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Attack the Gas Station

Attack the Gas Station

List Price: $29.95
Your Price: $26.96
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Maybe a nice Korean movie, but else....
Review: ... if u dont know the korean history the movie is pointless, boring and nothing new. I cant find the humor and there are a lot of better social critical movies! For example: every character of the four members of the gang has its own -ofcourse- SAD history, what explains their rudeness - wow, very new idea!

So, where is the fun? I am still searching it - a lot of beat-ups for nothing: very funny... without sense and point.

I dont want to know first the history of south korea to enjoy a movie - so one star for the nice try.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I have this movie imported from Korea
Review: All i can say is: INCREDIBLE!!!!!!
The actor who plays Bulldog is now less than the "Jim Carrey of Korea" His acting, his facial expressions, his voice tones...everything about his performance is genius. This movie is so incredible, it's amazing that these Koreans did such a good job with it and it never was heard of outside of their country.
The movie is a social satire/comedy/action movie. I'd call it a mix of Fight Club and Natural Born Killers with a much more comedic tone. It's a very serious movie throughout a lot of it also. I can't really explain the beauty of the movie, if you're a fan of 80s teen comedies too, then this will be a good movie for you. It was not made in the 80s it was released in 1999 and it is also not that kind of movie, but some of the characters are comedically portrayed in the same vain.
It's an excellent movie that all should watch!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Entertaining!
Review: Attack the Gas Station is an excellent Korean flick involving the life of four troublemakers in a scenario that will change their lives. This is more drama than comedy, however you will find it laugh out loud hilarious when taken into consideration the irony of their situation. By robbing a gas station that has no cash on hand, they decide to hold the gas station hostage while simultaneously working the pumps to get the cash. Throughout the movie, you find out the motivation for each of the trouble makers, and you begin to grow attached to them as you find out their life long dreams. This film features some touching moments, as the troublemakers help a boy fight off bullies, and teach crooked cops a lesson. As long as you aren't expecting a deeply involving drama, or a slapstick comedy, I believe you will really enjoy this film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the most amazing action-comedies I have ever seen.
Review: I initially saw this film as an import DVD and I have to say that it is one of the coolest films I have ever seen. The film alone really shows that Korea has taken over the role Hong Kong used to have for making the best comedy and action films in Asia. The film is about four Korean punks that hold up a gas station for kicks. Finding out that there is no cash, the four decide to hold the employees hostage and take their places, pumping gas and then pocketing the money (as gas is expensive in Asia). If anyone gives them a problem, they are taken hostage as well. By the end of the film, the four punks have taken over ten hostages and are about to get into a giant rumble with local gangsters, the police and the delivery boys union (as they ordered chinese food and never pay for it). The film has great characters, great music, and a hillarious and unpredictable plot. A truly crazy and entertaining film.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't get the Region 1 version!
Review: I think that Attack the Gas Station is one of the greatest Korean films ever made. However, the Region 1 (American) DVD version released by Tai-Seng is terrible! The sound and video quality is absolutely dismal. The DVD seems to be a widescreen version but it is a pan and scan version with the top and bottom cut off! There are no extras and the worst part about the film is that it doesn't even include the original Korean audio track! You can only listen to the film dubbed in Mandarin or Cantonese. Tai-seng's releases generally range from awful to mediocre at best and this DVD doesn't do anything to change that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best movie ever!
Review: If you like korean movies where four guys wreck a gas station and lots of people and then pretend like they work there, then this movie is just what the doctor ordered.

It is perfect in every way.

Rating: Best movie ever.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: NOT worth the BIG bucks
Review: This movie was kinda funny, but what killed it for me was the excessive use of profanity in the English subtitles: Too much dropping of the F-Bomb. Reportedly, the original Korean dialog WASN'T this bad.

I resent filmmakers thinking a film has to be potty-mouthed to be enjoyed by Americans. (That goes for Hollywood, too.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A work of Art in historic terms
Review: Those who have watched this film and negated the brilliance of it are in for a treat to watch it again and focus on the ideal of Dada-ism throughout the piece. This film was made and revolves around the idea of the dada art form, made popular in the 1920s. The art form suggests that you make art not for the sake of making art but for the viewer to internalize their own response and findings in the art by means of making the art through fabrications of meaninglessness. Summed up? Do art for no reason at all other than to just do it. This film exemplafies this to the nth degree.

I loved this film on this contractional basis. It was fun and a glisty, imperical view into the realms of the absurd.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Original Fun and Cool
Review: Though it may not be the greatest film made it sure was a fun ride, i enjoyed this movie a lot. The plot simple, 4 guys decide to rob a gaz station one night, when they go back the second time,No Money , and they get put in some very weird situations, and a series of unfournate evnts leading it to be very funny and neat in it's own way. If you enjoyed Snatch, Pulp Ficiton and other crime drama/comedy, your either going to love or hate Attack of the Gaz Station but it was wildly enternating and very fun all in all.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Kinetic energy with brains!
Review: Wacked hard-fisted action with chunks of laughs as four Korean youths take over a gas station holding the manager and his staff hostage, then give customers more gas than they ask for and take the money for it. Things escalate when the four guys don't pay for a whole lot of Chinese food they order, and when they beat up some low-level gang flunkies of a local mob.

What raises this very far above a dupey film is the ultra-smart script. The four guys' pasts are revealed; each has had great disappointment in his past resulting in his current urge to rant and destroy. Music, self-esteem, and parents are the causes.

The ending sequence of mobsters, delivery boys, the youths, the gas station staff, and the cops all converging has to be seen to be believed. Along the way there is enough humor to keep things moving fast and furious. It's great that this film is very far off from taking itself seriously like most dumb American action movies do. This is a superior action film for those who love fast-moving flicks that give you a one-two punch where it counts--in whatever connects your head to your adrenalin and also your laugh muscles.

Way cool.

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