Rating:  Summary: A GOOD ACTION AND DRAMA MOVIE.` Review: I thought this was a good movie with good performances by the main actors.The story plot is interesting but not anything remarkable.The action scenes were very good and kept you wanting for more.Although I do wish there were actually more action scenes instead of all the drama and chasing.Not a flawless movie,but very worth your time seeing it.
Rating:  Summary: The best fight scenes in an American movie. Review: Fast, engrossing and suspenseful with a surprise ending. Watch this for the fun of seeing two very dangerous and skilled men hunt and try to kill each other. The knife fights are memorable. No cute and coy Steven Seagal dancing here. These men push themselves in these scenes and make you believe it. It's true though, as other reviewers have said, that the story development was sometimes a little vague and unrealistic. For example, as another reviewer pointed out Jones plays a *top* trainer of elite killers who claims that he's never had to kill himself. Just from my own military experience that strikes me as pretty unlikely. Nevertheless, this movie grabbed me. It's a blast, just don't pick it to death (Sooo, if you're a guy and you need to have everything about the plot and character behavior spelled out for you so you can 'truly experience the film' then I think you'd be happier watching a Kevin Kostner flick with your boyfriend. Ahem ;) Jones and Del Toro are excellent and do a credible job with their parts as much as the script allows. These two actors really get into it and make you cringe and smile at the same time. Watch this movie just for the fun of it.
Rating:  Summary: A fun Cat and Mouse thriller Review: Don't get me wrong the Hunted isn't a great movie. If the Fugitive wasn't made, I doubt this move would exist. Tommy Lee Jones isn't playing Sam Gerard but it feels like he is. Except the guy he's after in this isn't innocent, he's a brutal cold blooded killer. He trained him to kill and now he went nuts and can't stop killing. Now he's the only person that can stop him. That's the plot student vs teacher. When they aren't having brutal fights, Tommy Lee Jones is tracking him down in the woods, sewers, old gf's houses and down busy streets. It's all fun though and it's nice seeing Tommy Lee Jones chasing a guy that's actually dengerous for once. Â Benicio Del Toro is scary as the guy he trained and that lost his grip on reality. Despite not playing characters that are developed that great, Lee Jones and Del Toro play them well. Their fight scenes are well done and possibly the most brutal fight scenes seen on film in awhile. They make this film worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Bloody and Violent... but not a single thing more than that! Review: Okay so basically William Friedkin has resigned himself to producing B moving hookum with A list actors who think that Friedkin just might have that magic left in him. The truth is that the Friedkin of "The French Connection" and "The Exorcist" fame was abducted and departed this universe only to be replaced by a less than accurate decoy copy of himself a looooong time ago. Anyway down to the review. The Hunted is nothing more than a ludicrous story in order to set up various knife fight set pieces. The story is basically about a secret "Black Op" assassin (Del Toro) who has turned into a serial killer with a penchant for hacking up his victims with a knife. His old combat trainer (Jones) is sent to track him down and there is the usual cat and mouse type play so that Del Toro and Jones can go it at in a knife fight. Let the truth be told. If you go for this movie on the basis that it is a hand 2 hand combat action flick and nothing more then you will enjoy it immensely and probably try to make yourself a blade the next day given the details in this movie. However, if you think that you are in for a serial killer classic, with huge performances from Del Toro and Jones with the backing of an ace director, Friedkin - then you will only convert the DVD to a coffee cup holster in no time. *** stars for people who want to see lots of bloody knife fights only. All else, * star, who will probably end up using it as coffee mug accessory.
Rating:  Summary: Most realistic Knife fights..well, Kinda Review: This movie has the most realistic knife fights ever filmed...Well, kinda. Since I actually train in knife fighting, I can tell you this, Toomy Lee Jones & Benico Del Toro characters must have really liked one another very much. A real knife fight, as the ones that have taken place in the phillipines for decades, are quick and brutal. If you think a real knife fights last longer than a few seconds, you'd be mistaken. But, with the premise of this film, these characters are very skilled at Kali/escrima/Silat, the characters could possibly pull off all the blocks that keep these knife fights going; maybe... Both Jones & Del Toro were trained by the team of Tom Kier and Rafael Kayanan, two of the most noted instructors of Sayoc Kali in the world. I think their movements were very realistic and believeable. With all that said, I did enjoy the movie. I would'nt call this a masterpiece, but I would'nt call it garbage either. It produces the type of film you see in the previews. The Tommy Lee Jones character is based on a real person, Tom Brown Jr., who is a remarkable man with some amazing talents; he known as the best Wilderness survival and Tracking expert in world. And, in that I also found this movie very interresting. If you into knife fighting, this is a must have movie for you.
