Rating:  Summary: A Modern Most Dangerous Game Review: Arnold in an updated version of Most Dangerous Game against an alien hunter who can be invisible, has a force field, has heat sensors, and super advanced weaponry. This is one of the most memorable aliens in the history of cinema.Arnold's group of elite soldiers (they appear to be Rangers) are sent on a rescue mission in a South American jungle. It turns out there are more than just bad guys there. There is also, the above mentioned alien who loves to hunt them down one by one and take something from the victim as a trophy. There are some memorable lines, especially what Arnold says to the alien after he sees what he looks like under his body armor. Arnold does seem to take more punishment than appears to be humanly possible and survive. If you can get by that, you will highly enjoy this film. Definately worth owning!
Rating:  Summary: An Interesting movie! Review: I saw Predator in a movie theater and though it isn't my all-time favorite Arnold Schwartzenegger movie it was a good movie and was interesting. Arnold plays a soldier who is in a jungle and trying to stop an alien being who skins it's victims alive. The movie has a good cast that includes Arnold Schwartzenegger and Jesse Ventura and I recommend the movie to fans of Sci-Fi and Horror movies but if you are someone who is easily grossed out out you may not like the graphic scenes of the skinned corpses.
Rating:  Summary: GREATEST MOVIE EVER Review: The predator is without a doubt the greatest movie ever. With great action, sci-fi horror and none other than the greatest actor ever ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER! This movie was amazing when i first saw it and to even make it better was the phrases in the movie like "GET TO THE CHOPPER". My favorite scene will always be the classic part where Arnold fights back. He lights a log on fire and screams for the predator giving him a taste of his own medicine. Overall this is the greatest movie i have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: The Hunt Begins! Tally-ho! Review: 1987's PREDATOR is an entertaining and suspenseful hybrid of the sci-fi, horror, and action genres that came out a few years after his phenomenal success with his roles in THE TERMINATOR and the CONAN THE BARBARIAN movies, and muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger demonstrates here that the range of his acting skills continues to expand. He delivers a strong performance as Major "Dutch" Schaeffer, the leader of a crack U.S. commando squad sent to Central America to rescue some downed airmen that have purportedly been kidnapped by terrorists. When the mission goes awry, Dutch and crew are forced to traverse a dangerous jungle in order to reach the pre-arranged rendezvous with their OWN rescuers. And that jungle turns out to be even more dangerous than first imagined, as the squad members soon find themselves in the midst of a safari being conducted by an intelligent extraterrestrial--and THEY are the objects of the hunt! Schwarzenegger is backed by a group of outstanding supporting actors that includes Carl Weathers, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura (yes, that's Governor Ventura), and Sonny Landham. Considering the film's production date, the breathtaking special FX are very original and innovative, and Stan Winston's design and FX for the alien are so totally cool that the creature remains a popular SF icon today. The DVD from Fox is short on extras, offering the trailer only, but the widescreen digital transfer is beautifully stunning and the Dolby Digital sound is fantastic. In short, this is one of Arnie's best, especially from his earlier body of work, and the quality DVD is offered at a price that is reasonable enough that any SF or action-flick fan can add it to their collection.
Rating:  Summary: Predator - One of the best action movies ever made! Review: "Predator" can easily be counted among the top action movies of the eighties and can unquestionably be counted among the top Arnold Schwarzenegger movies! This movie is quite simply, a pure action packed thriller that sets a level of intensity that few movies in the genre can match. The action coupled with the superior score will definitely leave a first time viewer astonished at what they're watching. For fans of this film, it is one of those that can be watched over and over and enjoyed every time, making the nominal price for this DVD inconsequential. One of the elements of this film that makes it such the powerhouse that it is was the performance given by the testosterone laden cast. Arnold Schwarzenegger's performance is brilliant in the leading role. For him, it was the perfect role; little dialogue, lots of action, what else did he need. The supporting cast is almost legendary for the industry; from the "other" governor, Jesse Ventura to Carl Weathers, all of the exceptional actors performed brilliantly. Director John McTiernan did an absolutely perfect job with this movie. Considering the phenomenal movies he's made in his career, it's easy to see why he was picked to direct them as his approach to making a movie is clearly quite appealing to moviegoers! The job that Alan Silvestri did with the music for this movie should've won him an Oscar if it didn't. I'd almost venture to say that despite the script and the stars, this movie might not have been as big as it was had the music for every second of the movie not been the perfect match that it was. The Premise: Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Dutch who appears to be a Major in the US Army and the commanding officer of an HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) that is called in to a Central American country under false pretenses to rescue some dignitaries. Along for the ride is Carl Weathers in the role of Dillon, a former soldier that had served with Dutch but he now works for the "agency." It doesn't take long for the action to kick in as Dutch and his team soon find another team that "bought it" in a very odd way and not long thereafter, Dutch and his team soon find themselves dealing with something no one has ever had to deal with before... I highly recommend this DVD version of "Predator" to any and all who are fans of the action genre, whether you've seen this film or not, this DVD is extremely well worth the nominal cost. {ssintrepid} Special Features: This DVD is all about the movie and the only special feature available is the Original Theatrical Trailer.
Rating:  Summary: Exellent movie Review: This is a very good movie for all Sci-Fi/Action thriller movie fans.The setting is in South America. For green berets mysteriously disappear one day,so seven special forces soldiars are sent to find out what happened. The soldiars find the hostages,have a big battle and start going towards the helocoptor.On the way,each of the Commandos are individually killed by a mysterious unseen hunter. Starrs Arnold Schwarzenegger,Carl Weathers,Jesse Ventura and Bill Duke.Extras include theatrical trailers and widescreen aphormic format.
Rating:  Summary: More dehumanized Science Fiction... Review: The tradition of doing dehumanized sci-fi films continued with this 1987 stinker that pitted against Arnold against a fake looking alien from other planet. Non-existant script and second rate effects work are the name of the game here. The movie alsho showed that McTernan would become just another all style and no substance movie director.
Rating:  Summary: Hunter becomes the hunted Review: What if we were suddenly the deer in the field? Being stalked by an undetectable force with unimaginable weapons. The predator kills by skull size much like humans kill by weight or antlers. It hunts for pleasure. Planet to planet. A action packed film that reverses the hunting expierince. With Arnold in the movie what can you expect. His acting is great, and the make-up effects on the Predator are seamless. A great movie. A must buy, i reccomend anyone pick it up for there collection.
Rating:  Summary: Predator: The hunt begins Review: An earth bound "Alien" which maybe a little better than Ridley Scotts film. Arnie comes into this film as a commando who has been sent out in the jungle with his team on a wild goose chase to hunt and kill a mysterious monster that has killed the patrols sent down there to investigate. However Schwarzennegger doesnt know that the predator is not of this world and is bent on hunting them down until they are dead. One of the finest films in science fiction history and nothing is comparable except "The Terminator". Special effects that will blow your mind, "Predator" is a must for Science fiction/Action lovers.
Rating:  Summary: Scary Review: Another Arnie film that kicks. This film has great effects and the story is good. The follow up film wasn't bad either, but this was the better of the two. Scary.