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The Animatrix Gift Set (Includes CD Soundtrack)

The Animatrix Gift Set (Includes CD Soundtrack)

List Price: $29.98
Your Price: $26.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not so good
Review: the Animatrix has some of the best animation I have ever seen. I consists of nine different short films related to the matrix in some way. I thought this would have a lot of facts about the story behind the movies, but most of the short films talk about wierd things that are vaguely related to the movies. Besides, some of the have a really bad story inside them, which often ruins the amazing animation of the animatrix.
For example, "World record" and "beyond" wont appeal to almost no one because the story is stupid and boring. In fact, there were only 5 stories that I somewhat liked. This were "the final flight of the osiris", which is the story of what happened before the movie, "the matrix reloaded" and the game, "Enter the Matrix". I also liked "The second renaissance part 1&2, which tells about the rise of A.I., the war between machines and humans, and the creation of the matrix. "A detective story", that tells a story about trinity and a detective, and "Kids story", a story about a kid rescued out of the matrix by Neo, Are also good ones.
Overall, I give the Animatrix three stars because I loved some of the animation, But I think the stories were pretty bad
I recommend a rent but I woudnt tell you to buy it unless you like the matrix and you are a fanatic of anime

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Worth the money
Review: Animatrix is a must for any true fan of the Matrix. I purchased the Animatrix because I wanted to know the the backround behind the series. And it delivered beyond what I expected. The art work and CG animation is some of the best I've seen to date. If you've read some of the other reviews you probably noticed that violence comes up more than once in the reviews. NO KIDDIN'! This is not for children. Although The violence in the film is used to make a point, it is also down right disturbing.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This was the most brilliantly interpeted, scripted and thought provoking thing I have seen in a very long time. The DVD gives you background filler for what the Matrix is and the Wachowski brothers allow some of Japan's best anime artists to interpet the 9 different stories on their own. I think, just like art, each viewer will have a different type of experience. You have 9 wonderful compelling stories and the visual style is so different that it adds much value to the telling of the stories. The brothers had a vision and clearly the Matrix effected many people and, what a wonderful gift they gave by incorporating the world of anime into the telling of their vision. But not only is it visually stunning and stylish, but the music is dead on. There are all sorts of morals in the stories. From SECOND RENNAISSANCE'S man's destructive nature and his down fall, to the sort of, don't-play-with-fire nature of MATRICULATED and the playfulness and joy of BEYOND. Plus the DVD special features take us into each director of each piece explaining his "art" and how the film the Matrix effected them. We even get a little history on the orgins of anime. It was just really enjoyable to watch people who are so passionate about their craft and about the Matrix. I think you will enjoy this immensly and take something out of it yourself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply Anime
Review: They teased us with the slow release of the short films over the Internet only to stop at four (swear there was a fifth one at one point). Simply put this DVD was definiately worth the wait! It has everything from pure Anime to hidden sub-text that directly relate to both the Enter the Matrix video game as well as Reloaded flick. Don't want to give anything away, but does the short "Kid's Story" remind you of anyone in the movie?

A must have collection for the enduring Matrix fans. Although I must strongly suggest you purchase the box set with the CD included. If you have a techno lust for music, this is a total must! I actually put the Reloaded Soundtrak on the shelf and whipped the Animatix in it's place in the changer.


Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I guess I had taken the wrong pill with this dvd.
Review: I guess I had taken the wrong pill with this dvd as it's [bad]...

any of you remember geforce the tv show in the 1980's well I do, and I was reminded of it today. this is what reminds me of animatrix. I guess I just don't get it or don't like anime, but I can tell you one thing this is just marketing ... as a matrix fan I have to say this dvd is a big let down. it offers no insight into the matrix movie.

The sad part is I love cartoons just as much as any other generation x does, but this is just pure marketing...and has nothing to really do with the matrix at all, save your money on this one and besure to thank me later.

or goto warner home videos site,...and watch parts of this animatrix show for free. and make up your own mind. I just feel like I had taken the wrong pill is all with this movie and I wish I had my [money]back...

waste of time and waste of money as far as I say..

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Companion Piece
Review: It can be argued that this collection of 9 animated shorts based on the world of The Matrix was as anticipated as Reloaded. I, for one, was incredibly intrigued just by the concept. I asked myself "could any movie actually pull this off?" The Animatrix answers my question. The world that The Wachowski Brothers have created truly is the Star Wars of this generation. It is a cutural phenomena, and the quality of the 9 shorts that comprise The Animatrix show the impact of The Matrix. Here's a review of each short:

1) Final Flight Of the Osiris-This is the only short film to be done in 3-D. It was done, in fact, by the team behind the 3-D movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. It looks great and incredibly realistic. The story directly relates to the events in Reloaded. A great way to kick off this collection because it is the most familiar in style and feel.

2 & 3) The Second Renaissance-This two-parter tells the story of how man and machine came to fight against each other. Probably my favorite of all the shorts story-wise, because it gave me chills and also made me think way too much about the possibilities it presents. Be warned, this is probably the most violent of all the short films here.

