Rating:  Summary: Splendid, Twisted, and full of suprises Review: 3x3 eyes is a masterpiece. Based on the Anime' and graphic novels of the same name, it follows the story of a young man named yakumo and a mysterious demon girl named pie. Wonderful charachter developement, beautiful imagery, fabulous exposition, and non-stop action make this one of the top ten anime ever made. Definitely a must.
Rating:  Summary: Splendid, Twisted, and full of suprises Review: 3x3 eyes is a masterpiece. Based on the Anime' and graphic novels of the same name, it follows the story of a young man named yakumo and a mysterious demon girl named pie. Wonderful charachter developement, beautiful imagery, fabulous exposition, and non-stop action make this one of the top ten anime ever made. Definitely a must.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Anime Collection no Anime fan should miss Review: 3x3 eyes is one of the longest running and best Anime Manga in Japan. The 2 OAV series of course are 2 of the most classic Anime series ever made. If you are a true anime fan, then this collector's set is a must get. If there is a set that would make me not buy El Hazard: The Magnificent World. This one would be one. Even if you are not an hardcore Anime fan, the action, the emotion and the character in the show is still one of the best even at current time.
Rating:  Summary: Two stories, two goals (and monsters in the way) Review: 3x3 Eyes was one of those not so 'normal relationship stories between a boy and a girl' from the early 90's. The set is a compilation of all 3x3 Eyes anime to date. This is definitely a region 1 DVD so those out of the US stuck with a non-region 1 DVD are out of luck. Immortals is the first half of the story, and is about Pai's (the triclops) quest to becoming human, but she needs the help from a boy called Yakumo; who she has been looking for, for four years; and an ancient statue. I just so happens that an evil cult is also in search of this statue at the same time. The main characters are loveable. Yakumo is a silly character, but means well. He is also a hopeless hero does his damnedest to protect Pai in times of danger. Pai is a dual personality character. Most times cute and innocent, but the triclops character the opposite, but rational. The art from Immortals is dated, and perhaps slightly inconsistant. It was made at a time just before the use of bright and bold colours which is common in current day anime. The story it self has a good mix of action, monsters, comedy and drama. The Legend of the Divine Demon is the second part of the series, and takes place some four years after the end of the first part. First of all, the style of art is noticeably different to the Immortals, but it does not alter the fact that it is a continuation of the original story. This time the story starts with Yakumo in search for Pai. When Yakumo does find her, Pai does not remember him, or the events from four years back. The original plot from Immortals takes a back seat in this installment of the story, which is basically about regaining Pai's memory, which in turn uncovers some other, perhaps unnecessary, convolutions in story. I would suggest people start the second disc with no expectations for it to be like the first disc. This part is certainly less comical, the characters are less likeable, but the action remains about the same. Yakumo is much more confident in fighting, although his adversaries have also gotten stronger. Over all it is a good story to watch, there are strong themes of devotion and friendship, so it's not the regular mindless action for no-reason story.
Rating:  Summary: Little Known Anime Classic Review: 3x3 has to be one of the virtually unknown classics of anime-and this DVD set has to be the best deal for a fan there is. Previously only the first 4 parts of the 7 were release on VHS, leaving 5&6 hard to find-while 7 never actually came out for the public (at least in America, I could be wrong else where.) The mini-series begins the saga of Yakumo, and his quest to make Pai, his demon-acquaintance, human. A strange bond develops between the two of them, binding them together through thick and thin. Their journey takes them to Hong Kong and back to Japan, where they finally become separated-how they get back together is a story in its own. The animation is great is some places, and lacking in others-but the strange plot and crazy characters make up for it. The music might seem a tad familiar to any one who has seen Braveheart-you might even swear that the producers of Braveheart borrowed it from the anime :) 3x3 Eyes is, however, extremely gory, which is critical to plot. But the gore is well done, and a vital part of enjoying the anime, in my humble opinion. ;) The series is truly superb for any otaku or anime-fan, but perhaps a little too much for someone just getting started on their anime fix.
