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Banner of Stars: Complete Collection (3pc) (Sub)

Banner of Stars: Complete Collection (3pc) (Sub)

List Price: $49.98
Your Price: $44.98
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thanks so much Bandai
Review: The stars series is my favorite anime, for once there is an anime that is not made just to have 1000's of eps to sell(Inuyasha, DBZ, basically anything on CN) and make money off of, you see that a lot these days, various Evangelion clones, the US "action" anime...
The stars series is really based around a couple of things.
First, It has a GREAT story, even though, I must admit that Banner I can get VERY slow at points and may seem endless, even though in reality it is actually very short. You may get annoyed with watching Banner I if you havnt seen crest because of the fact that you are not used to the style, Hiroyuki Morioka, the creator of the book which the anime is based off of has a weird writing style that makes him known as "The last real sci-fi novlist in japan" at some points, he tends to spend lots of time on describing very simple things(such as what to do with POW's) and spends less time on more important things(the battle itself) I personally got board with Banner I at some times but, then something cool came next which recaptured my excitment. The anamation is very good, although not as good as in Banner II which was possibly the best I have ever seen, really beatifual, I would only reccomend this to kids over 13 and mabye it would be okay if an 11 year old saw it, it has some drinking(wine after battles, etc..) and has "depressing" moments(though the number of these it a lot less than in Banner II) there are some space battles where there is some death(but again not as graphic as in Banner II) but no blood, there isnt too much inapproiate in this anime. Jinto and Lafiels relationship really is more of a "silly" feeling in this anime, torward the end there is some of that noble love crap but not much(more of that in Banner II) The quiet blue haired Abh... yeah.. she creeped me out... no more to be said probally because she liked jinto... guess they cut the scene where Lafiel bashes her in the jaw(*cough* kidding *uncough)
anyway, Jinto and Lafiel look so much cuter together in Banner II watch that....
so basically, this is a pretty good anime, it got kind of slow at times(this does not happen at all in Banner II) but this is also IMHO the slowest anime of the trilogy. I liked this one a whole bunch, but as you minght have guessed unless its 3 in the morning and you still didnt finish your sourceforge task, I LOVED Banner II, this however is very interesting and has lots of cool moments. This isnt a constant action anime like Cowboy Bebop(I like that one very much though) so if you are looking for something like that, you will hate Banner I(mabye you wouldnt hate... dare I say it.. Banner II... so much :) all in all it has some pretty funny points(2nd eps first 2 mins)
if you like this, let me assure you... you will be blown away by Banner II(complete set coming out october 12 2004 if I'm right)

Just a bit of /me 's humble reasoning:
you usually dont bring an anime like this out and put in in a boxed set if its been sitting for 2+ years, you dont put its advert for a broken(yes broken) site at the top of your link list on your main page and put it back into the market unless you...
1) are trying to draw every little bit of money out of it you can
2) you are getting intrest back in it so you can unveil your new series(hmm... /me wants this one...)

Thank you Bandai for bringing this truly awsome anime back to the masses... :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just gets better.
Review: Those who've fallen in love with Crest of the Stars will not be disappointed with Banner of the Stars. This series is an excellent gift for that anime fan in the family. Can't wait for more...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Finally!!
Review: Yes!! Finally you can buy the complete Banner of the Stars season in a complete collection!! I can not begin to tell you how happy this is going to make alot of SiFi anime fans :)

Banner of the Stars is the second season of Crest of the Stars with more character development and better plots. If you havn't seen Crest of the Stars yet I would recomend you watch it first then watch this complete collection of Banner of the Stars. The third complete collection for Banner of the Stars II will be released later this year (2004)!!

Thank you Bandai Entertainment!! Anime fans everywhere will appriciate this series in complete collection format :)

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