4) Kid's Story-Another story that directly relates to something alluded to in Reloaded. Remember the annoying kid Neo encountered in Zion who always followed him everywhere? This is your chance to see what that was really about.

5) Program-This short deals with the training process people who have been freed must go through. It has absoutely breathtaking animation, and is the most "anime" of the 9.

6) World Record-This story shows the possibilities of being "plugged-in." Think that the only way someone can be freed is by taking the red pill? Watch this. The most interesting and inventive story as far as I'm concerned, coupled with a unique style of animation.

7) Beyond-This short deals with how the machines handled glitches in the system. It has gorgeous animation, with bright colors and a thoroughly Japanese look.

8) A Detective Story-Remember Trinity's legendary hacker status, alluded to in the first movie? This is the whole story. This one has a very unique style that I think fit the feel of the story well, and it's nice to see Trinity when she was still the baddest hacker on the block.

9) Matriculated-Can the machines be convinced to join the human side? After all, if humans were batteries and if machines have A.I., doesn't that make both man and machine connected in some way? This last short, with the best-looking animation out of the 9, answers those questions. Just as The Second Renaissance will make you feel for man, this one will make you feel for the other side.

Overall, I'd say The Animatrix succeeded what it set out to do. This was never meant to be enjoyed on the same level as the movies, it was meant to give everyone a further understanding of what The Matrix is and provide a more detailed backstory to complement the movies. It is great to see how the animators do sometimes recreate such effects as bullet-time. It comes very very close to being as dazzling and visually stunning as the movies themselves. The stories are a little sad, but they also kind of have to be. The root of why The Matrix is so popular is because there is nothing as painful for humans to watch than well, ourselves. The Matrix is spectacular and impossible, and at the same time the emotional impact of these 9 shorts, as well as the movies, is what really keeps the audience watching.

As for the DVD itself, the menus are at once cool and a little bit overdone (navigating them can be a little weird the first time you pop it into your DVD player). There are few extras but nothing fancy, although the commentaries included on The Second Renaissance 1 and 2, Program, Beyond from the creators offer insight into the stories as well as the conceptual process (don't worry they are subtitled in English).

Overall, if you are a fan of the movie, or of animation, you owe it to yourself to check The Animatrix out. The stories are great, the animation is both varied and beautiful, and the whole thing is, quite simply, cool. In a word: whoa.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I was Not Expecting This
Review: the animatrix is a collection of 9 short storys made by japans most talented artists and directors personally i do not like cartoons or any show figureing colorful characters but since its the matrix that was an acception when it came out on dvd which was today i went and purchased it and watched the entire dvd now here my striahgt forward review on all of the short storys based on the matrix

1.Final Flight of The Osiris- this was an amazing piece of art it had really great visual effects and a good story one of the best action storys on the DvD

2.The Second Renaissance Parts 1-2 this piece probually had the best story of all the 9 storys it tells the backstory of the downfall of the humans and the rise of the machines i find this piece quite disturbing brutal, yet i also find it simply the best

3.Kids Story- this was good quite good its about a kid that recieves a message from Neo telling him that agents are after him when recieving this message the kid quickly moves about running from the agents until his death and his departure from the matrix

4.Program- about 2 samurai warriors facing off at each other in a duel i thought this one was great because the fighting was so impressive this one is a thumbs up

5.World Record- this one was a so-so it was enjoyable and bland it isnt the best but it did keep me intrested mainly about a runner that is so fast that he could run into and out the matrix anytime he wants

6.Beyond- this one was werid yet confusing at the same time its about a girl who is looking for her cat and runs into a group of kids that can float and do tricks in the air then she discovers that she can do those tricks also it appears to me that the story Beyond is about a glitch in the matrix

7.A Dectective Story- animated in black and white this story tells about a dectective that is hard up for cash he gets a phone call by agents saying that he he can catch a computer hacker by the name of trinity that he will be payed he sets out for trinity later learning that the reason the agents wanted to have him find her was because the agents placed a bug into him and are tracking his every move

8.Matricculated- where can i begin this one was a downfall or at least to me this was quite confusing no actually really confusing and very bland bummer since it was the last one but it did have some good points but those were spent quickly

