Rating:  Summary: Made for tv surely Review: Halfway through this I wondered if in fact I was watching a parody of the Fugitive. How either of these actors agreed to be a part of this over the top, ultra cliched, poorly executed mess is anyone's guess. The plot and scripting don't get much worse although there are a few moments of decent action but you've really seen it all before. Pretty blah editing and direction to boot. Watch out for a re-enactment of Predator in last 10 minutes before an overly bloody and tacky close. One redeeming factor for The Hunted is that it was refreshing to watch a film that ended predictably without resorting to a trendy twist that a lot of films employ these days 'to set them apart'.
Rating:  Summary: Fun to Watch Review: I enjoyed this film. Interesting story, that has been done many times before, but is done again here in a way thats entertaining. If you watch it worrying about weather someone could actually do these things you won't have fun. IT"S FICTION!!! IT'S A STORRRY!!! If you like macho action flicks, in a woodsy setting you'll like this film.And a note to the animal nut one to two reviews before me. Their animals---they would and could kill and eat you. The only thing we have to worry about is managing resources so the last as long as possible for our use.
Rating:  Summary: Weird..... Review: This movie is a weird shaped animal. I was trying to decipher it's geography in much the same way if you were to blindfold yourself and were thus forced to eat strange wriggly bits and such and were asked to guess the bits' identity. I guess that's a roundabout way of saying how the pacing was really ungainly and awkward. Anyhow let's get to the good stuff: The first opening battle scenes looked terribly fake. It was obviously filmed inside a studio. I don't know why it seemed fake. The way the people were dying was really fake. They flayed themselves about in an overly dramatic cartoon kind of way. And I guess it looked terribly busy in terms of the amount of "authentic" detail was being pushed up against your eyeballs. The darkness and the all smoke and explosions looked overly done as well. Onto the rest of the movie: The lovely wilderness scenes of the forests in BC and Oregon are absolutely gorgeous, and I wouldn't have minded if the rest of the movie was filmed in such locales but alas the director thought it necessary for us to switch to an urban setting for a better part of the filming. His mistake. Who cares about the city!? The female FBI agent was the most unconvincing female FBI agent I have ever beheld! Her spindly little arms, too pretty face, and spindly long legs all looked more suited for the cat walk instead of the physical rigours of an FBI job. Look, Gillian Anderson of X Files fame makes a more convincing FBI agent due to her beautiful natural real people looks and the natural authority in her demeanor and face instead of the sad limpy so-called commanding prescence of our skinny glamour-puss FBI agent in this movie. I could not help but laugh whenever she squeaked out some order. I was afraid her spider-like arms could not hold up her little gun. What an ill choice! I thought it was equally revolting that we had the incredibly unnecessary interlude with Del Toro's lady friend and the lady friend's daughter. BTW, I really wanted to kick the little girl due to her cardboard saccharine sweetness. It was so FAKE! STOP IT! ACT LIKE A REAL GIRL! Real girls bite and kick and muck about. They are not all happiness and sunshine! The training scenes were intriguing, but at times resembled a bizarre Broadway chorus line with the constant slightly funny excercises and such. Yes, Del Toro's motivation were opaque at best. They hinted here and there, but in the end I was worked up into a fit of sleep. The only good thing was the understated acting of Tommy Lee Jones. I guess he took the job to pay for that house in Tahiti. We could only be so lucky.
Rating:  Summary: What's going on here.?. Review: Folk's I am begining to wonder about the honesty on these reviews. The latest reviews are pushed off the front page and older one's that are positive are pushed forward. March is first Sept is down the list..... I HAVE no connections with any film industry people what's so ever. I wrote a review of The Hunted, that was from my heart and life experience, and this movie [stinks] BIG TIME. ONLY a child or moron unread type could like it. THIS is an example of HOOEYWEIRD ripping U.S. OFF! GIVE me my money back! I will gladly sell this...THIS is my review, of one the worst freaking movies I have ever seen. HIGH school theater class kids could have done better! THIS IS NOT EVEN A [cheap] movie, it's being sold at A HIGH PRICE TOO!!!!AHHH B.S. ONLY an idiot or some one connected to the movie business would rate this above five negative stars!. It is not worth seeing for free!
Rating:  Summary: Remove your brain first... Review: This is a nonsensical movie that is salvaged only through some great cinematography and decent action scenes. I won't rehash the plot as you can read about it in the other posts, but will pose my questions. First off, Benicio is a covert hero in Sarajevo who suddenly becomes a murderous lunatic in Seattle? It clearly shows that he is troubled, yet doesn't explain why he would snap, especially when he is so sane and lucid during his interactions with Jones and the mother/daughter. And is Jones a hero or antihero? Nice how he shirks any pleas for help from his protege, but comes in to clean up the mess. And who were the two hunters at the beginning? Did they have some type of ulterior motive to being there? Were those some type of special scopes on their rifles, and how many deer hunters hunt on foot versus a stand? And would your average hunter actually try and engage an apparent lunatic in the woods or would they high tail it out of there? There were more to these guys then ever explained, especially when the men in overcoats take Benny away from the FBI and try to give him a nasal labotomy. Is there a conspiracy that has driven him to taking "innocent" lives? Who knows because the idea is simply teased with and then dropped. And once you hit the chase scenes, it becomes totally laughable. Whenever Jones loses Benicio he seems to stop, smell the air, and turn around right at the split second that he can catch him rounding a corner, or going into a doorway, or crossing the street. But just that split second. Somehow while the FBI is bumbling around Benny manages to rig two pendulum like logs that barely miss smashing Jones who one minute before was right behind Del Toro. Huh? And let's not even mention the fact that towards the end the chase is suspended long enough for Benny to actually blacksmith a metal bar into his ultimate killing weapon while Jones is off chiseling a stone to create his counter weapon. What a joke. Everyone talks about how tough Jones character is, and he proves it by removing a foot long, two inch wide stake that has been driven into his thigh, without suffering the slightest ill effect from the injury. Heck not only is his leg totally stable, he doesn't even limp. And that's after removing himself from a class 5 raging river that he rode down with, once again, no ill effect. So obviously as Del Toro slices Jones across the abdomen not once, but twice with bloody glee during the climatic final battle, Jones winks to the audience and says "just a flesh wound". Not really, but probably should have. Actually now that I am done rating this movie, I am lowering it to 1 star. Friedkin says this movie has "no message" but be prepared because it also has no plot, no connection to reality, and no redeeming value.
