Rating:  Summary: Tarantino is a genius Review: This is a spectacular film and at...it is a definite must have for any collector. The movie is really just about cool bad guys doing cool bad guy stuff.Then they find out that one is a cop, and things get complicated. Everyone is suspicious of everyone else, and people begin dying. Tarantino makes this movie so much more interesting than I'm making it sound, just trust me and buy it.
Rating:  Summary: What a dazzaling film Review: [...] this movie quite literally blew me away. The dialogue is quick and snappy and in some parts extremely funny. Roth gives a brillaint performance which rivals the grea harvey keitel. this movie is ultimate cool and there are scenes that you will never forget, ie. mr blonde (madsen) dancing to 'stuck in the midle with you' while cutting off a cops ear.....brillaint. tarantino mixes up the timing but this makes the movie even more compulsive to watch. my personal opinion is that this is better than pulp fiction and that i think says it all. my favourite film of all time......deftonakid
Rating:  Summary: Good not Great Review: I'm not sure why this movie is so highly rated and popular. I think its a good violent movie with some fair acting but nothing out of the ordinary. THere are probably 20 better crime movies that I can think of off the top of my head. Reservoir is about a father-son crime duo who are planning a jewel heist with 6 thieves who have never met. The performances of the thieves is spotty in my opinion. The dialouge is entirely too wordy and downright inconsequential. The opening dialogue about the Madonna song is funny but then the speech about not tipping by Buscemi is petty and annoying. Another overrated aspect about this movie is the violence. When I first heard about the film all I heard was about the "excessive" violence. There is maybe one really violent scene and that's it. The big robbery that goes bad is never even shown!! They only describe it and descripitions do not qualify as violence in my book. On the good side, the performance by Madsen as the sadistic Mr Blonde is really good. THe actor makes you believe that he is a brutal criminal who just got out of jail and he HATES cops. All in all, the movie is good it just doesn't deserve all the praise and attention it gets and neither does Pulp Fiction. I get the feeling that Tarantino has a dynamite team of publicists because his movies are good just not great.
Rating:  Summary: Quentin, give us more like this! Review: From out of nowhere (or from a video store near LA) burst Quentin Tarantino onto the scene with this bloody crime drama. The story, a slice of Stanley Kubricks THE KILLING mixed with a slice of Woody Allen's MANHATTAN, avoids chronolgy, a technique he used to great effect again in PULP FICTION. But focuses on several criminals and the situations before and after a bungled caper. Strong performances all around deliver Quentin's great dialogue... whether arguing over the meaning of MADONNA's song "Like a Virgin" or discussing logic lapses from the robbery. TIM ROTH, STEVE BUSCEMI and HARVEY KEITEL deliver the goods. But, the film, with its unabashed use of dispicable violence and gore, is not for the faint of heart or my Aunt Joyce. But it is a must for fans of PULP FICTION. The DVD has a nice soundtrack and a good widescreen transfer. A PAN AND SCAN version is also availlable on the same disc.
Rating:  Summary: This Is One Good Movie Review: I loved this movie its well acted,directed,and written some people mite not like it because of the violence and profinity it can get pretty extrem towards the end of the movie. The DVD is good but nothing speciel its just a very well made movie and is a very good film for adults only.
Rating:  Summary: It's a dog eat dog world Review: This movie is fantastic. Word around the camp fire is Tarantino is going to release a Special Edition of Reservoir Dogs on DVD with commentary and other cool extras. This movie has great acting, great dialogue, great performances and alot of twists and turns that will make your head spin. Not to mention the soundtrack is awesome. If you like violence this is the movie to buy.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Movie. Review: I was in high school when I first saw this, and I remember as the credits rolled on the screen, I sat in the theater wondering what the hell to make of it. It really was not like anything I'd ever seen. Of course I loved it. Despite some really terrible acting, the dialogue, action, and plot all keep you completely engrossed. And I emphasise the word "gross." There's some seriously explicit violence here. It is used both to shock the audience and to make them laugh. The movie proceeds way out of chronological order, adding to the intrigue as you try to piece together what's going on. An excellent, moody, disturbing piece of work. It's too bad that it and it's follow up, Pulp Fiction, have inspired so many second-rate knock-off movies to be made. But that's the price for breaking new ground.
Rating:  Summary: A New Classic Review: A great all around movie, though not for the kids - there's a lot of gratuitous violence. It puts a new twist on the old cops and robbers theme. If you like this, you'll also love Killing Zoe, Ronin, and Heat (this movie is in a class of its own).
