Rating:  Summary: Missable Review: Angels I at least had a little (maybe very little) originality going for it. This is just over-the-top, over-acted, over-wired silliness. Maybe it's OK for a tween-age boy, but the rest of us deserve better.Demi Moore is the one exception. She still looks good in a bikini, even without the natural advantage of being twenty-something. She snarls her way through her role with just the right campiness. Even so, she's not enough to salvage this one. There are better movies out there. Go find one.
Rating:  Summary: getting sick of matrix type flicks Review: this is about as bad as it gets. I was really bored and pulled it up on my cables on demand, and I turned it off after the diving off the damn scene (which was in the first 5-8 minutes). A high budget cheesy movie is about as bad as a low budget one. This stinks, and I dont care who is in it!
Rating:  Summary: Why do the wrong characters always end up getting killed? Review: You're walking down the sidewalk, minding your own business, when you hear the squeal of tires and the dreadful sound of metal hitting metal at high velocity. Yes, it's a car accident. You look over, and see two cars joined at the fender, smoke billowing out of both engines. Sirens start wailing and lights start flashing. You really have somewhere to be, something better to do, but you can't pull yourself away. Somebody could be dead in there! We're all attracted to blood, even when we are sickened by it. I felt that way two weeks ago, when I turned on Movie Central and saw that Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle was on. I meant to just leave it on and read my book while my wife did whatever she was doing on the computer. But I found myself constantly looking up, and finally just put the book down. Much like the above mentioned wreck, I was sickened yet fascinated. Also like the above accident, it was sort of neat to see the explosions but I wasn't happy with myself afterward for staying and observing it. I will give the movie credit for one thing. It takes you by the throat at the beginning and says "don't expect any semblance of realism in the following 105 minutes. You won't be getting any. Take my advice, or you'll be even more disappointed." After finally letting me down (my throat still hurts), I was equipped to watch it without engaging any brain cells whatsoever. It was amazing. I tried to take a poll afterwards, but all of the cells were out for the night (there was a sign on the door that said "since you won't be using us tonight, we'll be down at the pub"). The movie does this by having a completely impossible sequence where a helicopter starts up and takes off as it's falling off of a dam (face-down). It does a neat 90 degree turn, just as it's about to hit the water, and flies away. And that's the most believable thing in the movie! The plot, what there is of it, is about a rogue Angel trying to sell an encrypted list of FBI witness protection people to the highest bidder. It's no spoiler that Moore is the bad gal in this one, as the marketing of the movie trumpeted the fact. Our three Angels begin the movie by rescuing Ray Carter from North Korea, and then being tasked with finding out who killed the other person who has a key to the encryption. There are a couple of "twists" that are seen miles away, and Moore gets to be super-threatening (showing how evil she is by double-crossing somebody and blowing them away). While it's a thin plot, it's also incoherent, held together by the barest of bikini straps as we are led from one soft-core male fantasy to another. In one sequence, in order to get a valuable key and security card from a dock worker, the Angels do a long involved strip-tease. I didn't time it, but I would guess the sequence took almost five minutes. As a full-blooded male, I can't say I was that disappointed, but it's a good thing my brain cells were off getting drunk, because they would have rebelled otherwise. It's obvious that the three ladies were just having fun with this flick, and perhaps this scene just let them be the exhibitionist they always wanted to be. Barrymore's character also gets a little bit of angst, as we find out that she was on the list for something that happened years ago. She quits the team and heads of to Mexico, where she has a vision of one of the earlier Angels (Jacqueline Smith, who doesn't look too bad, but you have to wonder what she would look like without the soft-focus lens) that prompts her to come back into the fold. I thought it was a nice homage back to the original series, and something that the first movie could have used, but oh well. The other characters don't get much to do other than fight and look beautiful. They're all given love-interests, but there's no chemistry between them. Liu's character is given an