Rating:  Summary: One of THE worst films ever... PERIOD! Review: Have you ever watched a movie where the acting and plot is so cheese that you have to laugh out loud in the theatre in the middle of a serious scene... because it just can't get any dumber??? Well this is one of those kinds of movies, except when you're not laughing, you are snoring. But I might add, there is suspense... you will be asking yourself "When will this senseless movie ever end?"Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro fight in the woods camouflaged with their little man-made knives... making ooga-booga grunting noises as they swing away for 10 minutes. Then they disappear again in the woods for a while to construct another lame knife and do the ooga-booga all-over-again. If you want to laugh at one of the stupidest movies ever made... rent this movie, but by no means buy it. For those of you with a high-school education and above, I strongly recommend against this movie.... strongly! And oh yeah, don't be fooled, the one star rating is a negative star!
Rating:  Summary: Great little action flick Review: I recently picked this up cheap at the local Wal Mart. It was one of those cop-type films of 2003 that I have been wanting to get. So I was gleeful at the price...bargain bin deal if you know what I mean. But anyway, this movie reminded me of cross between 1993's "The Fugitive" and ironically 1981's "First Blood" (Rambo I). The Fugitive because of the cat and mouse game played between Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio del Torro, and First Blood because of the setting and "hunting tactics". The movie starts out with del Torro in the middle of a battle zone during the Kosovo conflict in 1999. This was the most intense and realistic battle scene of this conflict I have ever seen on film. Great special effects and tension. You've got del Torro sneaking around, playing dead half the time, evading Serb soldiers to get to his final target, a Serbian commander who's ordering the shootings of every ethnic Albanian. This scene is what finally made del Torro flip. So del Torro is back in the states 5 years later and starts going on a killing spree, killing a group of hunters in the north west around Portland, OR. It is then that we're introduced to Jone's character who was del Torro's killing instructor in the military. So from here on out through the rest of the movie, we see a cat and mouse game between the two ranging from environs from the forest to a waterfall/river/damn, to the city streets and industrial complex. It ends with an extremely bloody knife fight where both fighters end up near dead. But anyway, the thing that really pulled me into the film was the great soundtrack. Very powerful and emersive 5.1 surround track. Especially the Kosovo battle.
Rating:  Summary: This movie leaves you asking for more... Review: The Hunted begins in 1999, we find Aaron Hallam (Del Toro) in Kosovo. Aaron and his team of marines are on a assasination mission, their mission is assasinate a General who is leading a series of massacres in Kosovo. Hallam witnesses these massacres, images of burning houses and women and children being driven into the street, civilians being shot. Any normal person would snap, this he did. After leaving Kosovo Hallam suffers war trauma, he gets an award then slips into madness. We then the film transititions to his military instructor who taught him to assasinate. Also the man who was like a father to him. His name is LT. Bonham who is retired and helps animals out in canada. He has been asked by the FBI to help bring Hallam in. Well I thought that end just left you hanging, you want more but what more can it give you. Very dry movie, if you want to watch a similar better version of this movie with mostly the same actors then I will suggest "The Fugitive" and "U.S Marshalls". Both good movies, this is just alot gorier than both. Its worth watching but the end leaves you asking for more and boy it sure pisses me off. I like the narrative by Johnny Cash in the beginning and the end. It gives it a real tense feel. If you really enjoyed "U.S Marshalls" or "The Fugitive" I suggest this, but don't get your hopes up for it to be better, the only thing that is better is the action. If the director had mixed the action with some really great twists and turns then this movie would've been alot better. It's rent worthy in my opinion, don't buy it. I personally liked the special features and the Documentaries, they were the boost of the whole DVD. They're fun to watch! PARENTAL WARNING: Strong Bloody/Gore violence and Some Language SUGGESTED AGE: Hmm... I would say that I think a twelve or thirteen year old that is mature enough and MUST have a strong stomach that could handle it.