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Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End of Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End of Evangelion

List Price: $29.95
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Waste of time.
Review: This is the ending of Neon Genesis? Ok so the whole ending is about shinjin still crying like a little girl acting likey a punk. Awful! And the actual series ending was even worse! It's just an insight of what everyone is thinking about in the movie. Which drags on forever. This series could have had a way better ending.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: An in your face from Hideaki Anno
Review: The Evangelion series has been one of the best, worst and most confusing anime in recent memory. When the OVA was released in Japan, it had a very complex cast of characters and an interesting and perplexing story of giant robots vs. aliens.
Although it sort of came out as a basic silly robot piloted by teens vs. aliens story, Hideaki Anno created a horrifying world with screwed up teenagers, an evil conspiracy and weird pseudo-judaic apocalyptic storyline...then he blew it all away with the last two episodes. The last two episodes were confusing and had no bearing in ending the story. This lead to alot of angry fans and death threats. So Hideaki Anno made a movie to end the series.
The End of Evangelion is an interesting but still irritating end to the series. Hideaki Anno basically made the movie as a midle finger and F-you to all the fans who complained about his ending. Instead of his original cryptic ending, Hideaki Anno basically destroys all his characters in this movie. Everything that you hated about each character comes to the surface and he makes you hate every single one of them. Asuka, the most disliked character in the original series becomes a hero and everyone else...just sort of self destructs. The ending is disturbing and still confusing.
Now if you're not a fan of the series and have not seen any of the other episodes, avoid it like the plague...Ive still not decided it I like it, or hate it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What the ...?
Review: Here is a summation of this movie: mech fighting, screaming, and then random statements/conversations using the words reality, dreams, life, death, heart, being, etc. interchangably. I heard this was supposed to be a more coherent finale than the last two episodes of the series. Wrong. It completely devolves at the end into the randomness that was the last two episodes. I actually think I liked the first ending better for its no-holds-barred chaos, but that's not saying much. This series started out so well and then it just slowly fell apart. What is it with Japanese storylines that it can't finish logically even when it starts well? Xenogears, Final Fantasy, Akira, I've about had it. Stuff that is nonsensical at the beginning (Akira) I don't expect to make sense at the end. But this was good. For many episodes.


The worst part of this movie is not the incoherent ending, but the fact that it made me wish I hadn't started watching to begin with.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Pitiful compared to the original series.
Review: For me the original ending to series will always be the true ending of the series. This is just empty by comparison.
Most of the movie comes off as merely a chance to show as much gor as possible. In the original series it seemed necessary to the plot, this just seems pointless. The scenes after a time actually stop being revolting and just seem odd. The animation is amazing but it's hard to care when the story is this bad. Shocking people seems to be the main reason for making this movie.

Another thing that bothered me was we're supposed to be watching a human mind fall apart but we're still getting thought you can follow. Sorry this doesn't work for me. I've worked as a counselor and as such have seen people lose touch with reality while going through schizophrenic, manic and drug induced episodes. None of those people had the clarity Shinji has while he's supposed to be losing his mind. I don't find this acceptable from a writer that up until now has worked so hard trying to create realistic characters.

I've heard the argument that this is what was going on in the world while Shinji was doing his soul searching in the original episodes 25 and 26. The major problem with that is the decisions Shinji makes are completely different. In the original ending Shinji accepts the oneness of humanity, has a very cathartic experience and starts moving out of depression. In this version he rejects humanity and sinks into complete self loathing. With this ending there is no improvement just wallowing in the same mistakes unendingly. They couldn't be more opposite and they clearly don't mesh.

This also disagrees with the rest of the series. Through all of this we've had the idea that humanity is majorly flawed but still redeemable constantly drilled into us. Every time one of the characters did something immoral, disgusting or shocking we were then shown something good about them or at least an explanation of why they did what they did. Slowly but surely things actually started making sense and we got to see some improvement in the characters or at least some acceptance of their flaws.

The one thing this movie does well is show how horrible it is to be a person with major depression. The way Shinji is distant from the rest of humanity no matter how they try to reach him and his completely inability to recognize that people do care about him is just wrenching to watch. His disgust of himself is also dead on accurate. This and the fact that the animation is top quality are the only reasons I'm giving this movie any stars.