English father, which could have been interesting if anything had been done with it. However, that wouldn't do in a popcorn movie like this one, so instead we get a Three's Company rip-off that's painful to watch. Thankfully, both scenes are pretty short. Moore is interesting, however. She treats it like the fluff role it is, but she gives it just enough bite to wish that she had killed off the other three and taken over the agency herself. She lights up the screen whenever she's on, and it's probably her best role in a while. The other actor who acquits himself well is Bernie Mac. He brings a lot of fun to the picture, and I loved his "Black Irish" exchange with one of the dock workers. I found his presence completely implausible, especially with the reference to the previous Bosley (Bill Murray), but I loved the way Mac portrayed his character. There is an homage to Murray's not being around, but it would been nice to include the other previous Bosley from the series in the homage. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything. Everybody else either chews the scenery with relish or just has a blast without exercising any of their acting chops. The action is frenetic and well-choreographed, and there's something to be said for watching beautiful women kick a bunch of guys' butts, so the movie has that as well. However, the above compliments encompass the only good things in this movie. If you happen to stumble across it during your movie travels, and you can't find anything else to watch, then you may be rewarded. But c'mon. There's got to be some yard work to do or something. David Roy
Rating:  Summary: A Sloppy Sequel Review: The first one was great and set the stage for a modern and upbeat version of the hit show. The sequel is just sheer crap. I was very excited to see part 2 after the first film became such a hit, but this just went overboard with the stunts, the storyline, the costumes, the plot and worst of all...the cameos. I love Bernie Mac, but the role of Bosley is not suited for him. He's better at playing sharper, edgier comedy roles that can really bring out his talent. Bill Murray made a much better Bosley. The Angels come back looking sexier and more stylish than before but also a whole lot ditzier. The looks come in and the brains go out. What happened to all that cerebal knowledge they had mixed in with their lollipop humor like speaking all those languages and creatively using their sexy disguises to get the mission accomplished? The sexy outfits in this film were just for show. They served no purpose at all. And what is with the cameos? You get everyone from Carrie Fisher and John Cleese to the Olsen twins and Bruce Willis in this thing. It seems director McG was so busy trying to stuff these favors into this film he forgot there was story going on. They should have stuck to just one surprise guest...Demi Moore who really didn't get to strut her stuff until half way through the movie. All the reviews and the talk shows spoke of Demi making her hot and furious comeback as the Angel gone bad with the stunning body to prove it. I felt she was cheated of that opportunity. She could have made her villainess really evil. All that work and working out for a measley few minutes on screen. She was only good thing about the whole film. The over slow-motion Matrix-like Kung Fu effects were just crappy attempts at fighting. It's as if the girls never trained. Then there's the flying and flipping and landing on the stilettos after a fifty foot jump without breaking any heels. Just over the top. We really didn't need to know the origins of the Creepy Thin Man. It was better he remained mysterious. Then Barrymore's vicious ex-boyfriend came into play. Just one unnecessary appearance after another. There was just too much going on in this film. It's like taking a perfectly good-sized sandwich and stuffing it with too much filling. Too hard to keep together and too much to bite into. Concentrate on one theme at a time...please. Too bad. Could have been a decent flick if they just kept it simple.
Rating:  Summary: Unmitigated Garbage Review: It would be hard to put into words how awful this movie was, and after wasting the better part of 2 hours of my life on it, I won't spend much time. Let me simply add my voice to the warnings; this was dreadful. Zero stars should be added to the review options just for this movie. The plot must have taken half an hour for the writers to flesh out, and the dialog another 2 hours. Non-stop bombastic "action" that was boring beyond belief. Only an idiot could like this movie. John Barrymore must be rolling in his grave at the swill his descendent is guilty of. Everyone involved with this picture should be ashamed beyond belief, and anyone who gave this movie a positive review, you have a serious problem.
