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Baby Santa's Music Box

Baby Santa's Music Box

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your money.
Review: Very, very boring video. Even my three months old twins didn't pay any attention to it (they love Baby Mozart). The music is tiresome, the images don't go with the music. Ms. Clark obviously ran out of new ideas for this video, too many scenes in which she uses her children. My five year old son complaint was that the video was repetitive, not enough variety. Get Baby Mozart instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Baby Santa
Review: It's a good one, My baby and I enjoy this movie 3 months before Christmas . The idea is to introduce the christmas time and the fun of christmas, since this year is his first christmas.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: We love Baby Santa
Review: My twin sons now 21 months love this video. We own the majority of the Baby Einstein tapes. This video gets them up and dancing each time they see it. They even laugh out loud. The music is wonderful and this video incorporates all the elements that people want: lots of kids, lively music, puppets, interesting graphics. I love to tell people about this company's videos. BTW, anyone who buys a video titled Baby Santa and expects it to be anything other than a Christmas video . . .

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointing
Review: My Triplet 2 year olds have been watching videos from the Baby Einstein series since they were 6 months old. The quality of this one does not measure up to the rest. It seems almost like a 'home-movie'. The sound quality and music selecions are not as good and the visuals are slow. There is not much action, and for infants and young toddlers it is difficult to have much reference to what it is they are seeing (ie. that the puppets are reindeer, etc). I think the video should be more self-explanatory in some way so that the 'Christmas-uninitiated' will have more understanding of it. The boys will watch it but are not as captivated by this one as by the others. They seem to get more out of it now though than they did when they were 17 months (at Christmas).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Disappointing
Review: Triplet 2 year olds have been watching videos from the Baby Einstein series since they were 6 months old. The quality of this one does not measure up to the rest. It seems almost like a 'home-movie'. The sound quality and music selecions are not as good and the visuals are slow. There is not much action, and for infants and young toddlers it is difficult to have much reference to what it is they are seeing (ie. that the puppets are reindeer, etc). I think the video should be more self-explanatory in some way so that the 'Christmas-uninitiated' will have more understanding of it. The boys will watch it but are not as captivated by this one as by the others. They seem to get more out of it now though than they did when they were 17 months (at Christmas).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I read the other reviews, but my son loves this video
Review: This video may not be as good as the others in the Baby Einstein series, but my son, nevertheless, as become enthralled with the music and images of the children in snow, the wintery animals, the little girls dancing around and all the beautiful ornaments. There may be some inconsistancies with using Santa Claus images during Hanakah music, but little Benjamin (22 mos) does not care. He still takes out the box, along with the others--Baby Shakespeare, Baby Mozart and BAby Einstein and asks for it vehemently. For me, this video has been a pleasure.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Inappropriate song included
Review: The box states that the video includes holiday songs from other countries, including Isreal. I couldn't believe my ears when the first song on the video was the dreidel song with a dancing Santa and Mrs. Claus in front of a Christmas tree. This was offensive and inconsiderate to the Jewish religion. Yes, the box said "holiday" songs from other countries, but the title of the video certainly gives the impression that this will be Christmas music. To include this song was highly inappropriate. In any case, the setting for this song should NOT be Santa and a Christmas tree. I think there is enough confusion with Christmas and Hannukah often occuring at the same time, without this video adding to it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very Disappointing
Review: I am a huge fan of the Baby Einstein series. My nine month old son has been captivated by Baby Mozart and Baby Bach since he was about 3 months old and more recently, by Baby Van Gogh. I was really looking forward to the Baby Santa video, but was SO disappointed when it arrived! My son (who gets excited as soon as he sees the copyright notice!) watched for about 3 minutes and then crawled away. I, too, found it very boring. The problem seems to be the music. It is the very lively music that most keeps his attention, but this is completely lacking in this video. The music is slow and flat, and doesn't "go" with the pictures as is the case in the other videos. You get the sense from watching this video that it was done in a hurry, perhaps to get it out for the holiday season. While I recommend the other videos to every parent I know, I have to say this one is just a waste of money.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Baby Santa = Baby Bored
Review: I hate to sound so harsh, but I feel this video was a waiste of money. Previously, I purchased Baby Mozart & Bach. My daughter loved the music and the viduals. She danced in front of the television and viewed the entire video.

Baby Santa's music and vusuals are not captivating enough. My daughter walked away from the television the first few minutes the video started to play. I tried to interact with her while watching the video, but nothing seemed to work.

Try it you might have better luck (every child is different)! I do reccommend Baby Mozart as your first purchase! Have Fun!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Wonderful! Another great video!
Review: My two children just love the music and colorful scenes! Can't wait for their next video! This video is fun for any infant and toddler - and I enjoyed it myself!

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