Rating:  Summary: Oh just awful! Review: Okay there are some cool things about this movie, but the movie was just plain awful. It focused more on the love story than on the Pearl Harbor event that led the U.S. into World War II. I went to see this film in theatres, and I liked it to a point, but I thought that it was cheesy because they tried to make it oh-so-dramatic. Its even more dramatic than Titanic! I think they wanted to have a titanic wannabe like hit in the box office but it failed! They hired the wrong people to make this movie. I wouldn't reccomend it at all.
Rating:  Summary: Wasted opportunity Review: "Pearl Harbor" could have been a great Best Picture contender. When watching this film, it is painfully obvious that the makers of this film were using James Cameron's "Titanic" as a guide. They should have paid more attention to their own production. This love triangle simply belongs elsewhere. Every good critic knows that it is what made "Titanic" an outstanding emotional picture. World War 2 and romance simply do not mix. The attack scene is undeniably spectacular, despite the fact that it becomes tiresome as it progresses. If only Michael Bay could have used Spielberg's "Private Ryan" technique, I could be giving this film 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Whats Love got to do with it? Review: I like love stories, but this one made me sick! The love triangle took away from the real story.
Rating:  Summary: Who does Jerry Bruckheimer think he is? Review: This movie is an insult to all veterans who served in the second world war. It is shallow, completely inaccurate from a historical point of view, and Hollywood at it's worst. America entered WWII under a variety of extenuating circumstances - none of them being that the Japanese broke up a love triangle. The battle scenes are awful, the special effects are terrible, the dialogue is more trite than Titanic's, the characters are not developed, the score is poorly done, the plot is ludicrously unrealistic, and historical accuracy is ignored. THIS MOVIE REPRESENTS EVERYTHING WRONG WITH HOLLYWOOD AND AMERICA! We should not watch war merely for entertainment purposes. Though sometimes necessary, war is a serious and tragic event, and a war movie should embrace this fact and serve to educate as well as entertain the audience...I'm insulted as an American that this movie ever made it across through middle management.
Rating:  Summary: A Good War Movie for Romantic People Review: Pearl Harbor is not only a war movie, it's also a romance. For those who love romance, Pearl Harbor is a film that must have be seen. Despite the fact that the romance story is kind of predictable, it has a context that engages you. For the first 50 minutes of the movie it is an inspiring love story, then amazing battle scenes sets the action. The fact that the cast is very young, acting in a wonderful place, gives the first part of the movie a romantic atmosphere that is drastically interrupted by the war. The second part of the movie showed the victims and nurses arriving at the hospital. Lots of soldiers arrived wounded by the war and the doctors and nurses had to select who they could help or not, what was doubly impressive. The view of that wonderful place destroyed by the war was horrible. The film has great special effects, when the attacks start you cannot see this without being overwhelmed by the horror of war. The special effects conveys how horrible the war is and the tragic deaths it causes.
Rating:  Summary: Just awful Review: Watching this movie was like being lobotomized with a spoon. A complete and total kick to the shin to any World War II veteran or Pearl Harbor survivor to have their experience reduced to puppy-dog romance and pyrotechnics.
Rating:  Summary: Inferior to "Tora Tora Tora" Review: I was hoping for a lot from this film, but I was disappointed. The effects were Ok, but using modern vessels as "stand ins" for some scenes did not look quite right. The entire last third of the film had nothing to do with the Japanese attack, instead it concentrated on the Doolittle raid. I feel that this was a pointless exercise, as it did not advance the plot, or tell anything about Pearl harbour. I think that the Doolittle raid deserves a film in its own right, it is a classic story of WW2. The film should also have concentrated on the real human drama of what happened on dec 4 1941, using actual historical characters, the USN, USMC, USAAF and US army produced many real heroes on that day. Making a film about their exploits would have been a far better tribute.
Rating:  Summary: A turkey, not a Pearl... Review: This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen. The trouble is that young people watching it will be swept up by the various romantic angles and not realise that it is so factually inadequate. This is not the way it happened, make no mistake. The historical details may not seem important to the average viewer but to anyone who has read anything on the subject it is verging on offensive to put this rubbish on screen. This is how Hollywood can misinform people and the punters who have not read anything about it should not be sacrificed at the altar of box office success. Just because it is not a documentary does not mean the public should be misled. In terms of screenplay, this movie cannot be taken seriously as it does not seem to be able to decide exactly what its plot is. There are elements borrowed from "From Here To Eternity", "Tora, Tora, Tora", "Battle of Britain" and "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo", none of which it even comes close to emulating. The characterisations are, at best, shallow and, at worst, positively painful and give the cast little in the way of development to work with. Thus their performances cannot be taken as seriously as one would like, especially in the light of some of their individual achievments in past productions. As for direction, there really isn't much. There is much fudging of names; "Capt. Thurman" of the ONI, for example, is clearly a figment of the scriptwriter's immagination and a product of a total lack of research which would have turned up one "Capt. Alvin Kramer" had anybody bothered to find out. Dates and events are also copiuosly fudged for no real reason. There were no American pilots in the Battle of Britain and NOBODY used the Luftwaffe for target practice. What you end up with is a comic-book script to replace real American history, thus undermining the dignity and achievements of the participants in the real events. That is an unpardonable sin akin to trivialising. The special effects were poor by comparison with other special effects films and I actually found the attack sequences rather boring. Bomb-cam is getting just a bit too predictable. The flight models are ridiculous and make a WWII Zero fly like an F-16. The "fighter-jock" mentality got very wearing, too. US pilots did not shoot down Japanese aircraft in droves in the early days; though some met with success. They had to re-write the manual just to survive against the considerably-more-experienced Japanese who had honed their skills after years of fighting in China. It was only after Midway that American pilots started to gain the upper hand. Sending the cast to boot camp and getting the uniforms right cannot make up for the woeful inadequacies of "Pearl Harbor". This film really cannot be taken seriously and I think it should be sold with a warning. This system won't let me give it a zero so I have to give it an undeserved 1 star. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: An Epic Review: The First Hour is Smaltsy but once the Attack begins the Movie is incredible. It definately does not feel like an 3hr movie.
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic Review: If I could have given this movie 0 stars I would have. There is only a maximum of 1,000 words that I can write here, so I will not even begin to list all of the historical inaccuracies in this movie. Frankly, you could write an entire book on that. I also will not talk about how stupid and drawn out the personal storyline is, which has NOTHING to do with the event for which the movie is named. I study East Asain history and World War II. I am constantly in touch with veterans on both sides. All I can say is that this movie is pathetic in its portrayal of a very important event. Has our overly patriotic and romantic view of America's past come to this sad display? I hope that children do not grow up seeing this and thinking it has anything to do with reality. I have heard people saying that this is just a movie and that beating it over the head with history is pointless. The fact is, it represents itself as history. They even opened the movie at Pearl Harbor and had the stars dressed in U.S. Navy garments. Movie have an effect on the collective perceptions a culture has about an event, whether we like it or not. This is an insult to one of the bravest generations of human beings all over the world. Micheal Bay, Ben Affleck, and everyone else involved with this movie should be ashamed. They owe an apology to everyone on both the Japanese and American side of WWII. If anyone is interested in a fairly accurate movie about Pearl Habor, go get "Tora! Tora! Tora!"