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Film! Review: I loved "The Hunted." I thought that it was a brilliant, suspenseful, excellant action film. It was bloody, but not nearly as bloody as "Kill Bill Volume One." I liked the way the killer killed. He used his hunting knife, and during the film, as a viewer, I could feel the way the future victiums felt. They didn't know that they were about to be killed, but they were scared. The two stars in "The Hunted" are Tommy Lee Jones and Benecio del Toro, and they were perfect in their roles. When the film begins we meet Aaron Hallam, who is a soldier in a war battle in Kosovo. He witnesses explosions, burning buildings, and people shooting each other. Finally he stabs somebody in the throat, and we flash to a different scene. We then meet L.T. Bonham(Tommy Lee Jones) who is a retired military trainer. He is called back into action when a former trainee of his-Aaron Hallam-goes on a murder spree in Oregon. During his battle in Kosovo, he finally snapped, and becomes the very dangerous killer of four men. L.T. arrives at the lastest murder scene in the woods. He meets Abby Durrell, the agent working on the case, and he sees dozens of other agents looking around the scene of the crime. He likes working alone, and meets him in the woods, while looking around. He brings Aaron back with him, but while being transported to another location, he somehow mananges to escape. When L.T finds out about that he become determined to find him or kill him, because he is still very dangerous. Turns out, Aaron went to see his ex-girlfriend Irene Kravitz, and her daughter Loretta, Aaron and L.T. ensure a cat and mouse game, with either one of them being the cat or the mouse. A main reason who I loved "The Hunted" so much was because it was a fun cat and mouse chase. The ending was also surprising, because whatever happened at the end, I thought that it was going to happen the other way. I didn't think that it would stick to formula, but it did. Kudos to Tommy Lee Jones. He once again mananges to give a great performance, and Benecio del Toro I don't really like, but he also mananged to be good in this film. It is not a film for everybody. It does have some very bloody scenes, especially the knife fight towards the end, but overall the film works very well. I only wish that I didn't miss this in the theatre. It would probally have been much better there. ENJOY! Rated R for strong bloody violence and some language.
Rating:  Summary: A pupil and his teacher Review: Jones and Del Toro are at total war. This movie is very violent and a little gorey in parts. The subject is very interesting. Where did they come up with this concept for a movie? The violence fits the story, however, the irony of the beauty of the Northwest and the gore of the movie are totally opposite. This is the story of a teacher who must go after a student who has strayed. Del Toro is absolutely believable. Jone's does a credible job in tracking down his student and in fighting. The constant battle gets to be much. Yet you see Jones using stick-to-itiveness throughout and there are many opportunities for him to give up. He is constantly inventing new things using the surrounding area he is in. This movie takes from Bosnia, to the Northwest US. Del Toro goes from hero to hunted and you wonder who the real prey is.
Rating:  Summary: Not Bad, But WHY? Review: I don't have much to say about this film. The basic storyline is not intolerable, the performances and direction are excellent, it looks great. But after watching it you may find yourself asking the same question I did - why did so many talented people choose to tell such an unremarkable, predictable story? I'm sure there are thousands of stories out there that would have been more worth telling using all the same people (except for the screenwriter, obviously). I mean, did Friedkin commission this thing? If so, then he's getting senile. Was it the only thing they'd let Billy direct and the other people jumped on board because it was helmed by Friedkin? I guess there are a lot of reasons why one movie gets made in/by Hollywood while another one does not. It just seems that with only so many films that can get made, with so many stories worth telling, why would you waste time on this? Is it something anyone actually WANTS to see, in a premeditated "now what sort of story would I like to hear" way? I doubt it. Here's a suggestion (yeah, I know, Freidkin ain't reading this, so what): go find a book, maybe even an unremarkable one, with a solid story, a few good characters, some raw material to work with, and buy it up for cheap (best to get a not very good book, which equals, like, an Oscar winning film in relative value) then use it for your own purposes, totally reworking it to your liking (or, better yet, Billy, write your own). No one will demand you be true to their work, no hack screenwriter will demand rewrite priveledges, you'll be free to make a great film. Welles did it with Touch (Badge) of Evil, Hitchcock did it with Psycho, why not Friedkin. You reading this, Billy? Stop being a putz making medicore movies and make something GREAT again. I mean, you had Deschanel, Del Torro and Jones, man, what were you thinking??!!
