Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie!! Review: This was a great movie! I loved it! Dont listen to all the critics out there cuz they dont no a good movie when they see one. The soundtrack was excellent especially the song "There You'll Be" by Faith Hill. If u like action/romance/history i highly recommend this movie. It also helps that Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett are two hotties! just make sure that u have tissues nearby if u r emotional during movies. OO The Sadness!
Rating:  Summary: Waste of money Review: The movie itself is alright, but Ben Affleck isn't an actor at all. He ruined the whole movie. Josh Hartnet was excelent.
Rating:  Summary: Der größte Quatsch Review: Einmal mehr hat es Hollywood geschafft, den Krieg absolut zu veralbern. Super gut aussehende Ultrahelden unterbrechen ihre Liebesromanzen, um mal eben in einer abenteuerlichen Aktion das Böse zu bekämpfen. Im grauenhaften Überfall auf Pearl Habor glänzen sie mit lockerer Flugakrobatik und coolen Sprüchen. Der Film reiht sich ein in eine unendliche Anzahl von hollywood'schen Kriegveralberungen, wie es einst schon "Das dreckige Dutzend" nach dem Motto: 'hier kommen Superhelden mit Endlosmagazinen im Gewehr, denen keine Kugel etwas anhaben kann, solange sie sich nur hinter einer Glasscheibe verstecken können.' in allerbester Weise vormachte. Das amerikanische Volk trauert noch heute über den grausamen, hinterhältigen Überfall auf Pearl Habor. Umso trauriger finde ich es, daß Hollywood es wagt, die eigene Nation mit deratigen Liebeskriegsfilmen zu beleidigen. Andererseits wird aber auch nur verkauft, was nachgefragt wird. Ohne mich auf andere Urteile zu verlassen, habe ich mir diesen Film angesehen und wurde leider sehr, sehr enttäuscht, da ich erwartet habe, daß die amerikanische Filmindustrie ein so grausames Geschehnis mit wenigstens einem Mindestmaß an Ernsthaftigkeit bearbeiten würde. Leider ist dem ganz und gar nicht so. Ich werde mir diesen Film niewieder ansehen, da er mir nichts einbringt, außer einem sinnlosen Zeitverlust.
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre and Worse and Worse Review: ...The writing in Pearl Harbor just plain stinks.Early on in this movie, there's an expository scene involving the Japanese high command. They're planning the attack, and they've got a problem -- torpedos won't run in waters as shallow as Pearl's. So, this group of military planners go out to a public park to consider things. (We know it's a public park, because there's a family in the distance flying a kite.) First they consider some wooden fins designed to make the torpedos run shallower -- a real historical detail! Then they stand around a sort of huge plannnig board. On one side of the diagram is a line drawing of a torpedo. It's a picture you might have drawn in third grade: a long tube with fins on one end. From the nose of the torpedo, this diagram has an arrow. The arrow goes down under some wavy lines -- water, again drawn as a child might illustrate it -- and it points to the side of a ship. Ooooh, those dastardly Japanese, they've got a trick up their sleeves... "Okay," say the planners, "that may just work -- let's go." And by this time, I'm wondering: aren't they going to have to have those kids with the kite killed later? This "plan" isn't much of a secret -- American spies may just have smoked that torpedos were for sinking ships by 1941 or even earlier -- but for the sake of the plot, aren't we supposed to think it's all pretty hush hush? Why is it taking place in this sunny park? But don't worry, this movie is so dumb, you'll stop worrying about things like that. It's also offensive. His military advisors stumped by the dire situation after Pearl, FDR lurches to his feet, admonishing his people that if HE can stand, THEY can plan a daring raid. Anyone with any sense of what Roosevelt was like, of the spirit FDR showed in living with the effects of his polio, will cringe at that scene. I had just read Doris Kearns Goodwin's popular biography of FDR and Eleanor during the way, and I found it humiliating to watch that. One could go on. Let's just say this is the sort of movie where, when one of the Japanese soldiers gets shot with a pistol, he dies immediately. When a good guy gets hit, it takes ten rifle shots to bring him down, and then he lies on the ground, gasping out his last farewells while all his buddies -- suddenly oblivious to the swarming Japanese patrols they've been running through for five minutes -- gather to listen. What a crock. Don't even ask how they got that coffin back at the end, okay? This movie was half an hour of unrealistic digital effects -- planes banking impossibly with their wings half an inch above the tarmac, and so on -- with two and a half hours of atrociously bad writing around them. The love story was trite and dull. The digital effects just keep getting bigger without ever convincing you of anything. You could write a pretty decent scene about two lovers looking at a monogrammed napkin from the Queen Mary and talking about their futures together; here we get a digital version of the ship itself, stupendous in scale, and it means nothing. Um, it's pretty dang bad.
Rating:  Summary: At least I THOUGHT it was about Pearl Harbor Review: What is this? I thought this was about Pearl Harbor? The whole thing was practically swallowed by the love story!!! The only bit of WAR I saw was near the end of the movie. Oh yeah, one more thing: This movie is not R-rated. It's PG-13. It says so on the back of the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: THE CRITICS ARE WRONG! Review: ... I rented this copy and as soon as the Director's Cut Edition comes out I will be hurrying out to purchase it for my own collection. This isn't just a good movie, it's a great movie and I only hope that those who were involved in the making of it weren't deeply pained by the foolishness of the Hollywood critics who had so many rotten things to say about it. Michael Bay and all who were involved did an incredibly tremendous job of putting the viewer right into the battle and into the minds of those who were involved on December 7, 1941. I also loved the story that surrounded the Pearl Harbor sequence. ...These are real people placed in a very real and emotional situation and the actors did a tremendous job of portraying the many, many dimensions of each character. I was especially impressed with Jon Voight's portrayal of FDR. THE CRITICS ARE WRONG! This is a tremendous bit of film making. I have seen many films lately that were a major disappointment to me but this was definitely not one of them!
Rating:  Summary: Much Better Review: First of all this movie is much more worth while than boring old Titanic( Sorry Cameron). The love story itself beats Titanic. And as soon as the attack happens, it really makes Titanics sp-fx stink.( Or is it sink!) This movie has replaced Titanic as Greatest Selling Movie of all time. It is a great movie that you have to see.
Rating:  Summary: VERY GOOD!!! Review: This was a amazing movie. The affects were awesome, and the love story helped you to love the characters. It was a very sad movie... but it is one of the best I have ever seen!! BUY IT NOW!!
Rating:  Summary: Tora Tora NOT!!!!!!!!! Review: How can I describe this movie, simple, it is one of the worst I have EVER SEEN!!!! Really bad acting, very BORING story, throw in Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay heavy handed overwrought special effects and direction and what you get one hell of a flashy movie with incredbly DUMB story lines and even worse acting. Except for the fact the Japanese did attack Pearl Harbor there is very little in this movie that is realistic. Even the Dootitle raid seems phoney. A very fat Alec Baldwin was terrible as Jimmy Dootitle, the special effects are so ridiculous that they are laughable and make the story seem like some sort of fantasy sci-fi, and that Love triangle PLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEE!!!!!!!! This movie is simply terrible. I could wait to unload my DVD on [line], I was sorry I ever paid the money for it to begin with!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Banzai!!!!!!!! Review: Was this saber rattling claptrap really necessary? Pearl Harbor is a very expensive, inaccurate and stupid movie starring one of the worst actors around: Ben Affleck. And they spent even more money for a "re-edit" for audiences in Japan! How ridiculous, "We're gonna get those ... Japs!" changed to "This is terrible, we must do something about it!". If that is'nt bad enough, the love story will have you reaching for the "Stop" button on your DVD player.