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Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst Movie of the Year
Review: This is Porky's: the Mexico Years. Don't waste your time with this thrown together soft-core porn film with 90 seconds of social commentary added to fool some of the film critics. Instead, rent Amelie, Monsoon Wedding, or Fast Runner...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nothing short of magic
Review: "Y Tu Mama Tambien" is a triumph for Alfonso and Carlos Cauron. Their Oscar nomination for best original screenplay is richly deserved. No Hollywood film in my memory has nailed the teenage experience quite the Cauron brothers have here. You never get the sense that Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna are acting. Guided by the writers' pitch-perfect, teenage dialogue and Alfonso Cauron's expert direction, these guys are the living embodiment of the term "raging hormones."

I love the scene where Maribel Verdu's Luisa leaves her house to meet the boys for their road trip. As the car honks outside, Luisa grabs her bag and heads downstairs. Except, you don't see that. Instead, the camera slowly pans away from the chair and lazily makes its way to the opposite window. Once there, you catch a glimpse of Verdu hopping into the car. But, before you get to window, Cauron traverses an entire wall filled with pictures and knick-knacks representing a pastiche of the life Luisa has shared with her husband.

The message: this is potentially what she's going to leave behind. It's a message delivered *so* subtly and skillfully that, well, frankly its a spine-tingling moment. Because not only is it great moviemaking, it's a sign of the measure of respect the director has for the intelligence of his audience.

In short, this film is sheer magic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ending rivals conceptual Sixth Sense style
Review: I can spare the gentle reader many details, as I am sure they'll glean the overall plot structure of the movie from the numerous other reviews here.

I think this movie spends its time toying with the thin line between love and frienship. But, in masterful fashion, you're never shown this as the author's or director's intention. Instead, we are made to appreciate the main characters...who are easy to identify with.

These 2 'boys' are on the verge of being legal adults. Their pursuit of an older woman, introduces a voice of reason to their common adolescent antics.

Ultimately, they allow childish jealousy to create a veil of contempt for each other. The ensuing rollercoaster of events brings adult viewpoints into their lives...literally strangling away the loosened threads of adolescense, leaving them with the taught constricting tapestry that is 'society.' And, it happens so fast as to leave the viewer wondering what had just happened. Unfortunately, you know what just happened...and you feel the same emptiness that the characters happen at the same time.

I likened it to The Sixth Sense (M. Night Shamylan), in terms of the ending. Mainly, because the story is woven in such a way as to titillate while you are being made to care about the characters. You assume something will be happening throughout but, when it does, you didn't expect it at all...and then, it twists yet again to leave you sitting there in awe. In the end, the events happen quickly and briefly and they make SO much sense, that you are literally left stunned that you didn't actually see it coming.

I'll draw from another review to succintly describe my feelings as the credits began to roll. (paraphrased) "The author and director paint upon a canvas as we watch. When they are finished, we are left with the beautiful work, framed and silent."

The acting in this movie is absolutely incredible. Continuity left a bit to be desired, as their trip to the beach takes days, and nobody ever discusses anything regarding the trip itself. Yes, there's a lot of nudity...but I'll simply echo the common dismay at American puritanical cinema. No, this isn't American...but I had to buy the unrated version separately, since I didn't know we had to [alter] the original to make it...uh...'safe' for American's to view. :)

I strongly recommend this movie!!! Get the unrated version if you can though. Movie ratings are not required, and often result in robbing the viewer.

I watched this movie 3 days ago...and I just can't get the ending out of my head. It really makes you think, and reaffirms the melancholy of having society's mandates negatively affect us.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Mexican Beavis & Butthead Incarnate Get Lucky
Review: This movie is mainly a lesson in puerile behavior. The plot was often too vapid or obvious to hold my attention.

A positive aspect of the film was that the subtitles teach the student of Spanish some words that most Spanish teachers will probably not bother to teach.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Y la Pila de la Cocina Tambien (And the Kitchen Sink Too)
Review: A profane, vulgar, irrelevant, irreverent, distasteful, and (worst of all) ultimately boring film that is part buddy flick, part road movie, part coming-of-age drama, part soft core porn and totally a waste of time. Two seventeen-year-olds on the cusp of manhood embark on a trip to a non-existent beach in Mexico accompanied by an older woman who is married to one of the boy's cousins. Along the way, the boys confess they have slept with each other's girlfriends; then they each have sex with the older woman; then they sleep with each other. Oh, yah, the guys also do some drugs, masturbate into a swimming pool together, discuss the size of their genitalia ... you know, regular teen angst stuff. Oooo, and the older woman, she has like this, you know, totally tragic bummer of a secret that doesn't come out until (yawn) the end of the movie. All this, and an omniscient narrator, too, who frequently interrupts the soundtrack to point out "significant" facts and reveal the eventual fates of minor characters, etc. In addition to the semen in the pool, there's also lots of on-screen urination, some blood, even some vomit! Yep, when it comes to male bodily fluids, this is one movie that has it all. Ssszzzzzzzzzz ....

