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Arthur's Perfect Christmas

Arthur's Perfect Christmas

List Price: $9.98
Your Price: $9.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What a wonderful kind of day!
Review: "What a wonderful kind of day when we can learn to work & play & get along with each other!"
Arthur is a rare kind of cartoon that is made for everyone; it is about a community of very different characters that live together peacefully and are accepting of one another. No matter how different they are from each other, they "get together and make things better by working together," with open eyes, ears, and minds, knowing that "every day when you're walking down the street, everybody that you meet has an original point of view." The Arthur Christmas special does exactly what is expected of it: it applies the cartoon's main theme to the holiday season & places it in a story told from the point of view of a little boy who always tries to understand others' points of view. It may not be everyone's perfect Christmas, but it is "ARTHUR'S Perfect Christmas."

On this page we have another case of people reviewing their religion instead of the DVD. Don't be turned off by the reviews that say Arthur is anti-Christian; all of my family and friends, both Christian and non-Christian, love watching the Arthur special with their kids every year. (Contrary to the popular misunderstanding, the holiday now known as Christmas was not invented as a Christian holiday; it was only adopted by Christians in the 1800s, so there is no reason that all Christmas specials have to be Christian Christmas specials.) Also, consider the source of a critique before letting it affect your decision to see the movie. For example, puremorals4ever over-criticized Arthur in his review in the name of his religion, though he gave 5 stars to SpongeBob SquarePants, which had a Christmas special that was very much less catering to the reviewer's fundamentalist Christianity than the Arthur special was.

After reading all of the reviews, I STILL don't know if it this DVD is good enough in quality to replace my old VHS copy. Reviewers, tell me about the special features; tell me about the sound and picture quality; tell me if it doesn't work in some DVD players. Each shopper has a different idea of what a "puremoral" is; shoppers don't care if the storywriters' values are different from those of one individual buyer. What shoppers want to know about is the quality of the DVD, not whether or not you agree with the Arthur writers' message that a community works best when each person works together and realizes that others have views that are different from their own.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A holiday favorite!!
Review: A great holiday favorite with lots of music, and different holiday traditions to learn about!! Highly recommened!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: An incredibly dry and witty look of reality
Review: All the Arthur cartoon and also,this movie are incredibly dry and witty, though sometimes it makes me laugh, but from now on i am definetly stop to watching it, the reason, why this movie and cartoon it's dry and witty, are the next ones: In an episode, that quite reflects, the "Pokemania", it's totally not funny, and without sense, and it looks just like another effort to PBS to have kids, and in another one, where the Tibble twins, disguise as somewhat "Power Rangers", and they start annoying everyone, and finally hitting D.W., then at the end of the show, she says "THAT SHOW IT'S A DUMB SHOW", i don't like Power Rangers, but just because it's out of PBS, dosen't mean it's a dumb show, also specially the episodes dedicated to D.W. she is so arrogant and an incredibly exxagerated view of a sister, oh, i know, what are you thinking, you are thinking "Oh,come on it's just a cartoon), well, this cartoon it's supposed to be based on reality, and instead of being it, it exxagearets it, if PBS wants more kids, they should broadcast, the old and new versions of "Zoom", "Reading Rainbow" and "Wishbone",also if you want a better look of reality, check out "Hey Arnold" or "Doug" on Nickelodeon, or the films of Hal Hartley (specilly Henry Fool and The Book of Life).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must for Arthur fans!
Review: Finally, a longer Arthur movie! I thought this movie was very good. Kids of all ages are sure to love it. There's a bit more singing than there is in the Arthur TV series, but it was not too excessive. Really brings out the Christmas spirit and shows children what a joyful time Christmas is. If your child is an Arthur fan, he or she will definitely enjoy this movie. I hope more longer Arthur movies like this one will be made.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great movie!
Review: I loved this movie, and I also enjoyed the newer: "Arthur, It`s only rock n roll".

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Arthur's Politically Correct Garbage!
Review: I so regret buying this movie. Why is it called Arthur's Perfect Christmas? The kids spend very little time on Christmas and more time trying to convince us that there are other religions just as worth while. Avoid at all costs!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hooray!
Review: I'm a fourteen year old guy and I still love this show as does my older brother who is nineteen. The jokes in the tv episodes go way over some kids heads and even over some adult's and when you catch them you wanna pee your pants. In this movie its less of the adult jokes, more random funny stuff. You have to love the way that in this movie (and alot of the episodes) they have a great way of ripping on toys/movies/books...Its awesome. With how cheap you can get this I would have to say...Watch the show first then go for it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great holiday movie
Review: My kids love this movie. It's the perfect length, only an hour. The movie includes all the main Arthur characters, with the typical doses of lessons learned, just like the PBS cartoon. Arthur hopes for the perfect Christmas. But will it snow? Will DW get the over-advertised toy she wants? Will Mom like Arthur's present? Best of all, Hannukah and Kwanza are celebrated along with Christmas. This movie is a joy through and through.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: May be a disappointment for Arthur fans
Review: Our family loves watching Arthur on PBS and reading Marc Brown's Arthur books. Arthur's Perfect Christmas, however, was a disappointment. The show is very ambitious as it touched on Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas and even, St. Lucia Day. I think it focused so much on the being all inclusive that it didn't do enough to explore the positive, non-commercial aspects of Christmas. Instead, the secular way of celebrating Christmas is explored with one character's family (Buster's)deciding not to celebrate the Christmas holiday at all because they find it "too exhausting." (Nice solution.) Arthur frets over his shopping list. D.W. pines away for the year's hot toy while everyone else in Elwood City seems to be celebrating alternative holidays.
I think that Christmas was not portrayed in a very positive light in this video. The end result was that Arthur's Perfect Christmas didn't feel very Christmas-y. Maybe Arthur is getting a little too P.C. for me . . . .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can't Watch it Enough
Review: This movie is excellent! I'm older and have watched it 15 times. You learn about Kwanza, Hanukah, and Christmas. At first Arthur thinks he will have a Christmas with everything going his way. Then win his mothers present brakes he's heart broken. Everything then works out, it wasn't the way he thought but it was great. Each character has a side story like when Muffy and Francine get into an argument. This movie is great and I hope you share it with your kids.

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