Rating:  Summary: Buns, Puns, Booms, and Some bad special effects... Review: "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" is most simply a perfect popcorn movie. You pop this in the DVD player, turn the speakers up, sit down, turn your brain off, and watch the action sequences unfold, one after another. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu are back, sans Bill Murray's Bosley in the second installment for more insane action sequences, fight scenes, and gratuitous booty shots. The plot is really quite simple. The government hid the names of people in the Witness Protection Program on two rings, one containing the real names and the other containing the aliases. Someone has stolen them and its the Angel's job to get them both back. Seems simple enough. Its not. From the first explosion to the last landed blow, this film is a mess, but it benefits from being so. If it were to take itself as a serious action movie, it would've been the first "Mission: Impossible" (which actually had the same plot) just with three really hot chicks. Since the producers of the movie decided to let everyone know the major surprise twist in the casting announcements and even the films trailer, finding out that Demi Moore was the villian didn't come as a shock but they did do a good job of hiding it from people who hadn't seen the trailer. Bernie Mac does a pretty good job of replacing Bill Murray as Bosley, who wasn't such a big part of the first film anyway. John Cleese is good as Lucy Liu's father, seeming disappointed and shocked in his daughter's chosen line of work (after a bit of a mix-up due to Alex's ex-boyfriend, Matt LeBlanc). Justin Theroux, Shia LeBeouf, and Crispin Glover (reprising his Creepy Thin Man role) are all good, even though the latter never says a word except "AAAHHHH!!!". The one thing that really bothered me about this film was the last act, where Demi Moore jumps off a building and literally flies for 5 blocks with these attachments on her dress. It was aforementioned in the film that she had won a Nobel Prize for her research on flying mammals, so that figures that she would know how to do it, but come on. Even in action movies some things are a little over the top. The special effects are real bad there. Otherwise, they were okay. Nothing Oscar worthy in this film. The score for this movie is exponentially better than that of the first film. There is an internal conflict within Drew Barrymore's character so there are some real somber musical moments. The show's theme is used a few times and of course, the "plot thickens" theme is used to great effect. Even the songs in the movie were good, like "Breathe" and "Firestarter", during the Coal Bowl and sailor fight, respectively, by Prodigy. Buy it if you want a good, funny action movie to spend a Friday night watching. Avoid it if you don't like over-the-top action. Lord knows theres plenty of it in this movie. He should after all...it is a movie about Angels.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS A DISASTER!!!!!! Review: I still can't believe that this people made a sequel so bad. i was eagarly waiting for this flick, and when it finished i just didn't knew , i said what the heck happened??? i waited sooo long time to see this crap. the first movie was fantastic even the soundtrack leading Destiny's Child's Independent Woman wich was an excellent song and it became an No 1 hit almost everywhere, what about P!nk's Feel Good Time That song really sucks it only peaked no, 63 on the Billboad Hot 100 now she asks why her album TRY THIS dissapeared really quick from the charts... (...)
Rating:  Summary: Full of cameo's Review: This movie should have been called "Charlie's Angels: Full of cameo's". I actually spent more time trying to see if I could count the number of cameo's then paying attention to the film itself. The movie was way over the top. There were just too many things in the second film that seemed unbelievable, but maybe that was the point. It was a point I missed. Crispin Glover as the Thin Man in the second film. I did not understand why his character was in this film. Was I too believe that the angels could be 1. Flung through a window at high speed, 2. fall down some stairs at high speed. 3. pull a piece of glass out of her stomach fight the bad chick, then change and appear at a Hollywood screening unscathed? Some of the fighting scenes were cool, but the movie IMHO was not as good as the first one. Someone compared this movie to face off. I'm sorry the two movies do not even compare!!! Face Off is a much better film.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT THE CRAP Review: I have not one clue why Hollywood llets movies like this see the light of day. It was a complete wast of two hours. I regret whole heartedly ever watching this movie. Please people move along you have better things to do with your time.
Rating:  Summary: Your Kidding me Right? Review: You know o stars isn't possible But ohh if it only was...