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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Review
Review: Excellant plot and animation. This movie is beautifully done with good voice and video coordination. I would recommend this movie over the Disney movies for skill and storyline.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fine, uplifting kid fare
Review: Excellent animated film based on a true story. Particularly fine James Horner score. Only mis-step is the unnecessary live-action tag that jerks the viewer (particularly children) out of the fantasy Alaskan world that the animation so painstakingly creates. The tag could have been done just as well (and worked better) as a piece of animation.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fine, uplifting kid fare
Review: Excellent animated film based on a true story. Particularly fine James Horner score. Only mis-step is the unnecessary live-action tag that jerks the viewer (particularly children) out of the fantasy Alaskan world that the animation so painstakingly creates. The tag could have been done just as well (and worked better) as a piece of animation.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EXCELLENT!!!!!
Review: Excellent movie!!! I LOVE the charactor's Boris is the funny one! So are Muk and Luk!:) I also like Jenna and Balto!
GREAT movie for all ages! I hear there's gonna be a Balto II: The Wolf Quest coming Febuary 19,2002!It's about Balto's daughter Aleu her brothers and sister's are adopted. She is NOT because she looks like a wolf. She runs away to live with the wolves.Balto goes to find her and the quest begins...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "Keep Trying, Don't Quit"
Review: Excellent, action-packed production. Good adaptation of a true story, demonstrating the idea to "keep trying, don't quit." Children identified with rejection and praise. Encouraged reading the book. More educational than expected. "Really great." "Exciting." Animal lovers responded particularly well. Kids were curious to know more about the real story. Stimulated discussion afterwards about the role of huskies in everyday life. "Dogs are more than just pets." Best for ages 8 to 12.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Balto is a GREAT movie for everyone!
Review: I fell in love with this movie the very first time I saw it. Though it never recieved much praise or publicity, this is a movie that everyone should see. It is a great film for young children to watch since it is a fairly short film, but it is also great for adults. Its humor, drama, and meaning is something no one can tire from. The animation and voices are wonderful. This is a movie that will leave u smiling.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Way to go, Balto!
Review: I have seen this a dozen times at least and I still love this movie.The characters are great and Kevin Bacon did a fine job as Balto. Jim Cummings did a fabulous job portraying Steele as well, making the malamute just so gosh-darn-cool for a baddie. The story, while perhaps not entirely acurate with history, is still a good one and I love to watch this on a cold winter's day with a cup of hot cocoa.Highly recommended!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It is the best movie I have ever watched
Review: I have the video and I can watch it over and over again like any true Balto fan because its not really about Balto winning over Steele its about Balto realising who he is. All his friends recognise his truly noble nature, only he, an outcast to all the village dogs and people alike of Nome, cannot see it for himself. Disney has never even come close to Amblin's Balto. The music is very atmospheric and some of the scenes just remind the watcher of the seriousness of the situation. The children of Nome have all been struck down by Dipheria and the medicin has run out, only Balto is unafraid to rescue Nome alone.
My all time favourite bit is when the white wolf teaches Balto to accept who he is, I have always loved wolves and for once theyre not featured as the bad guys.
I definitly think people should see it and know that its based on a true story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best animated movie ever.
Review: I have this on LD for 5 years now and I have watched this at least a dozen times and when I showed it to my 2 years old daughter last week end, she loved it and asked me to play over and over. This is a fantastic movie. It has everything you can expect from a movie: Suspence, tears, action, laughter. All at the right proportions. I understand this movie was not a big box office hit when it was released in 1995. But I think Steven Spielberg (producer) should release this on DVD. It is a very good animated feature and can match the best Disney offering. Higly recommended for any age group. Superb.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I have watched Balto at least 100 times, and I never tire of it. The story, animation, and casting is the best I have ever seen. I have seen thousands of animated movies, and I rank this one the BEST. It sure beats Disney! The animation is the best I have ever seen, the story writing is cleverly put together, and the wit is humorous. I have to point out one thing about Balto that no other animated movie has ever had. You may not notice it the first time you view it, but the story writers are brilliant. This is the first animated movie I have seen that has ALL the characters being more than just one demension. Balto, Jenna, Boris, Muk and Luk, Kaltag, Nikki, Star, minor characters, and even the villian, Steele has formed characters in the movie. No other animated movie has the same effect. Not Disney, Warner Brothers, or any other animation company. BALTO IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! GO, Balto, GO!!!

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