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Burial Ground - Night of Terror

Burial Ground - Night of Terror

List Price: $24.95
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Mommie Dearest??
Review: Burial Ground is one of the best "bad" films I've seen. An Italian export directed by Andrea Bianchi, this movie has it all for diehard fans of bad zombie flicks..........horrible acting, lousy dubbing, ridiculous dialouge, completely illogical plot developements, choppy editing, etc....but this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, these flaws actually enhance the enjoyment of the film. Despite all it's flaws however, Bianchi does manage to create some wonderfully atomospheric moments that are genuinely creepy. The zombies, for the most part, are appropriately decayed and decaying, although one chap apparently has an eyeball that defies the laws of nature by refusing to rot away. These "walking corpses" actually look much better than in most zombie flicks where the actors seem to just have dark eye makeup smudged under their eyes and white pancake makeup on their face. One does wonder why though, have all these guys been buried in the same sack like outfit (an Italian tradition or costume budget constraints?).

The plot........none to speak of. An archeologist somehow accidentally (isn't that always the way) revives the undead and is killed after trying unsuccessfully to reason with them. "Please, I am your friend." The action then moves to the archeologist's rather large villa (with a staff of two.....boy, these two deserve a raise), where a group of people have come for a little R&R. The rest of the film is your basic cat and mouse game between the living and the dead. The twist however is that these undead are a lot smarter and resourceful than their living counterparts. They band together to use a battering ram to gain entrance to the villa and one zombie seems to have worked in a circus as a knife thrower while alive as he displays a talent for hurtling a spike up to a second floor window and impaling an unfortunate victim's hand against the wall, enabling his friends to raise a scythe up to her and behead her. Man, these guys are determined little buggers.
The film also contains one of the most bizarre plot twists I've seen (leave it to those nutty Italians). When I first saw the film, I kept wondering why the filmmakers had hired this obviously adult actor to play the part of a child. (He certainly didn't get the job for his acting skills). The reason becomes obvious in the latter half of the film when the "boy" attempts to rekindle some childhood memories with his mother. (You'll never look at breast feeding the same way again!!)
The gore effects are quite good for a low budget picture and I like the fact that when the zombies are shot in the head, they go up in a puff of smoke instead a gush of blood and brain matter.......more realistic since these zombies are in such an advanced state of decay that all body fluids would have long since dried up. This is contradicted however with other shots of a green goo spurting from other wounds from the zombies. (Guess the filmakers felt they needed to "up" the gore quotient to maintain interest).

The DVD transfer is pretty good, if still somewhat grainy in appearance but that actually enhances the mood of the film. The DVD also contains interviews with producer Gabriele Crisanti and star Mariangela Giordano.......nothing spectacular but worth a peek if you like that kind of stuff. Overall, a pretty good DVD if you like "bad" movies.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bruial Ground - DVD OF TERROR!!!
Review: What's this month's pick re-relase of heavily edited Euro-horror flicks now transfered uncut to DVD? Why it's none other than "Burial Ground - Nights Of Terror". I've known about this flick for quite a while now. My local video rental store had the old US version of it so I just waited patiently for it to be re-released on DVD, and sure enough it did. I purchased it, took it home, popped it into my DVD player and sat back with a bowl of popcorn waiting for the laughing to commence. Nothing but pure Eurohorror ... grade A right here. This flick is so damn cheesy, I can't praise it enough for entertaining me. The Zombies though are some of the creepiest looking zombies I've seen since Lucio Fulci's "Zombie". In fact they looke like a mix of Lucio Fucli's zombie and the ones from the movie "Let Sleeping Corpses Lie". Much kudos to that! The story is basically this professor who looks like Rick Rubin, whose mansion is located on an ancient burial ground for some unknown reason, unseals an underground ruin and stumbles upon this ancient curse of walking corpses. They eat him, and they all start to walk towards the surface which seems to take them forever when it took the professor to go underground for 1 minute. I guess time has no effect when you're a zombie...Above ground, some sap-happy rich upperclass socialities and collegues of the professor arrives at his mansion and prepare to spend the night. Well we all know what happens; Everybody seem to get frisky and want to automatically have sex in the mansion. There is one couple that has a "son"(which I dare not call him because it's an actual midget wearing a ridiculous toupee) who seems to be so incestuous that throught the whole movie he tries to make to knock-up his own mother. One scene where his mother just saved him from being eaten by zombies he tries to sexually molest her and ends up getting slapped in the face and running off screaming "What's wrong? I'm your son!". This is not really your average zombie flick. I haven't seen one that touches upon the subject of incest as this one has, so I give this film much credit for that. One the more amusing side of the gem, there's one zombie death scene where the maid of the professor's mansions is looking outside on the second level. A zombie is hiding behind a bush and throws what seems to be a railroad spike and pins her had into the wall. The zombies grab this ugly-looking scythe and slowly decapitates her with it. Then the zombies go out of their way to find a toolshed, start chopping down doors, and even use a battering ram??? Yep, you know the kinda. Zombie that can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Other than all of the shennanigans this film holds, the dialouge has to be the most amusing: Here's some examples of it:

"You look just like a little whore - but I like that"
"You're getting a raise out of me and it has nothing to do with money"
"Whatever it is, it's not human - It's a walking corpse!"
"Stay back, I'm your friend" (said to a zombie I might add)

The music score alone will quench the thirst for Goblin fans. Also the music score sounds somewhat similar to the classic Sci-Fi movie "Blade Runner".

The extras are very nice too:
- The original US theatrical trailer (still in it's murky 35mm glory)
- Interviews with director Andrea Bianchi and actress Mariangela Giordano
- Still and Poster Gallery
- Trailers for "Zombie Holocaust", "Spasmo", and 2 other obscure Eruo-trash cinema flicks.

"Burial Ground - Nights Of Terror" has earned itself a warm snuggly spot in my DVD collection along my Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarentino, and other assorted horror flicks.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It is one of the best!
Review: I was eager to watch this movie ever since I seen previews for it, the atmosphere is great!! The scenery really kicks in like in a Fulci zombie movie. There is plenty of gore in this and nudity as well. But the thing that was great were the zombies, they looked amazing, great makeup, and they are smarter this time around. These zombies can use weapons and cooperate with eachother to kill people, I thought that was pretty cool. A must see for fans of zombie movies, it really is among the best. This movie has alot of memorable scenes you won't forget. Incest between a woman and her son, yea you heard it correctly, and what he does to her when they "reunite" is pretty crazy too. Amazing atmosphere, great effects, one of the best for sure!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT, GORY, ZOMBIE MUNCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: This movie is in the top 5 all time greats!!!!!!! The zombies are not the usual grade. they actually have some intelligence (iq tests fer the dead!??!!). They also look cool as well. The makeup effects are well done!! (they actually look like rotting or rotten corpses), and boy does the blood and guts flow.
This movie is better than zombie any day!!!. (i can hear people screaming somewhere???)
The little boy who "loves his mother" is so creepy that you wander where the hell was this kid during THE OMEN casting!!!! With the subject matter of the boy and onther sexual overtones it surprises me that a woman made this movie!!! This movie has a great atmosphere, verry creepy, and the music is so cool!!! I love the music!! It actually stays with you after you finshed the movie. I actually think the music put the movie over many other zombie flicks. It makes it stand out!!
its now on dvd! and i hope uncut. I have been hearing that the colors in the movie are better as well. Its about time this movie was done some justice!! You cant go wrong with this zombie flick!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Bloody zombie fun!
Review: A scientist has brought back the dead from an ancient curse, the zombies are seeking the blood of human beings in a mansion located next to their cemetery.

Very entertaining and violent Italian zombie splatter epic that is preety much flawed but fun to watch. The flaws are the zombie make-up, some of them look like halloween masks and the English dubbed dialog is preety bad but the gore effects, chilling music score and violence make up for those things. It also includes a breast feeding scene you will never forget, it's definitely a gorehound's delight and will please fans of zombie flicks.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Borial Ground - Night Of Terrible Movie
Review: If you want terrible acting,the worst voice dubbing a movie can offer,then pick up Borial Ground. A professor who happens to live on an estate breaks the seal and the zombies rise. Pretty basic and repetitive. Although one decent aspect is the zombies look decent,they don't look as corny as (Shock Waves and Zombie Lake)which are 2 other terrible movies. Also what on earth is going on with the chessy dialogue,line like "You look like a slut,but I like it"and telling a zombie "Im your friend". In conclusion I would recommend actual great classic Horror movies like (1978-Dawn Of The Dead,1985-Day Of The Dead,1980-Cannibal Apocalypse,1983-Evil Dead,1981-The Beyond) instead to add to your collection rather then wasting 16 dollars on the terrible Burial Ground from Shriek Show.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: OH MY GOD KILLER ZOMBIES!!!! hold on where is it they came from again oh yea i forgot when the scientist knocked on a wall. This is the worst zombie intro iv'e seen in years no let me refrase that thats the worst zombie intro i've seen ever.Theres the bad acting and i do meen bad acting kids not just ur regular bad actor in a film all of these actor were bad from the scientist to that little kid who looked like he was 50 i meen what arent there any kid actors in italy. (...) Anyway just incase you haven't figured it out yet, simple don't waste your money on this dvd i wish some one would have written this review first [to] help all of those people who are about to make a big mistake.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unabashed gore classic
Review: Burial Ground is absolutely one of the best entries in the glut of Italian zombie/cannibal films to have been released in the late 70's and early 80's. A fine example of so bad it's great and an absolute party pleaser too. The plot is bare bones simple: A prologue shows an archaeology professor accidentally reviving the dead while on a research field trip. Fast forward a while later. A bunch of guests receive an invitation from this professor to spend a few days of rest and relaxation at his mansion. To their great surprise, they arrive at the mansion with no professor in sight. What they do encounter however are tons (and I do mean tons) of the walking undead praying for their flesh.