Rating:  Summary: stop killing animals Review: i like the movie. now for my speech: i don't eat meat and i don't even kill bugs. i try to live my life as much as possible without killing other things that are doing no harm to me. as the powerful animals we are on earth, we should be the first to not kill others even though evolution made us that way. what i mean is, although in nature it is survival of the fittest, since we don't have to kill to survive anymore, we should rise above our primal instincts and be kind to animals. THAT IS A TRUE MODERN MAN. i have no problem with a lion hunting a giraffe in africa. it's doing what it has to do to survive. it probably doesn't have the capacity to feel bad for other animals--but we DO. i don't care what the bible says, everything on earth is NOT HERE FOR US. religion is crap. don't hunt.
Rating:  Summary: HUNTING FOR A STORY.. Review: A gruelling stint during the Kosovo war gets into the head of an ex-army soldier (played by Del Toro Benecio, of "Traffic" fame), who then embarks on a random human-hunting spree. "The Hunted" is about hunting alright, but the poachees are not your average antelopes or hyenas but human beings. This soldier's teacher, played by Lee Jones, is the only guy who can supposedly contain him. Incidentally this teacher has never seen a battle but coaches elite US forces in armed sniper combat (assassination). Sure thing. Apart from the jerky narrative and a secondrate screenplay, the story is basically just that -- a guy gone awry while hunting, and a GoodGuy trying to capture him. No surprise then that the flow is very, very drawn out. Be prepared to see the two characters sharpening their own knives for a duration of 10 minutes or so. Benecio's character could have slain Lee Jones' character blindfolded, not only with his knife skills but also with his lame dialogue (especially in an interrogation scene where we are fed a wholesome 15 minutes of how animals should be respected, which, btw, has little to do with Kosovo.) Oddball Biblical undertones and a totally out-of-place performance by Connie Nielsen complete the production. A sad waste of fabulous actors on a feeble cat and mouse chase marred by poor movie making. Worth a watch only if you are sadly out of other options, or have a compulsive disorder to watch anything with Lee Jones in it.
Rating:  Summary: Lukewarm chase movie Review: Blame it on The French Connection. In that movie, William Friedkin gave film fans one of the most exciting chase scenes in movie history. While the Hunted is somewhat interesting, Friedkin seems to forget what made his earlier movie such a success: it had a real story with real characters and the big chase was only one small portion of the movie. In this newer film, the chase is everything. Benicio Del Toro plays a government assassin who has gone over the edge and now is killing people in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Tommy Lee Jones is his former trainer who is now called in to track him down. Initially this goes rather well, but soon enough, Del Toro escapes custody, and half the movie is little more than Del Toro escaping one dragnet after another. This is a movie with a lot of unrealized potential. The plot is almost too straightforward, with nary a twist in sight. Neither of the two main characters are nearly as interesting as they should be, and the action scenes are relatively routine. Although there are a lot of Oscars held by the people in this film, this is an average effort at best that exploits none of the skills of any of its participants. While not awful, this is an entirely skippable movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Hunted is a Wonderful Action Movie... Review: The Hunted is an action movie fan's dream come true. But first, a note: the "cruelty of hunting" is never really a theme of the movie, at any point. Watch closely; those two "hunters" Del Toro's character kills are not hunters but rather "sweepers," sent to kill him. Similar to Jones's character in "Under Seige," who has an attempt made on his life by his employer, the CIA. Then he takes over a ship and Steven Seagal gets to display his acting skills... Well. The knife fights are fantastic. Not realistic, as they probably wouldn't last more than one or two slashes in reality, but fantastic as in well-choreographed and well-acted. Also interesting is Tom Brown Jr.'s involvement with the film. Brown is a man who learned tracking (among other things) as a child. He owns a tracker school in New Jersey. He was an advisor on the film, and taught the actors a number of things, including how to flake stones into knives, and other fun stuff. He has a ton of fascinating books, containing a combination of practical advice and insight on survival and everyday life, as well as spiritual insight, which, like all spiritual insight, can be taken with a grain of salt and possibly utilized in one's daily existence. Anyway, fun movie, and it doesn't belabor any points. It shoots right on through to the end. The acting sometimes leaves a bit to be desired, but do you watch action movies for the acting?
Rating:  Summary: Interesting ranting or rating? Review: I posted a review of one star and the same day, some one counters with an amazing review with almost every word for praising it, amazing! Ranting it 5 stars! This movie is a sad sack of film history.. If any over 21 see's with an I.Q. above 100, please post about this.. I looked at the this posters other reviews, and low and behold I read they rated "Gods and Generals" with one star. Stated it was "Sappy?" Very interesting...A non Hooey Weird made movie gets one star..Ah, huh.. Question stands, if I mailed this movie to the studio that made could I get my money back? Do pig fly? The people who ranted this movie 5 stars I know you love this movie dearly so.. Hey, $10 dollars and you can have my copy.. Cheers...