Rating:  Summary: A very strong gangster film... Review: Reservoir Dogs is Tarantino's best, in my opinion, even though I know many people will contest this affirmation...Pulp Fiction was pretentious, had a style that looked a little too "wannabe", and that didn't fit with that kind of story. But Reservoir Dogs is different. With all its awesome acting, especially from Harvey Keitel, its excellent twists and non conventional situations, it's the best film of its kind. It's boosted with testosterone, but it also laughs at itself, just to show how badly some supposedly professionals can work. No humor, no jokes in this film, it's just the troubling situations some characters confront that will make you laugh. And that's perfect, because the humor in Pulp Fiction was there to seem cool. The scenario is pretty well written, even though the use of the F-word is excessive...that story reminds me some Shakespeare texts, without all the pathetic and sad perspective. (Spoilers warning) There's also that scene, where Mr.Blue cuts off the cop's ear...this is a classic in violent cinema (is this a good or bad thing?!?!) because of its intensity, and of course, realism. The whole thing is very violent, and I don't know how a man that got shot once in the torso can bleed over half of a garage's floor...the awesome ending is also one of the most brutal and weird ones you can see. The story is about a group of robbers who plan a robbery at a jewelry, and that fail it...but the problem is that the cops were already in front of the store even before the robbery...so the criminals suspect one of them for being a cop. And the relationships between the several characters seperate them in two different groups, confronting each other in the end. And when you realize that the whole film was about seeing these guys fail, and kill each other to arrive at the conclusion that everyone is dead, the only thing you can do is laugh out loud...because it is funny, in some way. And the Coconut song won't help you stop laughing, because it brings an ironic and satiric aspect to it. The tagline used for "Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels" which is "A DISGRACE TO ALL CRIMINALS" is more compatible with this one...and "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" is a pretty good movie too. Overall, great acting, interesting and surprising story twists, fine directing, and a very good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fady Ghaly's reviews Review: Every now and then comes a new director in the entertainment industry that awakens us all with his work. Whether such gifted techniques anger or enthrall us. Well, Quentin Tarantino's certainly, most indisputably one of them. (And to think...the man promoted the project from scratch, and didn't even have much of a budget for the film, either.) It not only burst him into the Hollywood scene with this cacophonous melodrama that boldly blends graphic violence with comedic allusions to popular culture and ushered in an often-mimicked style of filmmaking in the nineteen-ninnies, but it also introduced new faces to the big screen, such as Steve Buscemi, known by fans as, and I quote: "To look almost ratlike, nerdy or silent and deadly." However, though he's virtually capable of portraying any sort of character imagined, he still remains to be quite underrated, known to most as merely "Mr. Pink". This man is not only a terrific actor but director, too. He has yet directed two exceptional films entitled "Trees Lounge" and "Animal House", and one of the most popular adult television series that can actually be majored to such others as The West Wing, being what else but The Sopranos of course. (To be upfront with you, I'm not a fan of either, but I'm aware of just how successful they are. I am, however, a huge fan of OZ, a television series he too directed in the year of nineteen-seventy-seven, that features a harsh and realistic look of prison life.) The Sopranos gets a lot of attention, and yet I feel as if others don't realize just who directs each episode, which is a shame, you know? Somehow, I feel as if Buscemi isn't getting all of the credit that he deserves. Anyhow, Tarantino evinced astonishing direction over the story's structure, building his fragmented narrative around flashbacks that fill in background information regarding the key players, whom, throughout present periods of time, merely did nothing but talk, but that was a good thing, because the dialogue was something I had immediately fell in love with the second the film ran and featured a circling camera centering upon all eight of our bad boys unwinding inside a diner as they disputed over such interesting topics as to the way foodservice industries work. Mr. Pink was quite amusing as one to go against the whole tipping thing, especially when employees don't deserve the extra dough. Following that, Tarantino has them walk out of the restaurant and introduces them all in the opening credits while they walk menacingly toward the camera and a great tune is playing in the background that so ever suits the situation. They have great faces, but resplendent they will no longer be, for he then put them through a heist that goes calamitously wrong-the film of course inflicts with its backwash, as they assemble in a warehouse and bleed and drivel on one another. "Having created the characters and fashioned the outline, Tarantino doesn't do much with his characters except to let them talk too much, especially when they should be unconscious from shock and loss of blood," was what Roger Ebert said despite the fact that they do go unconscious from shock and loss of blood. Don't get me wrong...I think highly of the critic, and even think he is one of the best, but this time I would have to go against his review in that I would consider it as being quite blunt and otiose. The actors had truly done an amazing job together and were very believable, except for Michael Madsen, who's never really capable of keeping a straight face when needed to, and yet I see him starring in more and more films nowadays despite the fact that he's not even a very good actor to begin with. The bond between Tim Roth and Harvey Keitel's character, whose presence in a melodrama is like a sanction, was terrific. As their bond progresses, you really begin to like the two, and especially feel for Roth's mysterious character, who suffered so profoundly from that hit in the waist that you almost wanted him to die prior to his arrival in the warehouse. As you watch such distressing sequences, watch him bleeding to death, sobbing when not unconscious and pleading to be sent to the hospital when such a move would be impossible if not wanting to be locked behind bars, there is no doubt that Roth will completely take your breath away; his performance was purely and simply of a tour de force! Man, just thinking about his character has me striving to respire. The only thing this film lacked in believability is...well, you would think that as all this goes on inside that warehouse that just happens to be set within a neighborhood, that someone, some nearby citizen would become aware of all the screaming and gunshots that were being fired. But, as a first-time director, I'll let that go by. Besides, I don't think anyone noticed, anyway.