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Baby Santa's Music Box

Baby Santa's Music Box

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Santa drops off a charming package
Review: This little video has great charm and somehow is quite comforting to watch. My 16-month-old daughter loves it as well. She laughs at the puppets tricks and "sings" along with the music. She happily watches it over and over.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Baby Santa's Music Box
Review: This is my 18-month old son's favorite Christmas gift. He breaks into a dance when we he sees the caterpillar in the beginning. The music is really nice (not annoying to Mom & Dad!) and the images are a delight. We enjoy watching it with him. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great During Non-Holiday Season, Too!
Review: My 13-month old loves this video! We're still playing it even though the season has now passed. She loves watching the children dance and even dances along! The music is pleasing, just as it is on Baby Bach and Mozart. It definately holds her attention and seems to be her favorite right now. I like it because it shows a variety of holiday-related activities, which I can talk about with her while she is watching the video. I love the music and the images of live animals, too. It is a well-organized video. Each song flows into the other and the images are on just long enough. I think this one will be watched at different times of the year, too! Christmas in July isn't such a bad thing!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointing
Review: This is not up to par with Baby Mozart, Bach, & Beethoven. The scenery and music that make the previous three so enjoyable are simply not part of Santa's Music Box. As highlighted by many other reviewers, scenes with children do not hold the interest of my now 7 mo old daughter, and there are far too many scenes of this nature. The brightly colored toys and silly puppets are far more captivating, and unfortunately are lacking. Baby Mozart is by far the star, followed by Beethoven and then Bach. Julie Clark includes her daughters in the Bach version, and that can be a bit annoying (trying TOO hard to be cutesy), but I prefer Bach to Baby Santa anyday. Skip this one!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great for Christmas
Review: This video has a very captivating, very soothing effect on my eleven month old son. My husband jokes that there are "subliminal messages" in it that keep him tuned in! It really is a wonderful way to introduce the sights and sounds of Christmas. I even find myself watching and enjoying it. A bonus is that the VHS version comes with a soundtrack CD. This and the Baby Mozart CD are the surest way to soothe our son if he gets fussy in the car. I understand the simplicity of the video may not appeal to adults, but it is very well suited to the attention spans of babies. I highly recommend this video.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Baby Santa's Music Box
Review: Wow! Another engrossing visual/musical delight for babies from Baby Einstein. My eight-month-old sits in his highchair in front of the bigscreen just enraptured by the puppets, children, and sparkly holiday foo-foo. It's an instant mood-improver if he's fussy. The music is just wonderful for parents to listen to, too, just like Baby Mozart and Baby Bach (which he also adores). Baby Santa features traditional Christmas music as well as a couple of Jewish favorites (the dradle song) and a wonderful country "Blue Grass"-type tune that really gets your toes tappin'. It is soooo worth the money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: High 5's for Julie and the gang
Review: This one really rolls my 10-month-old's socks up and down. She didn't focus too much on TV before, but when this comes on - she'll smile, clap and bounce happily. She'll watch the entire show every day as part of her home education program. She'll get breakfast, cleaned up and then it's time for "Einstein at 9:00." With her increased attention span, she's now branched out to the Bill Nye stuff. She has no interest in regular TV stuff. (Whew! - since we don't want the TV to become a babysitter) This turns our TV into an outstanding educational tool. Thanks Julie and company!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must have for your collection!
Review: A favorite of my 20 month old daughter. I purchased every one of the baby enistein dvd's for her (to replace her worn out vhs collection) and found this Santa one on Amazon. She is just learning who 'Santa' is and to me this is a great learning tool. Seems to be one of her favorites.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great video! A must have at Christmas!
Review: My daughter loves this tape, all year round!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great addition to the series
Review: This quickly became one of my 8 month old son's favorite videos in the Baby Einstein collection. We have all the other ones, but his favorites seem to be this one and Baby Van Gogh. I found this DVD to be quite entertaining. We have watched this DVD long after Christmas was over.

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