Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the Jurrasic Parks,but its fun Review: A good movie,but has very poor effects.The dinosaurs look so fake.The Jarrasic Park serries had great effects.Other than that its a very good movie.Good acting and a good plot.One of the most goriest movies ive ever seen.A group of scientest create a lot of raptors and one t-rex.1 of the raptors escapes and kills five locals and two policemen.The shierf and his girlfriend investigates the killings and go check out the building were the dinosaurs were created.The head scientest(Dr.Hyde)is actually rooting for the raptors,and lock them in a room were the raptors will come and eat them.Like in Python 1 and 2 the government are involved and they send about 10 soldiers there to kill the raptors.Before the shierf went to Dr.Hydes labs and got locked up,he told the electric company to turn off the power at exactly 3:00 PM.So when the power goes out the door comes open were they were trapped and the lazers that were keeping the raptors from escaping go off.Now the dinosaurs are free in the building and are killing the soldiers and scientest.One of the raptors gets in the helicopter and kills the women driving it and it blowsup. They send another helicopter and the surviving soldiers and scientest escape.The t-rex eats Dr.Hyde in the end and the sheirf kills the T-rex.The soldiers blow up the building and the raptors die.A good movie to rent and even buy if you like.Thanks for reading!
Rating:  Summary: It's Carnosaur 4 with a new title Review: Another reviewer thought Corman was ripping off his own Carnosaur series.Fact is they'd announced production of Carnosaur 4.This film is obviously it.Coincidently it's the second 2001 kaiju to get re-titled with an "R" title that just makes it harder to find if you were looking for it.The other is Yongarry 2001(the special edition of Yongarry 1999) which was re-titled REPTILIAN.The entire Carnosaur series has the dubious distinction of placing good actors in mediocre scripts and lowering the quality of the dinosaur FX in each sequel.Someone must have thought distancing this one from the series might get it a bigger audience.It's a shame Corman got the rights to the novel this series is based on.It could have made one great movie instead of four "golden turkeys".To RAPTOR's credit this cast does a better job with this script than JP3's cast could do with that one.
Rating:  Summary: How the heck did they bag JAMES HORNER for this? Review: CARNOSAUR was a true landmark in my 17 years of watching movies, in that it was the first one that I could not finish in one sitting (I had to take 2 breaks). The crummy special effects and gratuitous gore are not the problem (movies like BAD TASTE prove it can be done and be good). The problem was its utter rediculouslness, its tendancy to introduce characters for the sole purpose of killing them in death scenes that are far more revealing and even longer than the ones that introduced them. It was way to dark and gloomy to be considered campy fun. In a word, it bit. But now here is RAPTOR, a Roger Corman movie that feels some need to re-make CARNOSAUR, this time sans human-incubation plot, with half of the film being stock footage of the 1993 abomination and the other half being brand new, 2001 abomination. The surprise in this movie is that James Horner is on the credits. What a fun little excercise this must have been for him. (But no, the music isn't anything remarkable)
Rating:  Summary: I Completely agree. Review: I completely agree with the previous review. Between the stock footage and the miserable acting, the only reason I see for watching this disgusting pile of (...) is the fact that Eric Roberts starred in it, which if I wouldn't brag about, and that there were some excellent looking actresses in it. But hey, you can get those two qualities out of all kinds of movies. If you're are still tempted to see this movie, just watch Carnosaur 1&2 so you don't have to put up with glaring inconsistancies.
