Rating:  Summary: One of my new favorites Review: Let me begin by saying that this film is not what most people expect it to be. Rather than being a typical medieval hack and slash movie, A Knight's Tale is actually a sports movie with a lot of comedy, action, and a bit of romance. Confused? Well, considering that jousting was probably the sport of choice in the movie's time setting, this makes perfect sense. Still confused? You'll understand when you watch the opening scene with the spectators at a joust singing "We Will Rock You" by Queen. Sound bizarre? I thought so, too, but then it all made perfect sense as I sat and watched. Basically a tale of a rookie new to the sport and his struggle to the top, this film is now one of my favorites up there with Gladiator and Braveheart. Just like those two movies, Knight's Tale is one of those films that sucks you right in with gorgeous sets, detailed costumes, and great characterization. However, the main difference is that the tone of this movie is rather comical. Actually, I laughed more during A Knight's Tale than I remember laughing during most comedies. This isn't to say that the movie lacks any seriousness. Competition is what jousting is all about, and this film gets you pretty pumped up even without having any battle scenes. I highly recommend this movie to everyone, and I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. Make sure you don't get to the theater late so you don't miss the "We Will Rock You" opening sequence, and check out Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the major characters. Yes, the same Geoffrey Chaucer that wrote Canterbury Tales. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Probably Not for Everyone But Definate Must See For Most Review: Ok so I saw the movie just for Heath Ledger in the beginning (Do ya Blame me?) And I think Heath Ledger does a remarkable job in this movie. The character William is a far cry from Patrick in 10 Things I Hate About You, but Ledger does a stunning job in this role as well. I was expecting something rather serious considering the issues involved, but was nicely surprised to see the remarkable comedy in the movie. Although the movie does have some serious moments and the overtone of the movie is a serious one dealing with the distinctions of classes among people the overall movie I found to be Hilarious. There are moments of minimal violence involved in the Joust. I will add it too my collection as soon as it is released to own. If you saw Robin Hood Men in Tights and found it funny then you really should see this movie. Although the comedy is not as obvious and slapstick it is still there in all it's glory. I would recommend everyone see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, if you still know how to have fun. Review: A Knight's Tale is what you get when you cross underdog sports drama, comedy, medieval knights, and a healthy dose of Gen X attitude. William Thatcher is a nobody, son of a peasant, fascinated with knights. When the knight he's serving dies before the final round of a joust, William takes a chance and assumes his identity. The show wastes no time whatsoever getting straight to the fun stuff. The above paragraph is the very first thing you'll see in the movie, and the very next is the movie's first joust set to Queen's We Will Rock You. The twist here isn't just a cheap soundtrack, but the fact that it's interwoven into the movie itself. The jousting audience is more of a football crowd, clapping along to the legendary beat and having fun. The herald trumpet players are even shown to belt a few notes, while the guards step along. The best example I can think of this previously is Robin Hood: Men in Tights. A Knight's Tale takes it one step farther however by taking it all very seriously. By the end of the show you could almost believe it. Heralds that sound more like boxing announcers, armor with famous looking logos, ultra modern hair and outfits, and even an amazing dance sequence that blends classical with modern set to David Bowie. It's a highlight of the movie and worth watching just for that scene alone. The best thing I can say about A Knight's Tale is how real it all is, despite it's theme. The modern aspects are blended into the events with real tact, the comedy is honestly funny, and the drama is in no way cheapened by the lightheartedness. It's not exactly Oscar material, but the show has a few honestly dramatic and heart touching moments that are go over extremely well to anyone but scoffing critics. If you've ever had even a slight fascination with Knights and the joust, give this a watch. It's a great movie filled with all the fun and wit one could ask for. The Gen X attitude may seem like a gimmick, but if you're as tired as I am of lame actors speaking in extremely poor old English, this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: a great comedy... Review: I loved a Knight's Tale as it was funny. This is not a movie to be taken seriously. It has lots of humor, love and even some history in it. But the over-all movie is to root for the underdog and come out smiling. This movie is personally one of my favorite Heath Ledger movies.
