Heroes Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu continue their adventures. In "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon," there's a gold-rush-style fever to discover Pokémon fossils in Grampa Canyon, but the heroes--as well as the dreaded Team Rocket--find themselves trapped in a cave where the prehistoric Pokémon, including Charizard, are anything but fossils: they're alive and angry! When Pikachu loses his voice in "A Chansey Operation," Ash, Misty, and Brock rush him to the closest hospital, which is designated for humans only. The doctor is initially reluctant to treat Pikachu, but by the end of the episode, he's engaged the good gang to help out in a rush of Pokémon emergencies. Finally, "Holy Matrimony!" reveals James of Team Rocket's background--he's really wealthy and his parents are desperate to find him. It won't matter much that Brit James has parents with heavily put-on Louisiana-toned accents, especially when it turns out they're tricking him into marrying. (Ages 5 and older) --N.F. Mendoza