As this inane sci-fi jiggle series continues, attention shifts briefly from Meifon Li, the billionaire owner of a space protection service, to her personal assistant Kosei Hida. Despite his effete appearance, Kosei is quite the lady's man, but an ill-starred romance with the pirate Jesia ends before it really gets started in "The Rain upon the Stars." The remaining two episodes deal with how Meifon inherited two things from her grandfather: a staggering fortune and a vendetta against pirates in general and the pirate Goryu in particular. That vendetta may bring her into conflict with her fabulously wealthy suitor, Lem Lau. The storytelling in these adventures is weak at best, with the tone vacillating between silly--a spaceship crew who want to end an adventure early so they'll be on time for their reservation at a posh restaurant--to the ineffectually dramatic: Meifon casually fires a super-weapon that wounds or kills scores of innocent people. However, the real focus of the series is Meifon's redoubtable figure. Every garment she owns features a plunging neckline, and Taffei, an alien cat-bat combination who turns into a sword when needed, resides in her cleavage. Rated 13 Up for nudity, sexual situations, and violence. --Charles Solomon