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Fruits Basket - A Great Transformation (Vol. 1)

Fruits Basket - A Great Transformation (Vol. 1)

List Price: $29.98
Your Price: $26.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Most Heart-warming and Touching Anime out there!
Review: This is the most heart-warming and touching anime series I've ever seen. It's shoujo, meaning it's geared towards girls but anyone would enjoy watching this. It doesn't have games battles, transforming robots, or flying demons but my 11 yr old son loves watching it because of all the funny and outrageous characters (our favorites are Shigure, Kyo, Momiji & Ayame). Just 26 episodes long, it's a short series, although the manga comics are still ongoing in Japan.

You meet and get to know the cursed Sohma family through the eyes of orphaned high-school student Tohru Honda. Everyone has a story to tell, some quite heart-wrenching. I was touched by all their stories. Heck, I even felt sorry for Akito!

Although I prefer to watch anime in their original Japanese, I think that Funimation did a SUPERLATIVE job of dubbing and translating these series. In my opinion all the American voice actors were excellent! I really liked Laura Bailey as Tohru but my hat goes off to John Burgmeier who was just AWESOME as Shigure!

Only four volumes long, this is a worthwhile investment. BUY this and add an excellent anime series to your collection!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Favorite Anime!
Review: It's hard to categorize Fruits Basket. It's not very action-oriented. It's probably aimed more at girls than boys, yet I think any number of people, male or female, young and old would enjoy it. The story seems simplistic on the surface. It could be called "cute." It could also be called "sweet" but I believe that those descriptions short change this rather complex story of how kindness, being true to yourself and trying to find the good points in everyone can be woven into an entertaining and satisfying story. Throw in plenty of drama, a hint of mystery, a little romance, some humor and you'll be hooked. Although it has it's sad moments, more often then not, this series will genuinely make you smile.

Fundamentally Fruits Basket is a story about finding your family, a place where you can "just be yourself". When Tohru Honda loses her mother, the only family she has ever had, she is fortunate enough to stumble across the home of "Prince" Yuki, the most adored boy in her high school. When he and his older cousin Shigure learn of Tohru's circumstances (she's living in a tent) they offer her a place in their home in exchange for housework and cooking. This girl is possibly the only other person they will meet whose life is filled with as much sadness as theirs. Such bravery in the face of adversity touches their hearts, although you can be sure that Shigure is also happy to have hot, home-cooked meals everyday and clean laundry! Before she can truly appreciate her luck, she soon learns that her new family has a secret curse. When hugged by members of the opposite sex, or when under a great deal of stress, they turn into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Although the transformations sometimes are used playfully, the Sohma's truly are burdened by their curse. Tohru promises maintain their secret and thereby is allowed to stay with them. The greatest transformation of them all might be when the one the Sohmas undergo by opening their hearts and home to Tohru

This first disc has 6 episodes, all of which are outstanding. They introduce the core characters, set up the tone and direction of the story, and each one builds on the other in a logical and satisfying progression. The main characters are of course, Tohru Honda, an ordinary girl who has known plenty of sadness in her life, but is also able to find happiness. You also meet the Sohmas, Yuki, the charming and emotionally reserved "prince" of high school, his goofy but generous older cousin Shigure, whose house they live in, as well Yuki's hated rival, the short-tempered and brash, Kyo. You also catch a glimpse the mysterious and sinister Akito Sohma, head of the family who conditionally allows Tohru to stay. He is a dark and menacing presence that is seldom seen, yet always felt and his promise to have Tohru's memory erased remains a constant threat to fragile happiness of Tohru and the Sohmas. We also meet Tohru's steadfast friends, the weird Hana who senses electrical signals and Uo, a former gang member as well as Tohru's beloved mother, seen only in flashback.

