Rating:  Summary: Gossip Review: I had HBO on in the background when this movie came on and I never intended to watch it, I mean a movie called "Gossip"? Oh that really sounds like fun. But as soon as the pictures flashed across the screen and "Jones" [Lena Headey] started talking, I knew judging the movie by the title was a bad move on my part. The angles and colors, wardrobe, etc. of this film were amazing to me. I thought it was very well directed. The idea of the movie had started out well. Three college students planned to start a rumor and see how far it went as a topic to write on for a class. Though I thought casting Joshua Jackson to play any character in this flick was a bad, bad idea. The only reason I would think about labeling this a "teen flick" is the fact that he was in it. Toward the end, I thought they took reality way out of proportion, if I hadn't have liked the movie so well, it would have easily ruined the entire film. Though there are a lot of negitive comments for the movie, I'd give it a chance if you have the time.
Rating:  Summary: too unbelievable Review: **1/2 As "youth" thrillers go, "Gossip" is slightly better than most, I guess, but it still seems, in the long run, less meaningful and profound than it imagines itself to be. Part of the problem is that the film never comes across as particularly convincing, either in its setting or in its characters. The film takes place on a college campus located in Manhattan filled with the types of students that make the rest of us feel as if we wasted our own college years attending dull dry lectures and writing lengthy term papers when we could have been having so much more fun creating scandals and sending the entire institution into fits of apoplexy. Not only do these students never crack open a book or put pen to paper, but even the one class we see them attending turns out to be a seminar on the role of gossip in the media. Doesn't anybody ever study the classics anymore? The main characters even live in one of those impossibly dank, dark cavernous artist lofts that only people in movies ever seem to occupy. The film centers around three college buddies - two males and one female, naturally - who share not only an apartment but also a penchant for spreading fictionalized stories about themselves to get what they want (usually something insignificant like free drinks). One day the young lady, "Jones," suggests that they start a rumor about a snooty little rich girl who has recently transferred to the school and track the story's progress as part of a research project for a media class they are taking. I guess this is what passes for research methodology these days now that books have become passé even in academic settings. (You'll note that no one involved in the "study" ever attempts to document any of the findings on paper once the rumor has been successfully launched. How were they planning to get a grade on the assignment?). It's obvious that the makers of the film believe themselves to be making some sort of profound statement on the dangers of rumor mongering - you know, about how easy it is to start a rumor but how hard it is to control it, etc. - but the characters seem at times so dimwitted that it becomes impossible to take any of it very seriously. Jones is supposed to be the compassionate, rational one among the trio yet she seems genuinely surprised when the little experiment goes awry in ways that to us seem entirely predictable. Credit the filmmakers with at least presenting characters who are marginally ambiguous on a moral level, but we find it hard to believe that a genuinely good, caring person like Jones would have come up with such an idea in the first place. Moreover, the film features one of those surprise "turnabout" endings, the sheer logistics of which strain credibility to the breaking point. In fact, since the ending is telegraphed way in advance anyway, it fails both on the level of suspense as well as credibility. "Gossip" tries hard to be taken seriously, but in the end both its own air of contrivance and our own sense of incredulity manage to do it in.
Rating:  Summary: POINTLESS Review: THis movie is pointless, but at least it has its good moments. THe guy playing the professor is ridiculous. Other than this, is not a violent film at all ( nobody dies!!), but acting is atrocious by most of the actors. It is perfect for TV.
Rating:  Summary: Breaking Glass Does Not an Art Film Make Review: If you like pseudo-artsy camera shots of breaking glass, this movie is for you. If you're over 22 and have graduated from college already, you might find this film a little tedious. Unless you're drunk. And speaking of drunk, why is it that every college "student" in this film seems to have a huge apartment, complete with a full bar? I know drinking is alive and well on college campuses, but sheesh... most people go to bars for the highballs, not their living rooms! The good thing about this movie is that just when you're ready to chuck it all because of the very unlikely plot (since when was it really gossip material that college students are having sex???) the twist occurs, and it all makes much more sense. It simultaneously validates your feeling that the movie couldn't be more farfetched and absolves you from the guilt you were feeling about purchasing/renting a really dumb flick. Rent it, watch it with friends and laugh.
Rating:  Summary: What a twist Review: Gossip says it all. What happens when someone spreads a rumor? The ending was the best part of the movie. James Mardeson plays a jerky guy who doesn't know how to tell the truth, lying is all he knows. When he accuses Joshua Jackson of raping Kate Hudson it's gets around their college campus like wild flowers. Now no one knows the truth and it gets much better as the movie goes on. It says it's a thriller but it's really not, not gross or anything.
Rating:  Summary: Here's some true gossip....this movie is terrible! Review: Maybe one of the worst movies I've seen.....I was looking for a suspensful movie in the line of Wild Things from '98....this doesn't come close to that one....beware people....pass on this one.