Over all this ending seems more devoted to pleasing people who are ravenous for gor and giving the writer a change to vent then being a worthy ending to a series that actually managed at times to be deep and moving. There are plenty of animes out there that have tons of violence with shoddy plots. Why, oh why, did this wonderful series have to revert to being one of them? I'm not looking for an ending where the Eva kids all join hands and go skipping off into the sunset and live happily ever after. I would be even more upset with an ending where Shinji and Asuka saved the world, instantly overcame all their problems and fell madly in love with each other. But there has to be something better then this. Oh right, there is, the original episodes 25 and 26. Do yourself a favor stay away from this movie and go watch the original series again instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Evangelion's Epic Finale....The Human Condition
Review: Mankinds Fate is sealed....The Seele organization has begun their plan to take mankinds evolution to the next level, and much like the director no detail is overlooked in this barrage of pshycological self analysis and violence that concludes this epic Sci-fi...Evangelion.

After the badly received last two episodes of the T.V. series This two part movie was made to replace them, and thus supplements them or renders them obsolete as the veiwer likes.
Like a piece of modern art, it thus is left to the veiwers intrepertation.....mankinds fate...Death or rebirth. Add a
bit of Christian Symbolisim and you have the Biblical End of the world portrayed in a truly unique Sci-Fi manner...Is this Gods plan or simply mankinds doing unto himself. Its this portrayle of the worlds fate that sets it apart from end of the world shows such as the tired "The left behinds" Series. For once a origional end of the world story...but can you accept what it has to say about mankind...and yourself.

These are the questions brought up in a rather 'Space Odyssey 2001" fashion. Combined with Extreme violence on the surface and you have the human condition on film, and even though it ties up loose ends in the series, it makes new loose ends that ask you "why do you live?" Existintialism has it comeback in this unusual finale, but in the end it's up to you the veiwer...After all, this is just entertainment.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: The most disturbing, beautiful, mindraping, sad, genious, unimanaginable story, depressing, satisfaying, wonderfull, best directed Animation Ever! This is my favorite animation in the world and only AKIRA earns to stand by its side

I loved the last two episodes in the series but end of evangelion became my fav evangelion ending.

My favorite song in the world, Komm Suesser Tod (Come Sweet Death)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Rather Interesting...
Review: This wasn't exactly what I'd thought it'd be in terms of endings, but it was still great. The animation was absolutely spectacular and the suspense is on point. If your a major evangelion fan and wasn't satisfied with the series ending, you'll definately love this. Although the movie does leave you with some questions, it still has all the elements you love about evangelion. Blood, gore, annihilated eva's, mind tricks, and plenty of fighting. A must have for any NGE collection!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The most disturbing movie you will ever love.
Review: Evangelion was a series that had its fair share of wierdness and religous themes. Originally the director, Hdieki Anno Meant these themes to be a sort of backstory, the last two episodes of Evangelion were episodes that very literally, delved into the thoughts and feelings of the main characters... and ended with the off camera, end of the world, and the subsequent long awaited maturing of series protagonist, shinji Ikari.

Most Fans were less then pleased with the End of the world not being animated. But Anno wished for the end, to focus on shinji, not the appoccalypse. But Fans demanded The appoccalypse be animated in a movie or ova, lest they come for Anno's head.

As The old Saying goes, Be careful for what you wish for. End of Evangelion Was made, And the fans were... Confused. Some hated the movie and wanted it to burn. Others loved it and found it to be the perfect end too the series. And many more, Just didnt know what to think, and chalked it up too too much drug use on Anno's part.

The film is not for the faint of heart. I have long referred too this DVD as "THE WIDOWMAKER"; in the sense it is the DVD I show too casual anime fans too ascertain whether they will become hardcore. Those that finish watching it, and honestly say they understood, and even slightly appreciated what happened, become hardcore anime fans. Others make it up too the crucifixan of EVA 01 and the end of the world before they go pray to the porcelain god.

The opening scene is a Shell shocked shinji, desparately looking for comfort, masterbating over a catatonic Asuka. Then there was a falling out between Nerve and Seele, which results in Nerv falling under seige. As seele tries too recapture the Eva's from Gendo, In the process, Asuka will recover, Fight to the death with Eva models 5-13; Shinji will continue to be desteibly whiny and self loathing. And Fans will finally be able too see the long postponed, end of the world. So whats the problem?!?!

Problem is I kinda gotta agree with people thinking Anno Was on drugs making this film. Some of these images will literally shock you to the point where you wont be able to think for at least a day. The appoccalypse combines biblical prophesy, with fiction and sciance. And the result is The most Out there animated sequance I have ever seen in my long years of watching anime. the merging of biblical prophesy with science fiction leads is a compelling idea. Like a car wreck from hell, the execution is as disturbing as it can be, yet still compelling enough that I could not stop watching. As for the ending, The last words in the film are "I feel sick", which sums up my feelings exactly as the credits rolled. I felt ill, mentally numb, confused for what I had just watched was intellegent, imaginative, well thought out, but also psychodelic on a level that I cannot describe.

