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Tenchi Forever - Tenchi the Movie

Tenchi Forever - Tenchi the Movie

List Price: $14.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great movie from start to finish
Review: There is no action in this movie, but I don't care. This one is better then 2. It is kind of tied with 1. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka and Haruna are the main characters. You see Washu from time to time, but it is like the other characters aren't even there. The music set the mood for the movie. The music was good. I really enjoyed the ending song. The plot most of you already know so I'll just say one thing. Tenchi did not choose between Ryoko and Ayeka. It is understandable if you thought he picked Ryoko. I even thought that the first time I saw this movie. It would have made sense if he picked Ryoko because of the whole situation. He recalled her and not Ayeka. You can't say he remembered Ryoko he just saw images of her. This movie is a great way to end the saga if it is the last one. I hope there is another series or movie so that Tenchi can finally make up his mind. If there isn't then that is just messed up. I really enjoyed this movie because it focused more on the characters then the plot. If your a Tenchi fan I suggest you get this movie. You will really enjoy it. The only way you couldn't is if your an action kind of person. This movie is a romantic drama. Ryoko and Ayeka say and do a few funny things. You will enjoy this movie from the very begining to the end.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Romance Movie Ever--Truly A Masterpiece
Review: I've heard that this is the final chapter to the Tenchi Muyo! saga I cherish so deeply... and then I heard that there's another OAV series in the making, which practically made me do cartwheels. Either way, I guess that's irrelevant since I'm reviewing this movie... but let it be known I'm VERY happy about learning this. Anyways, since everyone's already given the whole story away, I guess I'll do the same, heh. At the beginning of the film, Tenchi and the gang are sweeping at the Masaki shrine, and, as usual, Ryoko and Ayeka start fighting... this time, about a broom. They continue to argue until they want to settle it once and for all: they demand to know who Tenchi really loves. Tenchi does the sensible thing: he runs like hell. After taking off faster than Michael Johnson at the Olympics, he runs up to a tree that pulls him in... and he completely disappears. Next thing you know, it's six months later, and Tenchi's still missing. Tenchi isn't really missing though, he's in another world, a fantasy world, if you will. Difference being, he's older... and with another woman, Haruna, who created this alternate world. Ryoko and Ayeka are still looking for him all this time, and when they finally do see him (thanks to Washu and her Tenchi-tracker), he doesn't see them, he doesn't hear them, and he disappears yet again... and again and again. After this happens a few times, Tenchi goes into the little diner the two are working at (!), and he sits with his mystery woman at a booth. Ryoko and Ayeka still can't get to him though, even when Ryoko goes to grab him, her arms just go right through him. Of course, Haruna can see the two, and looks none too pleased about them, either. Ryoko and Ayeka learn from Washu, that the two worlds intertwine at times, due to Tenchi's lingering memory, allowing them to see him. With a little assist from Washu (and Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Tenchi's grandfather, Yosho [or whatever he's calling himself these days]), the two can go into that dimension allowing Tenchi to see them... of course, Haruna kidnapped and brainwased Tenchi in the first place, and it deosn't take a scientific genius like Washu to figure out she's not gonna to give him up so willingly. The story of Tenchi Forever: Tenchi The Movie III is as solid as a love story gets. In fact, it's THE best love story I have ever seen. I know what you're thinking: "Wha?! A love story?! But this is Tenchi Muyo!, not Titanic!" Oh, how very true, but unlike Titanic, you'll actually love this story, it's very heart-warming, sad, and beautiful all at the same time. What made the Tenchi Muyo! saga popular--the humor--is completely missing in this film. Even the fight scenes got as much time as the romace aspects in the Tenchi Muyo! saga... just not in this movie. I think the only time I laughed was when I saw Washu's devices to open up the parallel dimension for Ryoko an Ayeka, and even then, I didn't exactly roll in laughter (I chuckled). And guess what? There were no battles at all. The story is deeply rooted in romance, and honestly, I would not have wanted it any other way: the romance was why I loved this film so much. The character development in Tenchi Forever (Ryoko's, Ayeka's, Haruna's, and Tenchi's and his grandpa's, to be specific) shines with depth, personality, and lots of real emotion (they always have, but not quite like this). You REALLY feel sorry for Ryoko and Ayeka throughout this film. I hated Haruna at first: "Hey... why'd she kidnap and brainwash the Tenchinator? Hey! She seduced Tenchi! HEY!!! She gave an evil grin to my Ryoko! Grrr!" This, obviously, proves that she made one great villian... or was Haruna even a villian? No, she isn't really a villian at all. At the end of the film, you feel for Haruna as well, she's like all of us, in a way... she just doesn't want to be alone (something we all can relate to). The way she came about, through Yosho's past, was utterly brilliant. Even though her character only came out in this one film, she was very well constructed and held her own with the main characters. It just goes to show how beautifully written this story really is. When I think back on the story as a whole, it's actually pretty sad (not as sad as, say, Grave Of The Fireflies [which I admit to crying like a little girl after viewing], but sad nonetheless). The part were Ryoko goes back for me (err, I mean Tenchi, heh... sorry, wrong fantasy world there...) one last time was really touching. Okay... so what about the animation and dubbing, you ask? Well, the animation is beautiful. It's not as rich in detail as some of the other movie epics (Akira, Ghost In The Shell, etc.), but it's very colorful and looks just amazing. The rich backgrounds and vibrant colors really make this film come to life. The characters look a lot better here too compared to the previous Tenchi Muyo! stuff, which is always a nice bonus. The dubbing is absolutely flawless, not once did I think "This is great, but it would be better if this character shut their mouth when the voice comes out right there" like so many of us do to other anime titles (*cough-Sailor Moon-cough*). The voice actors aren't just actors, they really seem like they are their own character--why can't all anime dubbing be like this? *sigh* Thank Pioneer for actually caring about their products... they did one really amazing job here, folks. Even the film's soundtrack is amazing (a really nice change from the lame J-pop that usually accompanies anime), there's some very beautiful piano work to this film. Anyways, to sum it up, the animation is bright and colorful, top-notch stuff; and the dubbing is better than perfect. After watching Tenchi Forever: Tenchi The Movie III I came to one conclusion: this is the second best anime movie I have ever seen (first being Akira, which, let's face it, will never be topped). I honestly loved this movie that much. The story is beautiful and touching, I'm sure that will put off some people expecting humor and great action, which is one major loss for them... honestly, I have never seen a love story as half as good as this. Consider yourself cheated if you don't watch this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Response To Vivian