Rating:  Summary: high-quality genre fare Review: I'm surprised that reviews of this tidy little work are so mixed. It's a reliable enough recipe: take 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' and mix with 'House of Games,' but lighten it up with a dash of glitz, a fetching fantasy of idealized college life, and no major downer at the end :-) The young actors are pretty and some are talented, and the dialogue is not bad -- some of it is actually rather good. The sets are a bit much, imho -- one wonders just how plush Derek's trust fund is, after seeing the "undergrad apartment" which few dotcom lottery winners could afford to keep up. There's a relentless prettiness to most of the backdrops even when they're trying to look noir, but that can be forgiven in a film which is really more stage play than cinema. The cinematography is mostly effortless and unobtrusive; there are a couple of arty little touches, but it's not self-indulgent. Supporting cast do their jobs reliably; the brief scene in a high school admin office (where "Jones" is pursuing her investigation) is nicely played all the way into the far background of the shot. Some of the young extras definitely seem to be trolling for work (it's just amazing how pretty everyone is in this universe!) but it's all in good fun. Marsden does very well with the Ripleyesque protagonist. His Marvel Comics good looks and alarming glibness are quite convincing; I loathed "Derek" after only a few minutes, and enjoyed Marsden's enjoyment of the role. Actually I should confess, I watched the film only because I like Edward James Olmos and never miss a chance to see him even in a small part; but was pleasantly surprised -- enjoyed it far more than I expected to. One thing I appreciated about the script was a minor surprise value. Not Derek's true nature -- it's evident from the git-go, so no surprises there; and we know that poor, bewildered Jones will indeed figure it out given time (if nasty Derek doesn't push her down a staircase first, of course). The surprise I rather liked was that the film threatens for a moment to turn into another poor-little-falsely-accused-fellow saga, a sort of Dinesh D'Souza flavoured backlash tract on the wickedness of ruining young men's lives by actually taking rape seriously. Just as one is saying Oh Gawd, spare us -- it lightly skips away from the brink of disaster and delivers a far more palatable (and imho useful) message. It may be rather slickly wrapped, and admittedly unoriginal; but the basic lesson (that liars and users are despicable no matter how handsome/rich/cool they are) is one the human race can always do with. One thing that amused me considerably was the fluency, the articulate command of language which these "college students" converse and declaim. I work at a University, and the undergraduates with whom I come in daily contact seem to have vocabularies of less than 800 words, including a fairly rich, repetitive admixture of the short one that starts with F. I would very much like to think that films like this could revive an interest in being articulate, witty, and intelligent-sounding among undergraduate and high-school age people; I've become a bit weary of the fashion for sounding and acting illiterate and stupid. Well, end of rant :-) I think this is a well-crafted, undemanding, fresh and shiny little work that may entertain people even a few years from now. It has a peculiar style and sparkle which oddly enough remind me of films of the late 30's and early 40's. I'd recommend it. Someone should compile a good list of films about compulsive liars and charming sociopaths -- 'All About Eve' comes to mind, 'Ripley' of course, and 'Deathtrap' -- I think 'Gossip' would be worthy of inclusion. Timothy Dalton in 'Framed' would make the list, with an honourable mention for his youthful effort as the sinister young King of France in 'The Lion in Winter'.
Rating:  Summary: We do what we do then we gossip about it! Review: Gossip is a killer movie. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I found out I didnt! Besides the extrodinary plot and awsome ensemble cast, Gossip finishes off much different then you would have expected! Which is what I like in a movie, unpredictability, suspense and action! I would recomend Gossip to anyone I knew, because I dont know of anyone who I made watch it, that didnt thoroughly enjoy it! For more of my reveiws and pics check out my site at http://trishnstephanie.tripod.com/stephaniessite/
Rating:  Summary: It's No Secret: The Movie Is Terrible Review: I was disappointed as the movie had a good concept though the execution was extremely weak. The one star is for Kate Hudson, who has an amazing screen presence. I can forgive her for being in such an awful movie. The 3 initial main characters are a spoiled pompous "trust fund" baby (James Mardsen), a "freaky artist type" and a somewhat awkward goody two-shoes girl just trying to have some fun. The stereo types represented are pathetic at best. All 3 live in an NYC loft that not even the real actors could afford, let alone college students! (It is truly unbelievable) The three do everything together at first. (they all even have the same classes). For their journalism class project they decide to start a rumor about Kate Hudson (who plays a stereotypical prude) and her boyfriend having sex at a party. The rumor spreads like wildfire and soon no one (including Kate) knows what the truth is. The rest of the movie is the repercussions of the rumor. The plot is completely implausible. There are so many loopholes in it I found myself laughing at parts that were probably not meant to be funny. Although it is not entirely predictable after the first ten minutes I doubt you will care.
Rating:  Summary: The movie was ok! Review: The movie was amazing because you can see how easily rumors get changed and what people will actually believe. The movie was ok because the actual screen play was not that hot. The movie tended to dull down in parts. But it was good. This is one of those movies that could go either way. Before you actually purchase this movie, rent it to see if you like. Different strokes for different folks. And if you want to get this movie because of Joshua Jackson, he's role is not that demanding in the movie and is seen very little. But check it out, it's a good movie. Decide for yourself!