In the end I honestly say that I am the proud owner of this movie. But At the same time, I only watch it with friends that have never seen it. Like Grave of the Fireflies, it is not a movie you watch too lighten up or kill time. It is a film of imagination and impact, but also of grave and shocking images. You cannot not be affected by this film. The only question is, what will the affect be? This film is a love it or hate it affair. With no room for middle ground. I personally like it... But I have reservations bout recommending it to others. Watch or buy with care.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Bitter and Distasteful ending...
Review: Ummm, WTF? Probably one of the WORST MOVIES, to make a bad series gone worse. I find "Neon Genesis Evangelion" a disgusting, and insulting anime. It's pretty simple, it's just about these mentally disturbed 14-year-old children that pilot giant Bi-mecanical machines called "Evangelion's". Shinji's a stupid crybaby, who we all know and hate, Asuka is the little brat with something to hide that makes her a psycho, Rei's a puppet, no more of a clone of Shinji's mom. So, Anno dicided to do one of those "let's kill everyone off" endings. It Contains two episodes: "Air", and "Sincerily yours, my pure heart". Both were bad. I dicided not to watch Evangelion after this. Ok, here's my thoughts on the episodes:
Air Episode 25:
Brobably 2.5 stars. Not good, but still pretty bad. Definitly room for improvment. So, for NO reason, SELEE dicides to eliminate NERV? Again, WTF. Also, we get to see members of NERV destroyed and Asuka's 1/2 human Eva get ripped apart. We notice her intestines, liver, and some... other body parts spew out of her belly, because it was slit open. Ok... whatever floats their boat. Later, the dicide to get the pilots in their cockpits. Um, first, Unit 00 is DESTROYED. It was self destructed in episode 23. That's that. Second, In about episode 22, Asuka's synch level is 0. She was fired, and replaced with Kaoru. So magically, unit 00 was fixed? Wow NERV, are you fast *sarcasm*! Also, magically Asuka ia able to synch with unit 02? Um no. They should have stayed fathful to the original. Probably the thing that probably made me hate this movie the most, was Shinji masterbated over a sleepying Asuka. O_o;; wha... what? Nad, no they don't reallyu show EVERYTHING The last thingI want is to hear/see is a masterbating Shinji. NO! Bad move Anno, this makes you look bad So, it's mutiny... Unit's 05-13 are attacking NERV? That was stupid. Originally, units 05-13 were soppose to appear in the late episdes, around 22. But they dicided not to, leaving holes in their storylines. So, instead we get a Fish/seagull type thing. More grotesque imagery.
Sincerly yours, my pure heart Episode 26
Even worse than the original. Not much to say, just flashbacks, stupid scenes, and yet more pointless lame scenes tossed in a blender. Shaken, not stirred. *cough*. They didn't even conclude episode 25. So lame.
Rated 17 up for a Concernible amount of Graphic Violence, Grotesque (Disturbing) Imagery, Profanity, and Strong theamatic elements. (MANGA Entertainment)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An epic adventure that ends with a strangly beautiful wimper
Review: Those that are a fan for the evangelion series will come to understand the power of the final evangelion epic. Thus, strangly weird with its insights and visuals profounds but very intelligent mixing in religous theories with contrversial themes making this an epic adventure truly worthy of praise by the fans of this show. In this movie, Shinji is facing a life and death struggle for mankind while also facing the fears of doubts within himself only to come out of it alone in a battle to end all battles...and when they mean "The end of evangelion" they truly mean THE END!!! or is it?
With all the death threat that the director been getting by the fans of this show..he wanted to make a ending that was truly psychodelic but yet strangly true to its meaning giving the charaters life in a despirating time when the end of the world is immenate. All of the characters as you watch this movie you can't help but to either cheer for them..or cry and the music is so beautifuly done it truly goes with the movie..espcially a certain Orchestra piece during the movie that makes the fundemental changes to the end more demanding and puts strength in its changes...it was beautifuly done!
In a nutshell, the fans won't be disappointed (depressed a bit maybe for some of the scenes) for the simple fact that the end is only the beginning with a suprise ending that would make a person happy of at least a good outcome..this movie is one of the best epics and a great end to such a demanding and contrversial show, its religous insight and good fight scenes makes Neon Gensis the show and movie to watch..if you need to be at the edge of your seat with an ultamate finale then the end of evangelion is the movie for you...see it for yourself.
Hopefully there will be a new generation to neon gensis since the ending kinda made an opening to a new change.

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