The adventures of Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu veer toward the supernatural in this set of three episodes of the popular Pokémon series. In "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak," the perennially lonely Brock--and James of the evil but inept Team Rocket--find themselves smitten with the ghost of a beautiful girl who died 2,000 years ago. Ash learns an important lesson about self-sacrifice and concern for others when he gives up the first Pokémon he raised and trained in "Bye Bye Butterfree." Despite the best efforts of Team Rocket, Butterfree finds a mate and departs with her for their nesting grounds, giving this story an uncharacteristically downbeat ending. After being lost in the woods for the umpteenth time, our heroes reach Saffron City only to discover it's a very strange place in "Abra and the Psychic Showdown." They're rescued from their initial run-in with Team Rocket by Sabrina, a pretty little girl with mysterious psychic powers. The quartet learns that Sabrina can be an unreliable ally--and an unpredictable opponent. This cliffhanger ends with Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu setting out for nearby Lavender Village to capture a ghost Pokémon to use against Abra, Sabrina's psychic Pokémon. --Charles Solomon