As Tohru adjusts to her new life in Shigure's house, she comes to know each of the boys a little better, often seeing their good qualities when they can't see any for themselves. It's such a simple thing, yet it's easy to see how that, coupled with Tohru's willingness to make the best of any situation and her unfailing kindness begin to make a difference in all of the Sohma's lives. Perhaps she can even bring Yuki and Kyo, who loathe each other's guts, if not into friendship, at least to an understanding of each other. The standout episode on this disc is number 5, where Tohru is torn between her new-found family with the Sohmas and returning to her old life with her paternal grandfather, where she just doesn't quite fit in. It nicely encapsulates all of the good qualities of the story so far, and further illustrates the profound effect that her short stay with the Sohmas has already had on them.

In addition to the wonderful story, the animation is done beautifully. The lines are crisp, elegant and spare. I really liked the muted colors and pastels that are used and the music is gentle as well. Taken all together it gives the whole series a certain restful quality in keeping with the story that is more about characters and emotions then action. I applaud FUNamation for putting together such a nice package and for putting 6 episodes on one disc, as well as some nice extras. If you are at all like me, you'll devour the first disc and be ready for the second in no time. I had to go out the next night and buy the rest of the DVDs since I couldn't wait to finish the story. Fruits Basket is a really unique anime that is off the beaten path and well worth your while. It's become my new favorite anime series and hope many people discover it's wonderful qualities and enjoy it as much as I did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful, warm anime... no explosions, but Kyo's close ;-)
Review: Don't get me wrong, but I'm not a huge shoujo fan. I'm a grrrl and I far prefer the boy's toys. *wicked grin* My favorite things to watch are sci-fi epics, fantasy and action-adventure type stuff... but... but... this is one of the most heartwarming, heart-wrenching and HUMAN anime I have ever run across...

I cried. At several parts. You think YOUR family is disfunctional? HA. You ain't met the Sohmas yet... *shivers* They are _severely_ messed up - but trying very, very hard to deal anyway. Other reviewers have given details on plot and situation. The curse. The transformations. But those are just window-dressing to the real human issues; love, friendship, acceptance, compassion, grief, personal strength, loyalty, finding your place in the world, growing up, moving on. All tough questions. Few easy answers. These are just humans trying to get through their lives the best they can, recovering from their problems the best they can and trying to understand life the best they can... until they discover this one girl... Tohru Honda. She's not the brightest, she doesn't have *all* the answers, and she doesn't always do exactly the right thing every time, but what Tohru does best is simply accept them and love them - despite their rough edges and twisted lives and terrible curses. And slowly, painfully the Sohmas come to love and accept her in return.

I simply can't fully express how wonderful, wrenching and uplifting I found this series. Not in a silly, sappy way either. But in a way that makes one look at one's own life and go, hey, yeah, with friends and loved ones, you _can_ get through the tough times too. No matter what.

This is a lovely series. Give it a try. If you make it through Momiji's full story without crying too (or at least tearing up a bit)... well then... I'd worry.

Besides... the clever Ka-Ching wipes are almost worth the whole show... *grin*

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: First love. You remember it?
Review: I am feeling strange. Sorta mellow, and happy, but sad. I said strange. But still I remember this feeling, reaching far back, I do recall it. First love. You remember it? That anxious, head in the clouds feeling? And I have a amazing tolerance for mean people this week. And perhaps the weirdest thing about it is that I think I actually have a crush on sixteen year old cartoon character, and yet I am okay with it. Did I tell you I felt strange. I just finished watching The entire Fruits Basket
series for the second time.

Fruits Basket is a powerful series. The story of a high school girl, Tohru Honda, who by sheer chance, after the death of her mother, gets invited to move into a house with three really cute guys. One of them, Yuki, is actually Mr. Popularity at her high school, I mean what luck! But the real surprise is that these three guys, who are all completely huggable, will transform into members of the Chinese Zodiac should a member of the opposite sex actually hug them... or fall on them, or run into them... a lot of transforming going on, and did I mention that they are naked when they transform back? Really, great fun, but this is only a tiny little piece of a truly wonderful story.