Review: Ahem, Ryoko fans, don't worry. Vivian, a few questions.....who was the person Tenchi kept painting the picture of? what did he say at the end ("when I draw, I see things that I don't remember anymore, but are still there inside my heart")? WHAT DID AYEKA TELL RYOKO ABOUT GOING TO TENCHI????? I'm sorry, but you telling Ryoko fans not to get their hopes up is harsh! There's PLENTY of reasons in that movie for them, and I've only named a few!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Ending! But not the end.
Review: This is not the end of the Tenchi series, a third OVA has been anounced if not a matter of 24 hours before I wrote this, and that series is almost completely different than that of the previous OVA's. That series is supposed to put the final ending as to who Tenchi Masaki truly loves. This movie does, but if does a round-a-bout way of going about it, so interpretation depends on that of the viewer. But this is a damn fine anime movie as well, and it answers a lot of questions as to what Tenchi desires, as well as who is desires are for.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: ~Good Movie~But not for kids!~
Review: I like the movie but it just didn't have a lot of action in it. There was a bad guy in the story but they didn't fight, it was mostly talking.Thats why I gave the movie 4 stars! I think this movie should be for people 16 and up because it has some things in it that little eyes don't need to see!(sex)And Why is it that every Tenchi movie has the bad guy after tenchi because of something his grandfather did before he came to earth! Every one is saying that Ryoko ended up with Tenchi!lol thats funny! I don't know why there saying that. ITS NOT TRUE! If there talking about at the end where it has the small pictures beside the credits and Ryoko is holding on to Tenchi and has her face up to tenchi's face that's from the end of the Tenchi Universe series playing on Toonami,Ryoko has came back to earth to be with Tenchi but Ayeka and every body else comes but to , they don't show pictures from that so i think that's why people think Ryoko ended up with Tenchi.So don't get your hopes up all you Ryoko fans!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Goodbye, Tenchi...?
Review: I really hope that this isn't the last we see of Tenchi and the gang because it seems they went out on sort of a meloncoly note. The film itself was tremindous! Especially the way Ryoko and Aieka actually worked together and not trying to kill each other over Tenchi. There's a new fem trying to steal Tenchi's heart. Will she succeed or will Ryoko and Aieka stop her? You'll have to buy the DVD to find out. It's reasonably priced. And everybody from the cast is here but in much smaller roles than usual (although Washu has a pretty good chunk of screen time). The plot generally concentrates on Aieka, Ryoko and Tenchi. Oh, and the 'Mystery Woman'.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A disappointing ending to a great series!
Review: Tenchi the movie number three was one of the worst anime movies i have ever sat through. It went on and on until I actually wanted it to end. Please do not be offended if you liked the movie. This is my own personal opinion, and I am not one of those people that reviews a movie of a series I don't even like. I love the tenchi series. The first movie was great. A credit to the series the third however was not. The animation quality is poor,and there is very little plot. Here is the gist of the movie. It starts out with Ryoko and Ayeka fighting over Tenchi as usual. But this time they look right at him and tell him to choose between them once and for all. Tenchi not wanting to answer runs off into the woods behind his house, and sees a flowering tree. He suddenly becomes mesmorized and walks into the tree. The spirit of his grandfathers old girlfriend lives in the tree. Her name is Haruna ,and she takes Tenchi into a parallel dimension so she can live with happily with him. When they find tenchi missing the girls go into action. Washu spends her time in her lab messing with data. Sasami goes to Jurai to use the Jurai network to find Tenchi. Kione and Mihoshi break into this science place. So Washu can use its computer system to balance out the parallel dimensions. That way Ryoko and Ayeka can go in and bring tenchi back. Before this Ryokoand Ayeka are on the Tenchi hunt going from city to city looking for him. While all this is going on Tenchi (who looks older and uglier)is going to an art class in this dimension and living with Haruna who brainwashed him. So all they do is Tenchi paints a picture of her and then they have sex. Not too disgusting but not anything we want to see. Finally after an hour of boredom Washu confronts Tenchi's Grandfather about Haruna. When Yosho(Tenchi's grandfather) first left Jurai he was eloping with Haruna, but she died on the journey to earth where they had intended to live together. So he planted trees that reminded him of her. The main tree is the one tenchi walked into. Anyway to the conclusion already. Ryoko is able to bring tenchi back. Haruna's spirit goes to rest, and Ryoko is the winner of tenchi's affections at last. I was happy that Ryoko won because she is my favorite but I still think this was a rotten ending to the series. Haruna is annoying so you don't feel sympathy for her as I think we are supposed to feel. The movie takes too long to get to the point. If you are a die hard tenchi fan buy it but if you are new stay away.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow.
Review: Among the 3 movies, the TV series, and OAV, this has to be my favorite offering. I bought this not but a week ago, and it was incredible. It eased off on the humor a bit, but it was still strong and played with the characters' personalities. It was one of the most saddening experiences of my life, but the movie is excellent. In fact, it sparked my interest in Tenchi Muyo! again, so I will probably end up blowing $100 on the DVD box-set. But that is just showing how _good_ this feature is -- buy this now, especially if you are already a fan of Tenchi!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's great except many reviewers are confusing the...
Review: Very well made animae as many others have stated except that this movie IS NOT where Tenchi makes a choice between Aeka and Ryoko. I've seen the ending multiple times now (DVD version) and had subtitles on for extra insurance. I've seen how the ending shows one thought but there is no direct "I love you Ryoko/Aeka" in any way. The end will hint at who he thinks more of but that's pretty much it. Hopefully this won't spoil much for ya.