over all - if you like the matrix then this is a must buy it is very good it deserves 4 stars only because of matricculated and world record and beyond but i would rather watch world record and beyond over matricculated any day overall not a bad dvd buy if you like the matrix----Ben N.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing
Review: Being a huge fan of the now, Matrix Franchise, the Animatrix has been something that I've been looking forward to for over a year. (The online broadcasts def. fueled my anticipation) After watching the 9 episodes, ("advanced copy" haven't seen the DVD extras) I was completely blown away. I'm not a huge anime fan but this def. transcends anime, or any other animation at that. The stories are fantastic, completely in tune with the Matrix universe and the animations are extremely diverse and fantastically stylized. Here's a run down of the episodes not offered at [the website] , ill try not to give away too much in the stories (Second Renaissance has the most awe factor so atleast check that out from the website if u decide not to buy)
Flight of the Osiris - Amazing CG from Square, the only short directly tied into the movie.
Beyond - My fav. after Second Renaissance. Glitch in the Matrix explored by some kids and a girl looking for her cat. Style is amazing, feels like real film in that the camera shakes and jitters. Super Perfect.
World Record - About a runner whose own sheer physical strength allows him to briefly free himself from the Matrix. Animation is nothing spectacular, not the best character design either but very cool nevertheless.
Matriculated - TRIPPY, same guy who did Aeon Flux. About a group who hack into machines in the real world and "convince" them (still don't know how they do this even though the story is all about them doing it) to fight for them. Most of the story takes place inside the mind of the humans who create a STRANGE world for the machine, lots of crazy CG and LOTS of colors. Subtle messages tied in to the visualization. Left me very confused at the end which I enjoyed. Can't have a good Matrix story without confusion.
Kids Story - GREAT story. Kid (Neo type) knows too much and is chased by agents at school. Frees himself. Style is def different, very unusual in that the characters and animation look very freehand. Guess this is tryin portray the simulacra that is the Matrix.
Dunno about the DVD extras but the stories themselves are worth the cash. I can't wait to see the behind the scenes stuff/thought process behind these truely amazing works on the DVD.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Breathtaking and Engaging
Review: Imagine the special effects package used in the Matrix and Matrix: Reloaded films put to good use in creating a CGI prequel that helps explain the mysterious events leading up to the first movie. Now imagine that this incredible fantasy is reality. Well, friend, it is. The animatrix is absolutely mind-blowing as it takes you on an insider's look at the points of origin and evolution of the system known as the Matrix. Fascinating story, wonderful detail, and an addition to the story that no Matrix fan can afford to go without. This is worth every penny, and I suggest that you check it out for yourself.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Rent if you like the Matrix, Buy if you LOVE Anime.
Review: My video store put this out this weekend and I rented it to see if I would buy it. In the end Ive decided to pass but my wife and I did watch the whole thing including the bonuses. To begin, although the content here does help give some of the backdrop for reloaded, only 2 of the 9 short episodes really directly pertain to the action
Final Flight Of The Osiris: Tells the story of how the humans discovered the machines were drilling down. It is fully Computer Generated, and quite realistic... much like Final Fantasy.
Kids Story: Tells the story of how a boy liberates himself from the Matrix. This is the same kid from Reloaded who keeps thanking Neo. It is hand drawn and has one of the coolest animation techniques you will ever see. It is one of two contributions from the director of Cowboy Bebop.
2 other shorts will be quite interesting for Matrix the movie fans, these are The Second Rennaisance 1 and 2: This is a sort of history lesson on how the machines came to power. The second renaissance refers to how machines found a way to harnass the power of humans (in the first one humans learned how to use machines). It also shows how the world was destroyed by the war between the 2 groups, and from a story stand point this is really neat stuff.
The rest of the shorts take place in the matrix world but dont add a lot to your understanding, they just sort of flesh things out.
Program: Its a old fashion samurai duel in a virtual training mode. By the director of Wicked City, and Ninja Scroll.
World Record: A runner who will let nothing stop him to break the world speed record, he somehow manages to break out of the matrix temporarily.
Detective Story: Also directed by the Cowboy bebop creator is the second most interesting animation wise. It does have Trinity in it, but it really adds nothing to your understanding of either the matrix or her. Still its an interesting stand alone, and the animation is very memorable.
Matriculated: Is about a small group of humans that are reprograming machines in the "real world" to help the humans. Its really hard to understand the story here and is probably the most high reaching, but least interesting of the bunch. Its by the creator of Aeon Flux, so that should give you some idea if youll like it.
Beyond: takes place as a girl searches for her lost cat. Her and a group of children find an area that may be a "rip" in the matrix where wierd stuff happens - bottles crashing then being rejoined, levitation, etc. Natives say the place is haunted - A neat twist, along the lines of the wearwolves and ghosts from reloaded.
More importantly, and perhaps as enjoyable as the shorts themselves, the disc features a short documentary on the convergence between anime and Hollywood action movies. Perhaps the best line is when a bemused Todd McFarlane wonders aloud, "Its strange how the same people who laugh about comics, Love action blockbusters."
In addition there are individual documentaries for each of the shorts. Hearing (or reading as the case may be) these Japanese masters talk about their craft is really inspirational and interesting.
That is why, the disc is more for Anime lovers than Matrix fans. Of course there is no doubt there is a large overlap. Still, the disc is probably not worth owning if the documentary features dont interest you a lot. Id recommend a rent first. For lovers of evangelon, bebop, akira and ninja scroll... This will be an excellent addition to your collection.
In fact if you have an anime "collection" to begin with (or know someone who does), this will almost certainly be a very appreciated item.

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