Rating:  Summary: Little Known Anime Classic Review: 3x3 has to be one of the virtually unknown classics of anime-and this DVD set has to be the best deal for a fan there is. Previously only the first 4 parts of the 7 were release on VHS, leaving 5&6 hard to find-while 7 never actually came out for the public (at least in America, I could be wrong else where.) The mini-series begins the saga of Yakumo, and his quest to make Pai, his demon-acquaintance, human. A strange bond develops between the two of them, binding them together through thick and thin. Their journey takes them to Hong Kong and back to Japan, where they finally become separated-how they get back together is a story in its own. The animation is great is some places, and lacking in others-but the strange plot and crazy characters make up for it. The music might seem a tad familiar to any one who has seen Braveheart-you might even swear that the producers of Braveheart borrowed it from the anime :) 3x3 Eyes is, however, extremely gory, which is critical to plot. But the gore is well done, and a vital part of enjoying the anime, in my humble opinion. ;) The series is truly superb for any otaku or anime-fan, but perhaps a little too much for someone just getting started on their anime fix.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best anime title of all time, now even better. Review: First of all, I own and have seen the old Streamline dub of 3x3 Eyes. So I'm speaking not of a long ago recollection of the old dub, but from an actual recent comparison of the old version vs. this new DVD. This new Pioneer DVD release is 1000 times better than that old crappy dub by Streamline. Not only does this DVD have great voice "acting" (note the emphasis on the word "acting", something which the old dub lacked), but it finally completes the series that has long been incomplete (thanks MGM/Orion for leaving us in the dark for 4 years). OK now before you say "why am I so gaga over this new dub", let me say that I still prefer watching the Japanese Language version with English subtitles (something that this great DVD version offers for the first time). But Pioneer gets an "A" for effort for putting serious work into making a good quality dub. A lot better than many dubs out there. I enjoyed it a lot, but who can resist Megumi Hayashibara as Pai. Although Christian Campbell does a great Yakumo. What I don't like about this DVD is the image quality of the 1st OVA series. But I blame that on the quality of the original source material and not the DVD authoring process. Still it's much better than my Streamline VHS. The extras are somewhat lacking (just some image gallery and cast bios) still I give Pioneer kudos for including a voice cast images & bios for both the English and Japanese actors, something you don't often see in an anime DVD. One important note comparing the old Streamline version to this new DVD, which makes this DVD version better. You can see that Streamline actually did some editing to 3x3 show when they made their VHS "perfect collection" in 1992. You don't get to see the images of Kayanwang's grave and the ruins of Kunlun which run during the end-credits of episode #1. And at the start of episode #2 & #4, Streamline decided to edit in their own music into the show rather than using just the voice over and sound effects. Plus it's nice to hear all 4 of the end title music scores from the first OVA. Speaking of the music, did anybody notice that the movie Braveheart practically stole Pai's theme from 3x3 Eyes as their own love theme? Kaoru Wada should be suing James Horner for theft. I have seen many anime sites list this DVD to their essential collection list and I am one to agree with them. It's well worth the extra money to own this classic.
Rating:  Summary: Favourite anime of all time Review: I actually bought this series on VHS several years back. I've seen it like 70 times (seriously), and it is still my favourite. This anime is action-packed to say the least and, together with an incredibly story this makes a killermovie. I had to get this DVD pack as my VHS is getting worn. The VHS series consists of five parts, while this DVD pack contains 7. It is the same story though, the episodes are only split up differently
Rating:  Summary: Blindsided. Review: I came home from a deployment to find this DVD sitting on the kitchen counter, left there by one of my roommates. I was shocked. Rather than unpack, I threw the first disc into my PS2 and sat on a pile of clothes to watch it. It was awesome, no need to sum up the plot, the other reviews do that well enough. I wanted to comment on the fact that they changed so much of the dialogue, adding things that were not there before. Pauses, blushes, long stares and panoramic scenes all took on new meaning as the plot changed. The entire plot has been revamped and tuned up compared to the version I had originally watched, and so it was like watching the last few episodes from scratch. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as I expected, but a very good anime Review: I first watched this anime many years ago as a dub. And despite the many criticisms it recieved for the actors and actresses participating in the english dubbing, I thought they were pretty good. Yakumo's original english voice did a really good job and so did several others. This dvd dub doesn't have the same enthusiasm and same feel as the original dubbing, though Yakumo's english voice displayed great voice acting. I guess I didn't like this dubbing so much because I was so used to the original dubbing of the film and much of the dialogue was changed. Anyways, on to my review...The video quality is not of the usual dvd quality seen in more recent dvd anime, due to the age of the film. However, the second disc, since it is newer, has better animation and artwork. The story is pretty good and is one of my favorite anime of all time. However, the story seems unresolved in this dvd set and hopefully there will be future plans in continuing the story (I've heard rumors of a tv series of 3x3 eyes). The romance within the story is also well done. All in all, this anime classic should be watched by all anime fans. Despite all of the obstacles it had on its way to America, 3x3 eyes finally made its way here and hopefully many will come to appreciate this.