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Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hour and a half of entertainment.
Review: If you see movies to be entertained...and not just to critique them, I recommend this one. I'm 69 with the two youngest at 19 and 21. Both in college. The 21 requested this as a Xmas gift. While it was still under the tree for him, 19 checked it out from the local video store. I saw it before she did...the unrated (everything was there) version. It was wonderful. For entertainment, it rates very high. Sort of adolescent real-life. Masturbation, screwing, discussions that tend to show what the characters are actually thinking...took me back fifty years. Went through the same kind of thing. Nothing in the movie was intended to attract prurient interest. The intimate scenes were done so that I wanted to applaud when I saw them. For example, the scene where the girl invites the guy for instant ...let's do it...instant, unrestrained sex. And the parents, downstairs, who arrive at the bedroom shortly. Hilarious. And probably oh-so-real for those who have experienced events like this.
Why is this inviting? Because it's just an hour and a half fun event. If you want entertainment, come here. If you want porn, skip it. If you live a stilted life, forget it. Movie critic, go somewhere else.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Rent - don't buy. And don't buy the hype either.
Review: It's hailed as one of the best films of the year, sure to win the Best Foreign Picture Oscar, great coming of age film, yada yada yada - but I don't see it. To me it's simply porn. Softcore porn. Porn in a foreign language. Just because they speak spanish in the film doesn't make it art. I think a bunch of sexually repressed film critics saw it as a legitimate way to get their rocks off and couldn't help but heap praise on it. Those of us well familiar with porn (or sex for that matter) are not as impressed. Now - I love porn and I liked the movie - but one of the best films of the year - nahhhhhhhh.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not a stereotypical film
Review: On the surface, Y Tu Mama Tambien is a road trip movie. The plot is formulated around two teen boys' and one woman's expedition to a fabled, secluded Mexican beach. The movie carries a good sense of humor like most American road trip movies, but it is not a strict comedy-genre piece. There is an overwhelming realism about the two teens that is often overlooked in American films about adolescence like American Pie or Scream, for instance. They are not characterized by a single role or stereotype and their personalities are realistically conflicting: they fight, make fart jokes, ignore their surroundings, and have moments of real compassion and incredibly mature perception. The Spanish woman that travels with them is also a brilliant characterization. She is incredibly honest and [] liberated. The interaction between this woman (who does not pretend to embody a childlike innocence) and the two teens is revealing and refreshingly uninhibited.

Y Tu Mama Tambien is really two parallel stories. One is of the road trip of the upper-middle class teens and woman, the other is of the landscape and people that they encounter. There is a voice over during the film that briefly explains the background and/or future of a specific setting. Some of the most interesting storyline happens in the background of the trio's expedition.

Y Tu Mama Tambien is a worthwhile piece. It is a lively portrait of adventure and human interaction. It deserves praise for its fearless representation of what life is really all about: "to love [] and life!"

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Nothing so special. Why all the fuss and hype?
Review: A very ordinary movie with loose scenario and plot. Ordinary performance with not so likable actress and actors. Don't know why so many high praises and thumb ups. Latino's American Pie but not funny at all. Trying very hard to tell you something about the puberty growing pain but lost vapor after 1/3 part of the movie. So what has been taught by this movie to young people? Nothing. Any nostalgic youth looking back for those baby boomers? Nothing. This is actually a very shallow movie trying very hard to be looked deep but failed miserably. Sorry, no cigar this time. You might be deeper than what I've thought you to be who could always get something out of nothing.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: very overrated
Review: wow... young boys who want to have ...... fascinating stuff. not really. kinda boring.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Damn good film that feels almost real
Review: This is what many would call a "coming of age" film about two buddies from Mexico's upper class society who meet a daring immigrant woman from Spain and decide to go on a spontaneous road trip through Mexico. The trip turns out to be more than sightseeing as the trio embark upon a journey that finds them reassessing their views on life and each other. Intimate moments lead to bitter anger and resentment. It's a suprising film and the characters seem very real. They spout some philosophy that kids their age will do (the woman is always the mature center though) and there is also sexual discovery in this film that seems almost abrupt if you go not knowing what this film is about. I would definitely say this film could be an oscar contender (just so films like this will continue to get attention in-spite of not being in English). The ending is almost surreal and poignant as well. Definitely worth checking out if you want to see an interesting character study into the human condition.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Life
Review: I can only hope that everyone involved in this movie will go on to have a long and fruitful career. This is the best start that any of them could have gotten.

This movie is, to put it simply, about life. I don't believe there's anyone who can't relate this to their own lives. Even though much of the material is shocking to the typical American audience, the director presents in such a realistic way that you realize that yes, this does happen to people.

Death, betrayal by friends, drugs, school, coming-of-age, sex, and ultimately an appreciation of life shines through this whole movie. Watch it. Now.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: "Y Tu Mama Tambien" es no muy bueno...
Review: This is two pictures in one, unfortunately.

You have an idea about how this film is going to go when one moment, the two male leads are masturbating in front of one another while laying on diving boards at a swimming-pool and the next, following a pretty unneccessary "money-shot" into the water of the pool, the narrator begins chatting about some movie that's nowhere to be seen.

"Y Tu Mama Tambien" is beautifully shot, well-acted, but ultimately frustrating in the worst possible way.

The "plot" consists of two recent high school grads who say good-bye to their two high school girls and move on to their next step. In the process, they meet a beautiful Spanish girl who is about ten years older than them and ultimately invite her to a beach that is supposed to exist somewhere along the Mexico coast but doesn't really exist at all. The metaphor here is too thick for words.

To watch the three of them interact while driving to the "beach" is fun but one gets the feeling that there was zero script and that the whole thing was improvised. Of course, nobody would ever KNOW this because the audio-commentary on the DVD is in total Spanish and even an individual who was totally fluent in the language wouldn't understand it because the cast and crew sound like they're speaking from an acoustic bathroom with a pillow over the mike. It also doesn't help that they seem to be drunkenly rambling and that's a shame because I really would have liked to hear the thoughts from the cast and crew.

Anyhow, for all the hooplah that surrounds this film, it really IS sexy...it's just that most of what is here is a juvenille and silly mess. The forementioned narration is TOTALLY off and at times, is SO separate from the film, that you actually wait for one of the actors to look at the camera and say, "Shut up! That's not even what I'm thinking at ALL!"

It would have been better had you had SEEN the emotion described to you because it's not there otherwise and that just mucks things up.

The locales in the film are used nicely. Especially during the finale of the film.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Picture?
Review: I haven't seen a better movie all year. Most small-timers and foreigners don't have the resources, and most big-timers don't have the guts to make such a compelling film as this one. Kids. Obsessed with kid things. Blissfully unaware of the events surrounding them. Learnig, or not learning, by doing. A true coming of age movie. Oh, it better at least get best foreign film. At the very least!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funny, erotic and cultural
Review: If you have been to Mexico and know a little bit about its culture and the people - and I'm not talking about an all inclusive beach vacation in Cancun - then you will love this movie. For example when the camera is moving from the restaurant through the kitchen with the old woman dancing back there. Just a wonderful detail. Of course, I enjoyed the erotic scenes (get the unrated version though!) but there is a lot more to the movie.

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