Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest movies of all time!!!!! Review: Between this and Terminator 2, I cant decide which Arnold movie is better. Those 2 movies are my favorites of all time. THIS movie, is excellent. Dont call yourself a man if you dont own this movie, because all real men such as myself own and love this movie. Its got everything a man needs in a movie: GUNS, military action, suspense, no cheesy love lines or anything like that, blood, guts, explosions, EVERYTHING. Get this movie, you wont be disappointed!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: "Dylan!!!!!" Review: Swirling shots of immersive jungles, a greasy Apollo Creed, and almost intelligable lines like, "You never did know when to quit, did you?" make this the High Chieftan of Arnold flicks. And the Guy Movie among Guy Movies as well; the 2 minute sequence of huge guns spraying masses of lead into nothingness is sheer testosterone.And no one smokes cigars like Ah-nold. "Payback Time!" "Ain't got time to bleed!" "Buncha slack-jawed ... around here, this stuff'll make ya into a .... sexual tyrannosaurus! Just like me." I mean, really, who WOULDN'T want Jesse Venture as their state's governor? Sure this is generic action whatnot from McTiernan, but it's awesome at what it does. And don't deny the great performance of what's-his-name, the guy who plays Ventura's best friend. The "any time" guy. That guy was awesome. His freakouts are genuinely believable. And seriously, every single line Arnold utters is immense entertainment. He should play every part in every movie for the rest of time. The reason I gave this DVD three stars is the unforgivable lack of extras, which is inexcusable in this day and age. We want to see Stan Winston making the Predator's crab-claw mouth! We want to see extra closeups of Arnie taking meaty drags from his phallic stogie! And what about the famous behind-the-scenes thirteen-minute brawl between Ahhnold and Weathers, the one that gave Weathers the busted eye socket? Rumor has it McTiernan caught the whole thing on film, including the smack that actually popped Weathers' eye out of the socket momentarily. That stuff would be nice to see. Criterion has done DVDs of The Rock and Armaggedon, so they shouldn't feel like it would be "low" of them to commit an extensive effort to McTiernan's "crass" bit of masculinity. "It's been a long time, Colonel..."
Rating:  Summary: Sci-fi/Horrer classic worthy of better treatment Review: I don't like to reiterate the story (the editorial review and others will do that). Instead I like to make points on specific details to help the buyer make an informed choice. Here's what I think are important things to look for and think about when concidering the Predator DVD; THE FILM (for those who have not viewed it) -I have a hard time deciding if this is a horror movie or a Sci-fi film. It's so violent, I put it with my horror collection. -Did I mention violent? This film is not for the squeemish. INTESTINE ALERT!!! -Always compared to "Alien" and deservedly so. Alien was a more ambitious film. I rate them as entertainment equals. -Characters are well defined and (despite not talking much) you actually care about them. -Probably Arnolds most appropriate casting. It is still uncommfortable to hear him cuss. All the actors are asked to do very little but run and shoot alot... ...with great success! -Special fx have yet to show there age. Very well done. -There is nary a slow point in the film. If it gets quiet, it is to build tension. First time viewing is very intense. THE DVD -If you want to know more about "Pradator" you won't find it here. This is an "Extras Free" DVD. -Picture quality is very good. Not a problem, -Sound quality also very good. Definitly gives a theater feel. -Packaging is simple. Nothing of special note. -This thing is a cheap date. You get what you pay for. I recommend shopping around. So why the title? Well, I personally feel this is a Sci-fi Horror classic that deserves the same reverence that "Alien" has received. The film presentation is quality enough, but I certainly would have paid more for "the Making Of.." or concept art or something to educate me on the details of the films production. I'm glad I'm able to get this wonderful film for the price of dirt, but I don't agree with it being treated like dirt as a DVD package. Is this film really so poorly reguarded by Fox that it gets the "Shlub" treatment? Perhaps they plan future releases giving the "Predator" its proper "Special Edition" DVD. Unfortunately, I've already spent my money on this, highly viewable, poor-mans version.
