Rating:  Summary: What independent films were meant to do Review: Hundreds of bullets flying, people writhing in puddles of blood, incredibly foul language, bad guys and even badder guys, a severed ear, and torture. And then the violence begins. Say what you might about the "excessive violence", the gore and blood in this film are really NOT that bad when you put it up next to something like NATURAL BORN KILLERS or FIRE WALK WITH ME. Violence is the only thing those two movies have going for them. RESERVOIR DOGS strives for something more.On the surface, this is a crime film about a gang of jewelry store robbers trying to discover who the "rat in the house" is: the snitch who made a very bloody mess of the heist. But on a second level, it is also about honor among thieves which does exist here. This gang is full of cut-throats who would have successfully pulled off the heist if it weren't for the snitch. And the snitch is NOT a crook, he's an undercover cop. On a third level, it's a story about simple friendships and trust. This is an amazing film filled with powerful performances, especially from Harvey Keitel and Steve Buschemi. All the performances for that matter are great. The movie, which is mostly set in one location, has a claustrophobic feel; but the flashbacks which are mostly set outdoors, give us breathing room. Q.T. has given us an unusual, and unusually humorous, look into the world of men who happen to be criminals, and into the world of criminals who happen to be friends. Get this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Brown? That sounds a little too close to Mr. S**t. Review: Just an incredible, gripping piece of pop culture. Truly suspenseful, horrific, and darkly humorous. If you have at least a mediocre understanding of cinema, you will understand why every critic worth his salt was absolutely kissing Tarantino's ass after this independent classic came out. An excellent soundtrack as well (you might want to check this out, too). A must for any genre fan, or anyone who enjoys actual cinema made by actual directors starring people who can actually act.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT, THIS IS A MASTERPIECE Review: Ok, i watched this after watching "Pulp Fiction" and wanted to check Tarantino's previous work, now i know where "Pulp Fiction" got that amazing story-telling type from, this movie is about a failured heist and a bunch of criminals known as mr.white, mr.orange, mr.blonde, mr.pink, mr.brown and mr.blue..the movie keeps entertained the whole time and you don't even see the heist, and again, the story-telling really adds more enjoyment...if u haven't seen this..YOU MUST.
Rating:  Summary: It's NOT THAT VIOLENT! Review: I'll keep you for only a minute. For a discussion of this film's virtues/demerits, read other comments. I just want to say that most of the violence is implied, it's offscreen. True, we sit through a LOT of bleeding, but the actual violence quotient is much lower than it is in most blockbuster action films. The word: no explosions, 3 people shot on camera. All else is in your mind, you sick b----ds. It's also one of the most riveting movies ever. I was slack-jawed after the opening scene, and stayed that way. The ONLY reason to skip this if you hate crime drama. Fans of Scorsese or "Usual Suspects" type stuff should get off on this.
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling debut Review: Riveting, holds you throughout in its hypnotic spell, but ultimately falls short of the mark he later set with Pulp Fiction. Here, style wins out over substance, as Tarrantino updates Peckinpah. The characters are memorable, he seamlessly weaves the madcap violence with the musical soundtrack. You will never think of these songs the same way again. All of Tarrantino's skills are in full display. A dazzling debut of one of America's most talented directors in many years. But, one can all too easily find the sources to his inspirations in this movie. The "Like a Virgin" discussion was lifted from Levinson's memorable "Bonanza" discussion in "Tin Men," which oddly enough seemed to lurk behind many scenes in this movie. You can see that Tarrantino watched scores of videos while working as a clerk and has spliced them all together to create this action-packed thriller. There's not much to it, except his remarkable ability to create tension, which is fundamental to good film-making. Tarrantino learned his craft but the masterpiece was still to come.
Rating:  Summary: Love This Movie Review: I first saw this as a video store clerk when it first came out on VHS. I was intrigued by the title and description of the movie. I had never heard of Quentin Tarantino back then, and most people I knew circa the early 90's didn't either; but there's no question about the fact that, after seeing this movie, I became a huge fan. Soon after, Tarantino's other films such as True Romance, and especially Pulp Fiction, put his films on the map of "must see" movies. There are so many things to like about the movie. The dialogue, the directing, the plethora of memorable and classic scenes, etc. In an industry of re-treads and unoriginality, this movie really epitomizes the meaning of "cool" and brought originality and quality story-telling back to Hollywood. From the "Like a Virgin" discussion, to the "I don't tip" issue, to the "I don't wanna be Mr. Pink" dissent, to the classic "ear" scene...the witty dialog never seems to stop. If you're looking for an original, hip, heist-gone-wrong movie with great characters and star performances check this one out.
Rating:  Summary: Tarantino's Greek Tragedy Review: The movie plays out like a tragedy, with betrayal, death, and insanity. Some of the most quoted lines in cinema history and some of the most nototrious scenes belong to this film, one of Tarantino's best. A must-have. Buy it!
Rating:  Summary: You Mean I Gotta Leave a Tip?! Review: First off, the entire movie is just brilliant. The movie operates on many levels and succeeds on all. The soundtrack of oldies but goodies throughout this intelligent, but tense, whodunit entertains on its own level, and seems surrealistic at times as it rides herd on some of the most graphic violence ever put on film. The details of how the jewel heist, gone terribly wrong, is revealed through multiple characters, not in linear fashion, but through a series of conversations jumping in time before, during, and after the heist. The cutting-edge dialog and menace from the men is brilliant on another level. All of this and more, either individually or collectively, would recommend the movie, but the most brilliant scene of the movie takes place at the very first, even before the credits role, while this group of seven men are having breakfast in a diner. They are conversing on a hodgepodge of subjects while at the table (even Madona gets mentioned). This alone is brilliant: I mean, how often do you imagine that seven, white, middle-aged and bigotted career thiefs have conversations in which Madona (the material girl) gets mentioned? It is at this point, as the men around the table start to "chip in a buck" for the tip that Tarantino's brilliance is truly on display. One of the men (Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink)...Fargo's "kinna funny lookin'") refuses to throw in for the tip. In another movie with a lesser director, this scene probably would have had one character make a response to his penury, and the director would have moved on. But not Tarantino. For the next seven minutes (I timed it) the other men take turns arguing with him as to why you must tip. Each has a different but valid take as to why you must tip, and at each and every turn, Mr. Pink gives an equally sound rebuttal of their various arguments on the positives and necessity of tipping a waitress. I won't go into the various pro and con responses, but I tell you true, you will not ever hear a more enjoyable and thought-provoking span of dialog in a movie. Just think of it, seven minutes of brilliant point and counterpoint, and a thinking man could take any one of the myriad positions taken on the subject, call it his own, and be totally secure that his position is THE position. Quentin, you're THE MAN!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: Watch "Maid in Manhattan" instead? What were you expecting to see, a group of men in suits skipping and singing to Britney Spears? Quentin Tarantino movies are not for the diluted sissys who'd rather watch a romantic comedy. All right? "Reservoir Dogs" started a new trend in Hollywood with the unorthodox storytelling and rich dialogue. Although there's enough violence in the movie, the blood is not glorified. Not every other scene has somebody doing something gruesome. Are you listening? The movie is a classic and is original. Who's the mole of the group? You'll have to see.
Rating:  Summary: Hope you like violence.. Review: Probably the most violent movie I've seen and not all that good. If you want something disturbing but more creative and well done, check out "Memento" instead.