Rating:  Summary: Ick. An Absolute Hollywood Blunder Review: ......My girlfriend took me to see this when it first came out. Yeah I was excited because the previews for Full Throttle definately displayed the fact that there was going to be plenty of scantily clad, beautiful women. However, the actual movie goes to show that the creators of the film clearly believe that men are just pathetic, sex-crazed puppy dogs who will pay ten buck to watch a couple hours of cleavage and flat stomachs dance around while over-used 80's pop plays in the backround. Where the hell was the plot? Don't think that guys will be entertained just because there is a cute girl in every scene. Please, Drew, don't ever insult my intelligence like that again. Believe it or not, we do have class.
Rating:  Summary: If I could rate this with 0 stars, I would... Review: This movie was by far one of the worst movies I have even seen in a movie theater (second only to He Got Game and Cabin Fever). I know, I know, this movie isn't meant to be realistic or have a riviting plot...but COME ON!The plot was atricious, the dialog was cliched and pathetic, the acting was horrible, and it was obvious the director had made his money directing music videos. What the hell is McG anyway? I admit, I didn't go into this movie with high expectations, but I was still hugely disappointed. I liked the first movie because of Bill Murray (who was inadequately replaced with Bernie Mac) and the action scenes, which I thought was very well choriographed. The action scenes in this movie however were very (and I'm talking VERY) unrealistic, overdone, and copied from other movies. I don't look for realism in action movies, but this was just so over the top I couldn't help it. The other thing that made me mad about this movie was I couldn't get over the sense that the makers of the movie were targeting the male audience, and suckering them into paying to watch a terrible movie just to see scantily clad women. There are many GOOD movies that I can watch for that and still enjoy the movie. Bottom line, if a crappy movie has pretty girls in it, it's still a crappy movie. Do not waste your time with this movie. If you just want to see the girls, see the first one. If you want to actually see a good action movie, there are tons out there that are a lot better than this.
Rating:  Summary: "Angel" Cake Review: The "Charlie's Angels" films are much like the opera. You either love it or hate it. I personally like 'em (this film was much better than "The Matrix Reloaded". That movie was pure geekboy trash (yes, I got all the metaphysical monkey crap & I still hated it)). In "Full Throttle", the Angels are hired by the Justice Department to retrieve a set of titanium rings that have secured files (once hooked up and downloaded onto a computer) of all the applicants of the witness protection program. If fallen into the wrong hands, these files can be bought and sold at a mighty high price. The film itself, just like the original, doesn't take itself seriously (come on people, its based on a jiggly 70's T.V. show for God's sake!). The Angels do have there own personal problems, among the best of them is, Dylan worrying if the Angels might be splitting up (Dylan has a vision of the future Angels, among them, her being teamed up with the Olsen twins!). The soundtrack is great including songs from Rob Zombie, Loverboy, The Beach Boys, and Pink. The action is, sadly, what bogs the movie down. It's great to have a cool action sequence in a film like this, but, when the film relies way, way too much on "Matrix" style fighting and "Bullit" Time slow-motion, you can't help, but, role your eyes and feel there should be something original in its place. The action is also way too cartoonish. I'm not a big fan of motorcross but even I know a cyclist can't do a handstand, pull out a gun, fire off three shots, turn back around, and land perfectly on the ground! If there is a third film, McG should calm the action down quite a bit(how about just a plain old shoot out or bar fight w/ no slow-motion?) and have a good solid plotline (how about something along the lines: The Angels have to catch a killer who is slowly wiping out former Angel members). Overall, the movie is worth the rent.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably BAD Review: I have to agree with the other negative reviewers here, this was absolutely, without a doubt, the WORST movie I have ever seen and I LOVE these woman. But to be completely honest I would MUCH rather just stare at a picture of them than watch this movie, that would be FAR more entertaining. Run away, run away as fast as you can.