Rating:  Summary: Basically Boring Review: Think "Fugitive" and "U.S. Marshalls" only without a plot or any kind of twists and turns. It's a straight front to back chase sequence. If you watch it in fast forward, it might as well be the end credits of a Benny Hill show.
Rating:  Summary: Not Totally Bad. Review: Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro are great actors and they don't fall short in this film.Problem is the script is so botched in this crazy caper that its sort of hard to enjoy until the end where it makes up for the times it messed up earlier in the movie.Del Toro plays Aaron Hallam who is haunted by the nightmares of killings in Kosovo and has became a rouge special forces assasin.Jones plays L.T.Bonham who trained Aaron along time ago and now feels as if it is his responsibilty to catch Aaron and put an end to the murders.The film has a pretty good start but eventually begins to drag,making you feel like running to a video store while the movie is still playing,pick up another one and be ready to pop it in by the time the movie ends. The film really isn't extremely bad but does have some problems that should have been worked out before the release of it.But you know,it is worth the four dollars you pay to rent it.C- for the movie,B- for the acting.Enjoy!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Fugitive and Rambo in one less than perfect movie ... Review: I will start off by saying that I expected a little bit more from this movie, especially since Tommy Lee Jones usually is a guarantee of a good movie. Benicio Del Toro has also done some pretty good movies in the past. This movie is mediocre. The plot is old, and I would say pretty much used up. The movie is about the ex-special forces trainer L.T. Bonham (played by Tommy Lee Jones) being called in to assist the FBI in tracking down an elusive killer. Several deer hunters have been viciously murdered in the woods of Oregon and Washington, and it appears to be the work of a skilled assassin. L.T. takes on the task of tracking down Aaron Hallham (Benicio Del Toro), which in his past life (working for the military as a civilian expert) he has trained in survival and assassination techniques. The whole movie is full of little annoying glitches that take away from the credibility of the movie and makes it all seem quite far-fetched, occasionally even bordering on corny. It is a cross between "The Fugutive" and "First Blood (Rambo)," but sadly, it doesn't hold a candle to either. There is the bad boy that is a highly skilled killing machine that is running around in the woods and in the city (Did anyone say Rambo?), being chased by the good guy, which has almost superhuman tracking skills (The Fugitive?). I enjoyed the action in the movie, and the actors are good. Ordinarily this would be exactly my type of movie, but due to the corny plot and poor execution, I only give it 3 stars!!!
Rating:  Summary: Plot flaws galore. Review: I live right across the river from where this movie was shot and in that regard I enjoyed all the referrences to places I know and have been. But there are so many plot holes in this movie it was hard for me to recommend it highly. Both lead characters should have died long before the end of the movie. I suppose super soldiers have incredible endurance and twice as much blood as most people. Benicio Del Toro should have drowned when he jumped into the Columbia River. If the impact didn't kill him the current would have pulled him down. I know this river personally and the current is incredibly strong. Tommy Lee Jones character said Benicio could "swim like a fish" but I doubt he could breath like one. Also, Benicio is being chased by agents and cops so what does he do, he builds a fire and fashions a blade. Good idea. Tommy gets stabbed in the leg by a long, sharp stick which apparently only made him angry because he didn't bleed from that wound thereafter. Then he falls onto some rocks on his way down a large waterfall, then pulls himself out and shortly gets into a knife fight with Benicio. It is only near the end that the editing and plot take a back seat to reality. Am I supposed to believe that Benicio set an elaborate trap of two logs that come smashing together a la "Return of the Jedi"? I realize that he isn't your normal human soldier but hiding might have been a smarter plan. He is able to blend with the shadows, yes? Then there is the scene where Tommy is just dripping with water, and only moments later he is completely dry. Anyway...it wasn't a complete waste of time. In fact, the fight sequences were enjoyable, albeit bloody. And there were some other scenes that were fairly well done. It just didn't make much sense. Blood-loss usually causes people to feint or go into shock. I've even heard that some people die from it. It's true. I think I saw it on the Discovery Channel.