Rating:  Summary: See Three Terrible Movies In One Even More Painful Experienc Review: I have to admit that "carnisaur" has been a guilty pleasure for me and friends. Although rediculously bad I didnt think it could get any worse...until now. Thanks to "raptors" I now no longer feel a reason to live. This movie was brutal in every aspect of film. I do enjoy B-movies every now and then, but when I rent one, I dont expect to see three other movies spliced together like a chinese fire drill. Every rule is broken in this movie: Bobcats tractors teleport from factories to deserts and transform into gigantic forklifts, a total lack of RAPTORS in the movie, the murders of random characters from other movies because it is sliced to horribly, and it becomes pitch black after 3:00 in a matter of minutes. I guess what I am trying to elude to is that I feel horriblly betrayed and cheated: the director's comentary even goes great lengths to avoid commenting on the issue of the blatantly obvious splicing and errors. Unfortunately, if you are looking for a good B-movie laugh...I recommend the originals first...then only then you will understand the true monstosity that is "raptor"
Rating:  Summary: See Three Terrible Movies In One Even More Painful Experienc Review: I have to admit that "carnisaur" has been a guilty pleasure for me and friends. Although rediculously bad I didnt think it could get any worse...until now. Thanks to "raptors" I now no longer feel a reason to live. This movie was brutal in every aspect of film. I do enjoy B-movies every now and then, but when I rent one, I dont expect to see three other movies spliced together like a chinese fire drill. Every rule is broken in this movie: Bobcats tractors teleport from factories to deserts and transform into gigantic forklifts, a total lack of RAPTORS in the movie, the murders of random characters from other movies because it is sliced to horribly, and it becomes pitch black after 3:00 in a matter of minutes. I guess what I am trying to elude to is that I feel horriblly betrayed and cheated: the director's comentary even goes great lengths to avoid commenting on the issue of the blatantly obvious splicing and errors. Unfortunately, if you are looking for a good B-movie laugh...I recommend the originals first...then only then you will understand the true monstosity that is "raptor"
Rating:  Summary: Come on! Review: I know it's supposed to be similar to the Carnosaur movies, but Im sure they could've done a better job with up-to-date technology. The movie is so incredibly gory. The raptor in the beginning looks tiny (it didn't even move it's mouth, someone was just shoving a plastic model into the person's stomach) and they said it weighed like 180 pounds or something. Near the end, when a guy uses a forklift against a T-Rex, it looks so stupidly fake, you cant even see the person in the remote control forklift they are using. I also want to complain about the plot, it makes sense, but it's so simple, no unsuspecting action or mystery. I wouldn't even call it a movie. You want raptors? Get the Jurassic Park series, an excellent 5 star series.
Rating:  Summary: This film was pure crap.. Review: I saw this film with the rest of the Carnosaur films on this Marathon that was shown on TMC(The Movie Channel)So I decided to watch em' seeing how everyone is raving this film rocks.....I must say you people are idiots(no offense)but I guess it's alright for "some" people to enjoy fake rubber anomatronic Dinosaurs kill kill kill with a grim plot. This movie was right after Carnosaur 3 and It was titles "RAPTOR".
This was complete B.S. Raptor Had a terrible plot, lame acting and stupid stupid Dinosaurs(Jurassic Park totally takes down this whole series). Raptor is just another rip off of Carnosaur and you can totally tell this only took the director 1 to 2 days to make.
Correct me if I'm wrong people, but were half of those no wait I'm sorry but was almost all those death scenes taken from all the Carnosaur films(i.e the woman who gets torn apart by the raptor who takes her from the elevator, the sherrif who battles the raptor at some street)cause if I remember a scientist with a white coat doesnt all of a sudden turn into some woman dressed in black getting killed by a rubber dinosaur. I was so mad because the Director was either lazy to creat something new or he wanted a kick out of this I mean YOU DON'T PUT DEATH SCENEES YOU MADE IN YOUR PREVIOUS FILM AND PUT THEM ON ANOTHER FILM! This was complete and utter [...].
I'm not trying to sound harsh or anything but this is one of the worst films ever created and with enough Gore(obviously taken from the other films)HORRIBLE ACTING, lame plot that I could give a care and Characters that really [...] off I give this piece of Doggy Doo doo a
1.0 out of 5 stars
Rating:  Summary: Raptors? Review: It is sooo lame! In the begining you see the raptors! You should not see the killers until at 30 minutes of the movie! It's just seeing people being alone then getting ripped apart! I stopped watching after 18 minutes. I figgered once you've seen one guy die you've seen the movie! People who have not seen jurassic park 1,2,and 3 seem to like this movie! Jurassic park is soooo much better! Rent it if you must see it!
Rating:  Summary: Okay... Review: It uses alot of footage from Carnosaurs 1,2,and 3. Very scary! Not all the used footage fits in well, though. Some truly horrifying scenes.