found one problem.. the audio commentary by the cast members doesn't have subtitles and they were speaking in spanish all the time so i couldn't understand. but aside from that, the dvd is great!

hopefully, the el crimen del padre amaro [another highly controversial but otherwise great film from mexico] dvd will come out soon!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: one of the best films of the year.
Review: This is one of the best films I have seen this year. It is mote known for some sex scenes in the film, but there is a lot more then that to like about this film then that. The director, Alfonso Cuaron, also did A LITTLE PRINCESS, a film you wood not think about when you watch this.

Note: do not get the R Rated Verison, it cuts out some sex scenes that help with the film's story line.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Why Can't America Make Movies This Good...
Review: First off let me get over the superficial: Yes, there is sex. Yes, there is quite a bit of both male and female nudity as well. So that's that. Beneth that, there's a truely great coming-of-age story. While that sounds really cheesey, it avoids all those cliches made popular by American coming-of-age comidies like "American Pie". There is real heart in this film. The characters are quite loveabe, espically the female character (who's name escapes me) who has some very meaningful and loving things to say. The ending is very sad though, and while I'm not spoiling it for you, it's a double-whammy (i'm sure I spelled that wrong).

The theme is blended in well, about how being overly compeatative can prevent you from seeing and experiencing life. Frequently, the female character will be talking to someone about a very important issue, and the boys will be in the background, playing fooze-ball, or football.

Overall, SEE THIS MOVIE! If your bored by the story, there's plenty of sex and nudity to suite anyone, as we established.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: R-rated edition is vandalized
Review: Do not get the R-rated version: almost all of the "wildly erotic" material has been cut. The movie makes no sense without these scenes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: And Here's to You, Mrs. Verdú
Review: Image a much more overtly sexual "The Graduate." Transplant the setting to Mexico. Make Benjamin Mexican, younger (17), and give him a best friend. Make Ms. Robinson younger (28), Spanish, gorgeous, and give her a deep secret.

Now imagine a road trip movie, but one with intelligence, sensitivity, and depth (in addition to the usual sex, drugs, and rock & roll).

Got it? You now have the foundation for a delightful, thought-provoking film-- Y Tu Mama Tambien.

I really loved this film. It perfectly captures the coming of age adventures of young men. There is only one thing on the top of their minds, and this film gives a realistic, frank look into those minds. The sub-plots deal with deeper issues: friendship, honesty, trust, commitment, betrayal, sexual identity, death, memory, class, Mexican culture, and politics- all blended into a delightful, beautiful film.

Julio and Tenoch (Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna) are superb as the raging-hormoned 17 year olds. They mix machismo, sensitivity, recklessness, teen stupidity, and soul-searing, life-changing discovery. As the older woman, Maribel Verdú, Luisa Cortes shines. She is gorgeous, frail, emotionally shattered, strong, in control, and teaches the two young men about the richness of sex.

There is a LOT of sex in this film; after all, it is about two seventeen year old boys, on a road trip with a gorgeous older woman whose husband just confessed to infidelities. Maribel Verdú has reason to experience new sexual adventures; she talks intimately and frankly with the boys about sex, and Julio and Tenoch are willing students. Director Alfonso Cuarón gives us a view of real sex, raw sex. The film is frank about the psyche of teenage boys-- a lot of talk (and action) related to self-gratification and sexual acts of all sorts. But it is handled differently from most American teen sex films: not the brainless, sniggering, puerile portrayal but rather the naked facts of life and love. If you are offended by such frankness, this is not a film for you. But if you would like a film that directly and beautifully deals with the subject, you will love Y Tu Mama Tambien.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Unmet low expectations
Review: Road trip? Sure, but really no one matures--at least not that you can tell Sex-crazed adolescents? Absolutely, but you see those all over these days. Sad? Well, by the end I really didn't care about any character (except maybe the pigs). Hilarious? No, although I laughed at the beginning. Sexy? Not really, but you do see some skin. [I agree with the reviewer who thought more salaciousness would have helped this picture.]

So the guys are obsessed with sex. They don't change their behavior and it's really hard to figure out what the director or writer are trying to say. Well, they do learn that they are both like to have sex with the other's girlfriend. I didn't gain any sympathy for them in the end. [The kiss at the end made me hopeful that something interesting might come out of it, but in the end that fails too.] All in all, rather standard fair.

And what can I say about the Spaniard? Is she any better than the boys? Not that I can tell. Personally, I could imagine any number of better ways to live one's final days, but playing into adolescent fantasies really does not top the list. In fact, it doesn't make the list. [OK, going to the beach would be there somewhere.]

Oh, and the narrator. Poor device. The rule of any good story: show us don't tell us. The exposition just serves to keep the director and writer from having to actual develop a well-thought out scene. And getting insight into Mexico. Well, I have my doubts. I thought the visuals of the film (particularly the contrast between middle-class Mexico City and the rural areas) were good enough. And each time the narrator was about to speak, I thought the sound had gone out on my TV.

About the cinematography. Excellent. In fact, I think you could turn down the sound (and in my case turn off the subtitles), fast forward through the acting bits and just enjoy some of the wonderful images.

I had heard about this film from a lot of people. Most loved it. I wasn't going to go that far because I've been burned by "art" films before. So I didn't expect much. Unfortunately, even that was not delivered.

So, to be brief, my review can be summed up thus: Please don't make me watch this movie again!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Adorable flick
Review: Superb, entirely original, exotic picture. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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