The true brilliance of this anime comes from the characters relationships. The characters in Fruits Basket are all basically good, but desperately flawed. Imagine spending your entire life forced to avoid any kind of intimacy, or friendship, with the outside world for fear you will accidentally transform into an animal. The story does a brilliant job at conveying the pain and loneliness of the cursed Sohma family, as well as the love/hate relationships within the family. On one hand you have the kooky cursed members of the Sohma family. Even the most evil member of the family, Akito, has a strange sort of beauty about him. You find yourself wanting to heal their pain, you very much want to hug these guys. On the opposite end you have Tohru, a sweet naive girl who only wants to please everyone around her. Add to this mix Tohru's weird friends and the crazy fan club girls who have staked claim to the innocent and unknowing Yuki. And you have your Fruits Basket. A wonderful addictive series that will have you laughing uncontrollably one moment and near tears the next. After I watched and loved all 26 episodes, I knew it had worked its way deep into my heart. I do not know of any plans to continue the series but I truly hope that the series will continue, and that more episodes will make there way to America. In the meanwhile, I will enjoy the happy little cloud that experiencing this series has left me in. Just watch this series, I promise it will make you smile.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Dub is as good as the Sub
Review: It's rare but the Dub(English) version is just as good as the Subtitled. This is a series that both genders can enjoy. It is shoujo and meant for girls but both genders are fans of this series. This is a series that deals with relationships in a very interesting way. The viewer along with Tohru will learn the querks of each of the Sohmas and why they are the way they are. As she learns about them, she learns about herself. Human interrelations can be difficult which is intensified by the Sohma curse. No matter how old or young you are, you may recognize the traits in the characters. The series is as nice as the intro song. This is a heartwarming series with a bit of a shocking end. But be warned, always have tissues available.
Parents, this series is for the junior high age group and is particularly deft at dealing human interactions. If you want your child(ren) to be better thinking human beings, get this dvd or even better, the series.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An amazing anime story
Review: watch the first episode and believe me, u will get hooked. When i saw the first dvd, i went straight out and bought the next dvds. The story is about a young high school girl, Tohru who is an orphan living in a tent in the woods. One day she stumbles into the high school's boy "prince" Yuki. this story has humor, romance, and suspense(kinda..). dont read my review, go out and buy this! its that good! TRUST ME! U WILL love this anime!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Don't sleep on Fruits Basket
Review: The cover fools you. When I first saw this title, I thought it was going to be totally syrupy, thus boring. I was wrong. This is a romantic comedy, and its done well.

Tohru appears to be a naive, and an almost bland girl, but she's not. She is sweet, and kind beyond belief. The eccentric characters around her balance her kindness with strangness. Tohru's world is full of guys who tranform into animals, if hugged by her (or any member of the opposite sex), her pals, one of whom is a former gang menber, and a gothic psychic. There is als a fiecely territoral "Prince Yuki" fan club, who resents Tohru for walking to school with Yuki Sohma, the "prince" of the high school.

The Sohma curse is outrageous, which you've likely read already, transforms them into animals of the Chinese zodiac when hugged by a memeber of the opposite sex. Tohru stumbles onto this fact, which was supposed to be a secret, and things get crazier from there.

The Sohma family is filled with rivalry, and hilarious relationships. Tohru keeps their secret, while having a positive effect on the secertive Sohmas. Its clear she has feelings for Yuki, but also for Kyo, and he's so macho and short-tempered, he's next to impossible to be freindly, but Tohru reaches him as well.

The series mixes humor, drama, and action, making it very entertaining. There is also a dark, mystery behind the curse. It pops out from time to time. It adds another level to the series. More Sohmas appear as the series progresses, causing all sorts of trouble for each other and for Tohru.

