Despite the series title, Nanako Shichigusa is not a nurse, but the maid of Dr. Kyoji Ogami, an internationally noted surgeon and bio-engineer. She's also a klutz--wherever she goes, she breaks dishes, incinerates meals, slips, trips, and falls. Of course, her real function is sex object. She wears short skirts that hike up to show her panties and low-cut tops that accentuate her constantly jiggling cleavage. She frequently loses even these minimal garments, always when an audience is present. Dr. Ogami is often verbally and physically abusive and insists on her following a grueling athletic training regimen. For some reason she adores him. Ogami is also involved in a top-secret bio-medical program involving "Green," an alien creature with three strands of DNA in its cells. The experiments are supervised by the Pentagon and the Vatican (!), and Ogami has to fend off the interference of a crotchety general and a frosty papal emissary. The slapstick sexual comedy fails to mesh with the sinister intrigue, and Nanakofeels like two ill-matched series imperfectly edited together. However fans of anime jiggle shows aren't likely to worry about plot nuances. Rated for ages 16 and up for nudity, sexual situations, and violence. --Charles Solomon