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Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) - Unrated Edition

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Yet another reason never to go to a public pool.
Review: Oh my god, what a disaster. Yes this pic has a lot of complex themes and issues and such, but they're thrown in the mix like unsorted dirty clothes into a hamper. The whole film is narrated POORLY by some guy who's voice was slowly but surely putting me to sleep. We could win any war if we just broadcast this film to the enemy prior to invasion. Besides that, the two guys were just annoying, and clearly not very loyal to each other. What the hell kind of friendship do they really have? They both sleep with a woman, perform TERRIBLY, and then get mad at each other for it? Thats what the fools wanted! Ok, yes, they did bad things with each other's girlrfiend's... but that could be worked out easily enough. These guys must have hated each other from the beginning of theirfriendship. And the woman they both left unfulfilled? Oy. The ending of this film is worse than the ending of AI. I was waiting for someone to just burst in and kill all of them. It would have been far more satisfying.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Mexico can do better
Review: I can struggle through reading subtitles is the film itself offers something worth while. I admit that this tale begins with a couple of young girls with the kind of shape that pleases a male audience. That they were less than scantily clad certainly got my attention. After that, the movie dwindled into a road movie where the two girls are off to Europe and their less interesting boyfriends engage in a road trip to the beach. Now, I didn't think Mexico was that wide, but this beach trip takes forever and these main characters don't get any deeper in their conversation. It amazes me that some foreign films get so much attention when there are some truly good ones out there. El Mariachi is practically a classic. There is a commentary in Spanish but I don't speak enough to understand it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good but disappointing
Review: This is, by all means, a good movie. Good actors, good music, good photography. But I find it hard to classify it as erotic.

... ... Reading the editorial review and the award nominations, I thought this would be a good choice.

This movie, however, is about an unhappy woman who runs off with two teenage boys after she learns that her husband is cheating on her. On several occasions, we see her crying by herself. She is sad, lonely, disillusioned. ...

I must admit that some scenes were more pleasing than others. The encounter between one of the boys and the woman in the motel room after the boy's shower was particularly exciting. ... the opening scene or in the car, or the two boys kissing, were far from "erotic" to me. And, again, all of this is happening because this woman has been rejected and it's difficult to forget that as you are watching.

I guess you have to be mindful of why you are buying this movie.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Beavis and Butthead do Mexico.
Review: A vulgar and pretentious coming of semen story between 2 spoiled Mexican brats which has been nominated for Best Original Screnplay by The Academy.

(Naw, don't groan, LAUGH!)

If you believe a porno film is 'profound' because a voice over 3rd person omniscient narrator keeps interrupting with prophetic or cryptically irrelevant exposition, or that all males are really homosexuals at bottom (sorry) but in childish denial until a wise, older woman gives 'em an oral menage a trois, then, amigo, this Dos Equis is for you!

This heavy handed piece of basura has been receiving glowing reviews from major critics. (Where is Joe Bob Briggs when we need him?)

I sincerely hope it wins the Oscar, the director is a genius--though not for the reasons ascribed to him by admirers.

The genius consists in making a blatantly formulaic film, (repeat: FORMULA) that passes as original among the dumb gringos. In Holly (Are you now are have you ever been a member of the Republican party? )Wood, the powers that be are being taken for a ride. Yep, in that sense, it's a 'Road Movie'

A two star film but a wonderfully hyped five star con job. El emperador esta desnudo, but the adults (?) have clothed him in their image.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What films should be like
Review: Alfonso Cuarón directed this coming-of-age film about two teenagers who go on a road trip with an older woman, specifically the wife of one's cousin.

Tenoch (Diego Luna) and Julio (Gael García Bernal from Amores Perros) are best friends who offer to take Luisa (Maribel Verdú) to a private beach they call Heaven's Mouth. Along the way, she seduces both of them and they bond in an even more lasting way. But love can hurt.

First off, this is a film for adults. The extreme amount of sexual talk, activity, and just plain nudity gave this unrated Mexican film a lot of controversial publicity. Otherwise, I may never have heard of it. (There is an R-rated version which I did not see, but I can't imagine what they would have had to cut out to receive that rating. There is a rumored cut--made to pass Mexican censors--that is ten minutes long.)

It also received rave reviews, which I will say right now it deserved. Y Tu Mamá También is one of the best films I saw in 2002. The acting is amazing. I believed that Tenoch and Julio had known each other since childhood although they were obviously two actors who had never met before.

And it's a fun film. Road trip movies usually are about the events encountered along the way and there are plenty of those, but this is more about what happens inside the car among the three vulnerable people: Luisa who has a secret, and Tenoch and Julio each hoping to be the one to receive her "attention."