I do want see the end of the series, and recommend giving Fruits Basket a view.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not Just Cute
Review: This is a DVD I skeptically bought, because a friend reccomended it. She's into shonen, and I'm an action and/or horror fan (Bebop, Lain). I poped in the DVD, and watched all of (six episodes) it in one sitting without meaning to, and I was almost clinically depressed when I ran out. So I watched in english next evening. I've never done that. It doesn't fit into any catagory perfectly, because any I might name wouldn't do it justice. The premise is a girl going to live with three members of the Souma family. The family is cursed, and some turn into animals from the Chinese Zodiac when weak or embraced by members of the opposite sex. And they're forced to keep this secret at all costs. Hilarity ensues. All of the characters, in some way are deeply MESSED UP. The two main love interests are the violent and rude Kyo, and the distant, slightly creepy Yuki. They regularly try to beat each other senseless (never over Toru's attention, they just hate each other), and Yuki always wins. Their cousin Shigure, the older caregiver, is delightfully perverse at times, but warm. The girl is Honda Toru (last name first ^_^), who isn't stupid, tends to be very thankful about everything. She has trouble realizing she deserves better than she gets sometimes. Toru sees the best in everyone, and brings these qualities out while being utterly clueless about it, which prevents the story from getting too sappy. All of them are surprisingly likeable. Even though Fruits Basket is a drama, it can go at an almost hyperactive pace, and has some startlingly dark moments. Japanese is best, because even though the dub is fine. The english tends to even out the high energy and dark parts too much in translation. A richly layerd and engrossing show. That's why I liked Bebop and Lain as well.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A cute, romantic series with limited, funny anime art...
Review: I bought this DVD on the recommendation of a young female friend and haven't regretted a moment of owning it. Each DVD has 6 or 7 episodes of the series, so the price is loftier then discs with 4 episodes usually sold on DVD.

In essence, 'Fruits Basket' (another awkward/silly named anime) is a teenage family/love story filled with the ties between friends and foes in high school and home. And it contains one twist- certain people of a special Japanese lineage turn into animal forms of the Zodiac if hugged by members of the opposite sex. It begins and revolves around Toru Honda, a delightfully subservient and thoughtful high schooler who becomes the catalyst for change in the lives of the Zodiac family after a final step in her Shamanistic disassembly (her mother dies, she lives in a tent in the forest which is buried by a land slide). She is rescued by Yuki Soma(a high schooler in her class) who takes her to his house where he lives with Kyo Soma(also in her class) and Shirgure Soma(their older 'brother' who writes naughty books). These three transform into a rat, cat and dog when she comes into contact and kicks off the fun and loving stories that round out the series as she stays at their house and meets most of the remaining Zodiac animals.

The first episode is possibly the worst episode of the series. Mainly because it is slow and seemingly pointless. The final scene when the guys transform is where viewer interest picks up. The remaining episodes are cute, touching and revealing as she discovers the likes, loves and temperments of he new 'family' and grows closer to them while working and living in their country house. Perhaps the only grating elements of this series are the simplistic art/animation and the rather maliciously combative nature of several of the characters. But mostly it hits the mark repeatedly and provides a nice romantic anime (aimed mostly towards girls). There are no serious sexual scenarios or titilation seen in usual anime fare (up dress shots, breast shots, proximity and sexual symbolism). Just nice stuff and funny/cartoony expressions/animation to hit silly parts of the story.

At the heart of the series is a carefree attempt to do pretty boy/light yaoi anime for the young girls. Typical in these anime is the young, fresh, romantic appearence of nearly ANY man in the series. And some odd, slightly homosexual and cross dressing elements entering the story through odd characters in the Zodiac family is explained by strained relationships with their mothers....rather deftly thought out. BTW, the name FRUITS BASKET comes from a japanese game where kids are given fruit names, but Toru was always the Rice Ball (not a fruit, thus out of the game). In the Soma house she is the rice ball among the fruit.

'Fruits basket' a fine series for the romantic anime fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cute and Touching
Review: Toru Honda is a recently orphaned girl who decides that she is going to live in a tent so that she isn't a bother to anyone. As it turns out, she ends up camping on the Soma family's property. Yuki Soma is in her class and when he finds out what she's doing, he and his cousin (Shigure) invite her to live with them. There's only one problem. The Somas are cursed! Whenever they are hugged by someone of the opposite sex or their bodies come under a lot of stress, they turn into one of the animals from the Chinese zodiac! As if this weren't weird enough, Toru has a friend who senses electrical signals and another friend who used to be in a very violent gang! And that's only the beginning! Now that Toru is living with the Somas, her life is extremely different; what else is in store for this sweet girl?

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