The thing I like the most about Burial Ground is the pacing. The initial 20 minutes are somewhat slow but after that we're talking slam bam pacing that never lets go, something you would not get from say, a Lucio Fulci flick. I'm a big fan of Fulci's films but in between zombie attacks things move at a snail's pace. Burial Ground however is as fast as a roller-coaster with innumerable zombie attack scenes and especially creative scenes of gore (although the shard of glass in the eye is definitely in homage to Fulci's Zombie). The zombies look cheap and are super slow but one thing they're not is stupid. How many zombie films do we see where the ghouls use scythes, pitchforks and axes as weapons and even collectively gather to use a battery ram to force their way in? In many ways, these zombies act way more logically than their human victims. I guess the professor did a fine job of tutoring them.

Sure this movie is ridiculous but most zombie films are anyway. There's so much to laugh about in this film. The acting? Please. All of the actors are dubbed anyways and are never given any decent opportunity to show off their ability. The dubbing is atrocious in the worst way. It's one thing when the lips are not in synch with the translator but quite another when the voice comes out as an echoey sound from a different room! One thing that's a winner is the transfer which is surprisingly clear. Due to this quality transfer the film never appears to be as old as it is except for the clothing the actors are wearing of course.

I wish more zombie movies were this unabashedly over-the-top. Tons of gore, tons of nudity, breakneck pacing, a few scenes of incest thrown in for good measure and that's Burial Ground for you. Even though the film is laughable and ultra cheesy, director Andrea Bianchi is still somehow able to instill a genuine sense of terror throughout. There's no happy go lucky ending here folks. Great movie, great transfer, great extras. A must own film for fans of the genre.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Effective Movie, but with problems
Review: I was kind of skeptical of Burial Ground when I was researching at amazon.com. Then, I viewed the trailer and ordered it immediately. I watched it just recently and let me tell you, it does not dissapoint. The movie was effective from start to finish, not allowing any breaks between zombie attacks. But there are certain problems.

First off, when the menu pops up, you have to put the DVD player in widescreeen mode just to gain access to certain areas. This was probably done by mistake by the DVD company that revised the movie, but the problem is correctable.

Second, why in God's earth did the professor, who mistakenly released the zombies, cry "Stop! I'm your friend!" Come on. Anybody can see that zombies are hard-headed and don't listen. Unfortunately, the zombies don't care and kill him.

The third problem is the Dario Argento midget. Why would a zombie movie imply this punk? It's obvious that he has a strong love for his mother, too much that makes him horny and touching her. She pushes him away, making him run and scream "But mom, I'm your son." So it's okay for a son to commit incest to his mom sexually? Whoever put this is the plot is a moron. And also, whoever used his voice sucks. It makes him sound like a 30-year-old man using helium.

And fourth, what was up with the ending? The zombies are about to cut the man up with the saw, and the woman is about to be bitten by a horde of zombies. Then, all of a sudden, a quote appears on the screen freezing the action and the credits roll. Why put up a quote instead of showing more gore?

Other than the four problems, the movie is good. As stated before, there are no long breaks between zombie scenes. About every scene that is shown shows a zombie either looking drugged up or getting grub. It was effective and kept me at the edge of my seat. Also, the music was effective. It can become a little jazzy and does sound like it was stolen from another movie, but it does fit the tone of the movie. Don't hesitate to buy it. It is a good movie for any zombie fan. Also, check out other good Italian zombie flicks like The Beyond, Zombie, City of the Living Dead, and Let Sleeping Corpses Lie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Still fresh Burial ground
Review: This film is always refreshing in this gore free times.Gore is plentiful,masks are right on their places with rotting skulls,and I like very much setting in the old castle.The camera is,for most time, very good and music ,for Italian horror film,too.
So,if you love Italian horror films,such directors as Fulci,Argento or Bava,amongs others,here is very good example from the golden times of our beloved horror genre.

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