Rating:  Summary: Knife fights galore Review: kicked so much ass this movie did and Jones and Del Toro really show there moves. it grabs you and never lets go till the battle at the end. Del Toro is great and Jones has a nice beard
Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: I will first say that I love action films. However, this action film almost put me to sleep. I spent the entirety of the movie anticipating the end. This movie is sporadic, there's no script whatsoever, and this has got to be one of the worst performances by Tommy Lee Jones (not as bad as Men In Black-terrible movie) that I can remember. Benecio Del Toro can't save this movie in any way. Tommy Lee didn't get much help with the script, so that's why his performance wasn't that good. You have a specially trained agent who goes haywire and starts killing people, but it never explains why he went crazy in the first place. What triggered this behavior?..I don't know. Come to find out, Tommy Lee's character actually trained this guy and now is the only person that can stop him. The movie was only an hour and a half long, but it was pretty excrutiating. It almost bored me to tears. Please don't buy this movie. You'll hate yourself for it.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie Review: I watched this movie in the thearthe and it totally caught my eye. I then had to buy it on DVD. Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro are two great actors. If your into action and thriller movies this is the movie to buy.
Rating:  Summary: Knife Fighter 4 - PETA Gone Wild Review: That's what they should have titled this movie. If you're going to redo the plot of a movie like First Blood, at least remember the plot part of it. How Del Toro extracts his "friend of the animals" mindset from Kosovo killing nightmares is never explained. Why hunters are out hunting Del Toro instead of Bambi is never explained. Why Ms. FBI is in shoot-first-question-later mode is never explained. Some mysterious mission is mentioned in the paddy-wagon right before Del Toro kills his captors but is never mentioned again. The chase/tracking scenes, wilderness, and fights are neat but that's about it. The continuity leaves a little to be desired though. I mean, they're in the river, they're in some broken down mill-type building, all of a sudden Jones is in the woods again, he trips a miniscule wire and the twin tree-trunk crushing trap from Return of the Jedi is sprung. There was no scene of Del Toro or even the Ewoks that must have helped him lift the 500lb tree trunks into the air. And then it ends. Thanks. I want my money back.
Rating:  Summary: Plainly bad Review: "The hunted" is, so far, the worst film of 2003 that I have watched. There are so many flaws, so many wrong things; I'm amazed that a multi-million dollar budget like this one has such a poor script, edition, direction and even casting. Three actors I consider excellent - Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio del Toro and Connie Nielsen - deliver in "The hunted" the worst acting of their careers - well, in fact Tommy Lee was worse in "MIB II", but this is a close call. Del Toro is simply awful as the ex-black-ops soldier who sees horrors while in action in Bosnia, and then suddenly snaps and begins a murder spree in Oregon and Washington State woods. But other than watching one single scene where he's troubled by nightmares, there's no explanation of why he turns into a wild murderer. Tommy Lee Jones is summoned by the FBI to help hunt del Toro down, because the older one was the former killing insttructor of the younger one. What's laughable is that Tommy Lee's character prides himself of never having killing anyone, and that's a little hard to believe about someone who is considered one of the best about teaching other people to kill. The chasing scenes are terrible. Del Toro is always ahead, and manages to loose Jones' pursuit. But then Jones, who surely must have been created by a fox, or a leopard, just snifs the air, or sees a foot print on a lawn, and is back on the track again. Pitiful. Connie Nielsen's character is completely neutral, and clearly just a beautiful face to go against del Toro's dark, disheveled looks (and those black marks under his eyes get bigger each movie) and Tommy Lee Jones' scraggy gray beard. I don't remember any of the other characters. But it doesn't matter. The prize question is, why do these award-winner actors agree to be part of such a bad movie? Psychological level is zip. And that is very strange, because the director, William Friedkin, is responsible, back in the 70s, for what I consider to be one of the best psychological thrillers of all time, "The exorcist". But in "The hunted" it's just plain action and chasing scenes. Most of them are good ones, but some aspects are ridiculous. For an example, Jones' character gets a spike buried deep in his thigh, then he takes it out and manages to continue his pursuit without even limping. Ha-ha. I know this is fiction, but there's a limit to everything. This is to show the script was poorly and amateurishly done. And the trailer is misleading. In it, most of the scenes shown are in the woods, trying to re-create a "Rambo" atmosphere, but in fact most of the movie has the city of Portland as background. Movie studios: don't treat your viewers as idiotic people. In the end, it will backfire on you. Stay away from "The hunted"; it isn't worth the admitance or rental price. Grade 4.0/10 - the woods locations were nice.