If unappealing characters spouting gutter language and showing off their unattractive bodies is your thing, go ahead and have a look. After all, a lot of professional critics judged the film's excesses to be quite profound. There are two versions available, an "R"-rated and an "unrated". Choose the "unrated"; after all, you don't want to miss that gratuitous vomiting scene.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Three for the Road
Review: Tenoch and Julio are two 17 year old buddies from upper middle-class families in Mexico, although the story is so universal they could be living anywhere. With their girlfriends going on a trip to Italy the two young men are free to travel any where, possibly to sow some wild oats. They agree to invite Luisa (a sexy, experienced woman in her late 20s who wants to get away from her womanizing husband) along on an auto trip to a fantasy seaside paradise which they inventively name "Heaven's Mouth." The film is often reminiscent of the Francois Truffaut classic "Jules and Jim."

Tenoch and Julio are at the stage of their lives when they are just about to relinquish their boyhoods and finally enter manhood. Luisa acts as the catalyst (often, but not always sexual) for their putting aside their childhood rites, including their rivalries and jealousies, and to learn what it means to be adults. They also inadvertently learn some interesting things about their friendship.

The film often includes background scenes which show the sufferings of the less fortunate of Mexico. There is a wonderful and often humorous subplot of our trio meeting a proud fisherman and his family who have dreams of economic betterment. Current political events in Mexico also plays an important part in the film. One of the boy's father is an appointee in Mexico's ruling government. A voice over narrative throughout lends to the film a dreamy, story-telling quality. The film's bitter-sweet, but very poignant finale should be recognizable to any one who has ever grown up. It is one that everyone must surely experience. "Y Tu Mama Tambien" is highly recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An great unique film.
Review: Julio (Gael Garcia Bernal) and Tenoch (Diego Luna) are two teens with raging hormores with a mission to consume exotic substances. But one summer, the two boys meets a seductive 28 year old Luisa (Maribel Verdu) and the two boys decide to bring her on a Road Trip. Both Boys taste forbidden fruits, once Luisa seduces both of them and fiding point of passion but the road, what the two friends take her seriously could destory thier friendship.

Directed by Alfonso Cauron (A Little Princess-Remake, Great Expecations-Remake) made a wonderful, touching, erotic, comedy-drama. There`s great performances by the Three-Leads. Critical Acclaimed all over the world. It`s a instant classic. The Canadian DVD`s has an terrific anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an fine Dolby Stereo 2.0 Surround Sound. This is a unapologetically sexual coming of age film that is worth seeing and remembering. Written by the Director and his brohter:Carlos Cuaron, which they recieve an Oscar for their Best Original Screenplay. Grade:A.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Natural and Sexy
Review: I thought this movie was great. It flowed so well, you almost felt you were among the characters. The steamy scenes were sexy and raw- it was so sensual and racy. I also loved the narrating behind every character which made the movie interesting and thoughtful.

The storyline of the aches and pains growing up and the incidents that expedite that process in teenage life was excellent. Especially, in the differences between the two teenage boys that pertained to their class and backgrounds and how it played out in their lives were interesting. As far as sexuality was concerned, it only took you back to how you thought about sex.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best films of the year.
Review: On one level, it's a teen sex movie. On another, it's the most frank and realistic depiction of sexuality that I've ever seen. Director Alfonso Cuaron has created something adult and important, about the reality surrounding what sex is and what it can be. Also, it comments on naivete, class distinctions, marriage, death and grace.

Despite the levels it reaches, though, "Y Tu Mama Tambien" is also endlessly entertaining, both funny and heartbreaking. And the ending, whether or not you see it coming, feels so natural and inevitable that it seems to reward the audience for paying attention.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Soft-core pornography thinly disguised as "art"
Review: Two high school seniors, one rich, one poor, meet up with a mature late 20's woman who leaves her husband to go on a road trip with the boys. The movie caused stirs on its theatrical release, because, guess what? she "does it" with both of them...

...You will watch this movie, because everyone giggles and tells you to. But you won't feel good about yourself when it's over.

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