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst films I have ever seen. Review: If I were to be given a choice between watching this movie again, or bashing myself in the head with a blunt rock, I'd find the biggest boulder I could find and smash away. This movie was just god awful. Plain and simple. If I were to take anything out of the movie, I would learn that 1- it is possible to be in the air on a motorcycle, then go upside down, off the bike, fire 8 shots from two guns, and then land back on the bike in less than 2 seconds. 2- people can fly 3- The angels have a combined IQ roughly equal to a cucumber AND 4- Bill Murray made the wisest decision of his career to ditch out of this movie. Do yourself a favor, and avoid this film like the plague. I am dumber for watching it.
Rating:  Summary: is the movie that bad Review: I was wondering why alot of people are giving this hot movie one star. I mean there are very intriguing girls that are in this movie and this movie has superb action.
Rating:  Summary: That looks like Bruce Willis . . . That IS Bruce Willis!!! Review: This movie is the exact same as the first - just with different hairstyles, no Bill Murray, and Demi Moore making her comeback. There are a few laugh out loud moments, especially when I realised that the old grey haired man (who appears for one scene, and wasn't even credited) was infact Bruce Willis. What's great about this movie once more, is the Angels never use guns - unless you count the fallen Angel, played by Demi Moore. Who used this movie to make her comeback. And has since done nothing but appear in the papers with Ashton Kutcher. And how much did she look like Catherine Zeta Jones in certain shots? When her hair wasn't poker straight, and was actually nice and wavy, and the makeup was the exact same as Mrs Douglas herself. No matter what the press say about Demi, she still looks good, although she'll never be as pretty as she was in Ghost. And no amount of Botox can remove those lines around your mouth honey! There's a lot of allusions to other movies in this - Flashdance, Sound of Music, Singin' In The Rain, and even Grease gets a mention! (Cameron Diaz's boyfriend in the movie, goes to his high school reunion at Rydell!) Apart from that, this movie is just the same as the first. Still good to watch, doesn't use up much brain cells to watch, and entertaining. They could have attempted something different though.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible mess! Review: While Bernie Mac gets in a few funny lines and Demi Moore chews the scenery like a rabid Bette davis, this film is just a complete blunder! Drew Barrymore and her horrible lisp, Cameron Diaz as the dancing retarded angel and Lucy Loo not doing much of anything. Also, wasn't that irish guy completely annoying and had a horrid accent? The humor was just BLAH. Helen Zass anyone? This film also tried to rip off others...Matrix, Cape Fear, etc. Just bad....very, very bad!
Rating:  Summary: Really awful: One for the toilet! Review: Much could be said about the first Charlie's Angels movie from late in 2000. It was fun, and full of action without going over the top to where it would've ruined the film. It's nothing to make history out of but it is plenty of fun and worth watching if you turn your 'thinking' brain into off mode. Unfortunately I could never say the same positive things about it's disastrous sequel "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle". I had a lot of expectations for more fun in "Full Throttle" but This sequel is like a rehash of the original except that all of the fun innocent flamboyance of the first one is thrown right out the window and the massive void left is nothing but a massive hodgepodge of eardrum-busting loud special effects, highly unrealistic stunts and nauseating and tacky innuendos which together completely ruin this lame excuse for a film. The plot is just hilariously bad and goes nowhere from the very start. The threesome trio are now assigned on a mission to recover some device that has top secret inscriptions in it that has gone missing and the witnesses to the crime have been turning up dead right and left and the three hunt down the culprit of the slayings and they discover that the villainess is actually a 'fallen angel' named Madison Lee (Demi Moore) who betrayed them and went bad and now the mission is to recover the device before Madison gets a hold of it. A lot of the stunts are laughable and highly unrealistic even for most of the best stuntmen in the world and some of the chases and motorcycle stunts by both the good and bad guys would make even Evel Knievel cringe. How do they dodge bullets that are fired at them while they are in mid-air? Hell both the good and bad guys fire enormous hailstorms of bullets at each other while in mid-air on the motorcycles but not one of the rounds come close to their targets even though they are no more than a few feet away. Strange huh? The various special effects are just messy and excessively loud and overblown plus some scenes felt more like ripoffs of some sequences from the "Matrix" trilogy but faring much worse. The characters