Heath plays William who is a peasant squire and ends up passing himself off for a knight and ends up jousting his way up! Makes for an amazing story. He has a rival that will do anything to stop him in his tracks...and when it comes to the scene against one another you will be on the edge of you set rooting for one and hating the other. You will be riding along with each one, laughing at all the jokes and so forth if you go in not wanting this movie to be serious! I highly recommend this movie for a great comedy night and if you are a fan of any of the actors and actresses in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lighten Up Review: If you take yourself very very seriously, do not see this film. If you have frequent feelings of superiority, do not see this film. If you spend more time mocking others than laughing at yourself, do not see this film.
Otherwise, if you're someone who enjoys seeing the good guy win, get the girl and triumph over the kind of people described in the first paragraph...you'll like this movie.
Honestly, some of these other reviewers should lighten up.
Rating:  Summary: What I woudn't to do forget this obscenity... Review: Having had to endure this obscenity was beyond revolting... what I wouldn't do to forget the horror...
I would rather stick foreign objects in my rear end than have to see this again.
Pure filth.
Rating:  Summary: Two laughs in Two Hours Review: Thats all it could squeeze out of me. The rest of the time I felt nothing but sheer embarrassment watching this ridiculous movie try to be hip and funny.
The previous review 'Funny as Genocide' gave me a laugh for quite some time..I wish the movie had done the same.
I get what they were doing. It was not meant to be historically accurate. It was meant to be cutting edge cool/romance set in the middle ages. It might have worked had the script been the least bit gripping, but in the end I could have cared nothing for the fate of these characters dancing to David Bowie.
Rating:  Summary: As funny as genocide. Review: I have a small confession to make. I did not watch this film in it's entirity. 57 minutes into my descent toward death I managed to drag myself from the room by my left index finger, -the only part of my body able to survive the overwhelming physical depression. As I lay in the hallway willing my body back into action, I considered the possible motives anyone would have for inflicting this monstrosity upon the world. I came up with nothing, save the notion that some idiot somewhere thought that a bit of slow-motion jousting was a good enough premise for an entire film.
This film is'nt just bad, it's debilitatingly naff. You won't laugh, you won't cry, you won't be scared, you'll just be perpetualy bewildered for many weeks to come. I still wake up at night asking "why?"
Rating:  Summary: 3 Worm-EY rotten apples... ;( ekkk!!! Review: Without a doubt one of THEE worst movies I have ever seen!!
I do not know if it was the horrific acting, someone-should be-shot-for-this script or terrible direction or maybe a combination of all three. Do not waste your time and money. I saw that it received okay to good reviews so I decided to see it...BIG mistake. There was a scandal when this movie came out in regards to reviewers getting favored treatment, gifts to look upon this film in a good light.It was really bad ....Heath Ledger and anyone involved in this film should be knighted..knighted over the head with a 4o ounce
3 wormEY rotten apples....eck :( eck :o eck ;(
Rating:  Summary: Not the best, but certainly not the worst Review: I really question the judgement of some of these reviewers. A work of Satan..??! Oh, please! First, I am an English teacher, and a big fan of Chaucer and his times. The first time I saw this movie, I was screaming in disbelieving horror throughout. However, my sons loved it and it was on HBO, so the second time they watched it, I could see some merit. By the third time, I was forced to agree with the reviewer who said Chaucer would've loved this. He would have. The commoner rising up on his own (basically) honest merits comes straight from Chaucer. Yes, some of the dialogue is cliched, the Black Prince was not noted for progressiveness, but the cast makes it rise up above such picayune things. Ledger is great, and Jocelyn actually has a mind of her own. See it with an open mind and see for yourself. One other note - mute the volume during Robbie Williams attempt at Queen (final song). Now THAT is desecration!!