Y Tu Mamá También is definitely worth a viewing, and is probably worthy of multiple viewings. It's one of those movies you watch and then cannot stop thinking about.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Needles of Brilliance in an Astrodome of Hay
Review: Watching 'Y Tu Mama Tambien' reminded me of books I used to read about film-making and the done-to-death techniques new film-makers use so that their final effort is somewhat of a coherent piece of work. This film is one of those oddities that both insult you with its' cliched use of the cinematic medium, and at the same time inspire you with its' tale of young love and hopelessness. Any art-house or international film viewer will find it hard to dispel this film as either 'garbage' or 'a masterpiece'. To me it is neither, which is a pity because the blurbs looked so promising. Then again, they said very good things about 'The Life of David Gale' and look what happened.

The story, which has many Mexican-born individuals feeling mighty insulted, is almost non-existent, except that we are treated to the escapades of two young boys and an older woman who choose to drive their car through picturesque Latin America without so much as a care in the world. While this leads to some interesting situations and dialogues, it is hardly uplifting, and I suppose any film critic who loves Carne or Truffaut would balk at some of the drivel presented here that is intended to be 'artistic'. None of it really is, even though there are some grogeous shots of the sunset and overtops of water bodies.

The young actors are indeed very talented, yet even they look disinterested in patches. Perhaps this has more to do with their characters, but it all leads to a feeling of tediousness and uneccessary melancholy, none of which I quite appreciated. To some this may qualify as marks of a stunning new film, but 'Y Tu Mama Tambien', while somewhat involving, lacks any new spirit or sense of beauty that is present in so many other Mexican films. Even English language films dealing with the Mexican experience, such as 'Frida', seem to know more about conveying the true sense of the culture and the Latino way of life.

The DVD on the other hand is both well designed and easily navigable. The 'deleted scenes' make you realize that you hadn't missed much, as most of it is just gratuitous sex without actually showing any skin, which may work for some viewers. The commentary is solely in Spanish without any English subtitles, so if you don't speak the language, this feature is useless to you.

Mildly recommended. This film definitely wasn't worth the hype though the climax made you sit back and think for a bit. However, considering that the ending of 'Dumbo' made me do the same thing, this isn't much of a recommendation, or a good thing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Since When Do Blink 182 Speak Spanish??
Review: Y Tu Mama Tambien is overpraised. That said, it is a very entertaining, predictable road movie set apart from many others in the genre by the excellent acting (way ahead of the boys in this aspect is their older road companion played by Maribel Verdu), often funny dialogue, interesting use of voice-over, loose storyline, natural light cinematography and, as all reviews note, frank treatment of sex. The boys are goofy, hormone-driven, feckless, and idiots, as they themselves agree at one point in the movie. In other words, exactly like a Blink 182 CD, lots of fun. The film's attempts to make a statement about class in today's Mexico, while sometimes subtle (e.g. when the road trip goes by the native town of Tenoch's nanny from his birth and he says nothing to his companions), do not -- for anyone familiar at all with the country -- really add the deeper dimension director Cuaron apparently wanted. No viewer should be surprised by any of the twists here, least of all the road trip ending or the revelations in the coffee shop coda. Enjoy the ride, but don't fall into the trap of thinking this is a movie for the ages. The boys learn a little, as adolescents do in jolts and stages, and we get a good, bittersweet show. Fair deal for a night's viewing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: memorable, compelling film
Review: I am not "big" into sub-titled movies, but that said I really thought this was an outstanding film. It is well written, well acted, cinematically holds your attention, and is exceptionally well acted. It explores universal themes of lust, jealousy, betrayal, and friendship. The sex scenes are not gratuitous, though they are explicit (and that's not a bad thing). The other reviews on this site go deeper into the plot and storyline, so I won't bore you by repeating them.

I will tell you that this is a very, very good movie, and that I recommend it highly and without reservation.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Vastly over-rated road movie
Review: This vastly overrated exercise in boredom starred some of the most boring and repulsive people I could ever imagine being in the same car with. You've seen much better on MTV's "Road Rules." Why the two young studs are attracted to the femme character is a mystery. She's loud, temperamental, manipulative and totally unattractive. For some reason, the big shock moment is when the two guys actually kiss each other. Wow. Big trauma. There's little plot, just grubby, bare-bones budgets and lots of traveling over the backroads of Mexico.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst Movie of the Year
Review: I finally got to see this one and it was absolutely ... AWFUL!!! As a Mexican American I can honestly tell you that this one is an embarrasment to Mexican Cinema and its efforts to bring great work to the U.S. It is as though somebody brought to life Beavis and Butthead in Spanish. Y Tu Mama Tambien suffers from no real plot other than two spoiled brats waiting to get laid and stoned. If the film isn't insulting enough then try the degrading Spanish only pathetic attempt at a Director Commentary section. Don't expect the director to give you any insight into this stink bomb just be forewarned that the actors continue to talk trash about the female protagonist's body. I am extremely disappointed in this one and I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS ONE!!!! GO WATCH "Real Women Have Curves" now, that's INTELLIGENT and Funny!!!!!

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