in the movie are absolutely stupid and completely kill off anything that could've been even remotely good about this film. The threesome trio resort to some of the dumbest female heroine behavior that I've ever seen in any movie and resorting to trashy behavior like some drunken stripper after having no sleep for several days. I'm no prude but this movie is just a sickening example of the exploitation of both genders and rendering the women characters as nothing but objects and the men as nothing but like canines going into season. I'm sorry but the characters come off as being absolutely stupid and without any personality. The cast of this movie is really excellent and could've been made a really spectacular movie but almost every actress and actor completely drops the ball on this one with completely bone dry acting and the script is weak and has no chance of being anywhere near consistent. The jokes by the minor background characters are not even funny and are just plain stupid to say the least. Demi Moore as the villainess Madison Lee isn't bad in my opinion but she really squandered her chance at creating a really formidable villainous character and comes off as being nothing more than a caffeine-drenched cat that has gone into it's season. And Moore went through heavy exercise training just for a measley few minutes throughout the whole film? They really squandered their chance at making Madison Lee a really formidable villainess. What a waste of a great opportunity! Bernie Mac is really funny as Bosley and I really liked Bernie's portrayal of Bosley because he is a really excellent comedian but even he could not save this sequel from becoming thermal depolymerization plant material. Madison Lee and Bosley were the only good things about this movie but their meager screen time could not add up to enough to save this movie from falling into the extreme end of mediocrity. This movie is a sad example of how the seedy parts of Hollywood are brought up from the bottom of the barrel right up to the big screen where both men and women are reduced to nothing but nymphomaniac puppies in season. I for one and not turned on by excessive innuendos. The first movie was saved by limiting such excessive tackiness but this sequel is loaded with completely repulsive innuendos throughout the movie and it's not even appealing at all. It's disgusting and absolutely insulting to anyone who values the other gender. This sequel ruins the fun legacy of the "Charlie's Angels" franchise and this movie has no destiny other than heading straight from the garbage truck right into the landfill or better yet, the thermal depolymerization plant where it belongs. It's really sad how we are wasting our natural resources in manufacturing awful movies like this. Don't even rent this garbage. There is no point in wasting one's time on such a lousy and pathetic film like this. If there is to be a third installment in the series, I have very low expectations for it being good but even then, I fear it will disappoint once again the same way "Full Throttle" did with me. This could really have been a great sequel but they totally blew it with this one. Avoid this movie at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Throttle It Back A Little Bit, Please! Review: From the get go CHARLIES ANGELS FULL THROTTLE pays homage (or rips off) a scene from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK; the Mongolian tavern scene. This is right down to the "who-can-drink-the-most-whiskey-in-the-shot-glass" scene made famous by Karen Allen (as Marion). This 'wiskey'scene with Drew Barrymore (as Dylan) is identical almost frame by frame. Some of the Mongolian locals look like the same patrons from 'Raiders'. This is a very loud and (sound effects and music sountrack included)in your face movie as the girls seem to be thrown and beat up all over the place, then resilient enough (like the proverbial cartoon character) to bounce back into their headquarters,land on the sofa, smile, and wait for their next assignment from Charlie (voice only by original John Forsyth). The plot is somewhat recycled as their assignment is to recover a set of rings that hold the lists to the FBI's Witness Protection Program. Then supervillians get in their way including a rogue 'Angel' played by Demi Moore. There is one moment of sweetness as Drew/Dylan gets some advice from a former Angel (Jaclyn Smith)in a dream sequence. It would have been really been great to expand her original role and the roles of the other former 'Angels' from Farrah Fawcett,Kate Jackson,Shelly Hack, Cheryl Ladd, and Tanya Roberts. However, with the way this movie plot action moves along, they all would end up getting oft probably anyway. Luke Wilson and Matt LeBlanc are in thankless roles as two of the wimpy boyfriends and John Cleese is wasted as the befuddled father of Alex (Lucy Liu). Bernie Mac is lost as 'Bosley' in a very underwritten role. All in all, a loud and crass actioneer throwing a fashion music video show in the mix. It may either take your breath away, or leave the viewer with a big headache. As for pure popcorn adrenalin this is the movie to watch.