Rating:  Summary: "Your'e one ugly Mother - - - - - - ." Review: PREDATOR was an absolutely fantastic action/adventure sci-fi thriller from the mind of John McTiernan, whose also behind DIE HARD, THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, and countless others. The simple storyline involves Major Dutch Schaeffer (played by AH-NULD) leading commandos into the jungle to rescue hostages. They group slowly begins to realize that they're being hunted by an invisible, hostile alien game hunter with dreadlocks that makes trophies of humans. That's about all there is to the story, but it is very well executed and is easily one of Schwarzenegger's and McTiernan's best.
Rating:  Summary: I like the sequel more but this one is still good. Review: Let me first say when I hear about Arnold Schwarzenagger being in a film I absolutely cringe when I hear it because to tell you the truth....I think he sucks. Anyways I like this movie because it contains a really good looking and scary villain and the only actor to take him on is Arnold which I did not mind this time. He does not talk much in this film (which is a good thing) as he tries to create a good strategy in destroying the man-hunting beast. I like how the creature can only see in infrared making it very hard for any human being to hide from the big bug looking creature. I like this film because it deals with the same matter as in 'Alien', in which you the viewer watch a man who has weaknesses try to defeat a 'Perfect Killing Machine' and tries to escape it's powerful fate of death.
Rating:  Summary: A COLOSSAL ALIEN ENNEMY THAT ONLY A STRONG MAN CAN FIGHT Review: In this splendid movie which is still again predominated by ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER we are dazzled from extravagance of an E-T who's take many pleasure to make trophy for any species which is a challenge for him, he polish up the differents humans skulls, humans craniums ! Its only ambition and objective will are that: " Annihilate his new strong adversary which he as never seen in his long life " For him this will be the end of the game because SCHWARZY is not in the same way as an ordinary wild animal ! Off course, evidently this is a very good movie a good FILM with many inhumans actions and it's good for me and my differents preferences !
Rating:  Summary: ok arnie movie Review: This movie is okay, I don't why everybody say this is Arnie's best movie. The whole time Arnie and the monster are battling in the jungle is pretty tiresome. I would say the best part is Arnie's troop and the enemy's troop fighting, not the main monster battling part.
Rating:  Summary: Shootin, Stalkin, and Fightin, OH MY! Review: Simply one of the best Action/Suspense/Monster Movies in the last 20 years. I put it with T2 and Aliens on my favorites list. In my opinion this is what shot Ahhhhnold into the stratosphere. The Action. The shoot um up big guns explosions are done well. My favorite is the the Mini Gun that is carried by Painless (for a while) The sound and fire power of that thing!!! Oh Baby, you just knew if he drew a bead on what ever it was that it would be done for! NOT! You have to watch this with surround sound and a decent system to appreciate this movie even more. The Suspense. The suspense for me was The Jungle it self. Some Bad Bush! Not being able to see well and have something aside from the things that are already there that you can't see stalking you is even more scary. The Monster. Man, an alien space hunter with overwhelming technology and vast inteligence not just a mindless monster killing on instinct. Big, Ugly, Powerful, and Smart. Everything a monster could be! Mixed up with a pretty good story although a little bit predictable (we all know the government will get you if they can) and pretty good actors it is no wonder that if this came out today it would still be a hit...
Rating:  Summary: Testosterone at its Highest Level Review: Predator was a fantastic film and really one of best horror/action adventures that I've ever seen. This has been one of my top 5 movies since I first saw in in the 80's. The cast is a list of masculine images that does indeed make this a guy film. Arnold-don't need to say any more, Carl Weathers-fresh from Rocky, Jesse Ventura-Navy SEAL and professional wrestler, and Sonny Landham- former adult film star- all contribute to make this film irresistable to guys who love blow-em-up-shoot-em-to-bits films. Predator is about a team of elite special forces soldiers who go into hostile territory to rescue people and end up being stalked by a creature that hunts them one by one. The blood and guts films don't really hold a candle to this film, becuase this was one of the pioneers. It's not just senseless gore either, there is actually a plot that makes some sense.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best action movies. Review: Great acting, Great special effects, Great story, Great momentum. Great movie.