Hopefully, a rumored new series or another movie style will answer the big Q. Tenchi is catching on quite well here in America so maybe the best is yet to come :)

Overall I greatly enjoyed it. What I like about Tenchi in genereal is that it's not just a humorous/slapstick show. The series (all of them) have it all; romance, drama, great character development and fun. Though as stated that this is a drama style movie, its well worth it. It got 4 out of 5 stars because I wanted him to answer the big Q :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The BEST
Review: Okay, I know you all have heard this before, but this is a beautiful movie. I hear it's the last film, episode, anything in the Tenchi saga - which is a disappointment, being a huge Tenchi fan myself. But the folks at Pioneer really know how to go out with a bang - as Tenchi Muyo in Love 2 does NOT disappoint. I won't waste time and space with the plot: as much as I'd tell you, has already been mentioned. The movie skips on action and comedy and concentrates on romance, and finishing the development of the excellent characters, while adding another. This movie has a great ending that will most likely bring a tear to the eye of anyone with a pulse. What really plagues me is the fact that movie maniacs ignore these movies and only yammer about mainstream romances - such as Titanic or Gone With the Wind. Stuff like that. I'm not saying they're bad - but TMIL2 is a better romance! It gets passed up because it's not mainstream, which is very disturbing to me. If you're a fan of the Tenchi series, the action and comedy part or the romance part, you owe it to yourself to at least give this one a rent.

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