Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie, But A No-Frills DVD Review: Predator was one of the first movies re-released on DVD, and as such, it lacks a lot of the "extras" that most of the more recent DVDs offer. All you get here is the full-length full-screen movie, which is enough, I guess, but I would've loved to listen to some audio commentary from Arnold or director John McTiernan or even a few words from the Predator himself :) Some "making of" stuff would've also been a nice addition. Plus, there's also some historical significance here that can't be ignored: I mean, you have not one, but TWO future governors in the cast! Wouldn't it have been great to have Governor Schwarzengger and Governor Ventura talking candidly about what they went through to make this movie and what they've been through since? Well, maybe someday Fox will release a DELUXE multi-disk DVD of Predator and it will include all of the above and even more. (How about a "Where Are They Now?" feature that'll tell us what in the world happened to Sonny Landham.)
Rating:  Summary: One of Ahhnold's best movies Review: This action-packed sci-fi film starring Arnold Schawarzenegger is one of my all-time favorite films. Arnold is the leader of an elite U.S rescue squad who are assigned in the South America jungle to search for officials taken hostage by Guerrilla fighters. When they get to the green fested jungle, they discover skinned bodies and realize who could have done this? The team destroy the rebel encampment despite rescuing zero hostages. Mission accomplished, the team are suddenly being targeted by an alien creature picking them off one at a time. Arnold, now the only one left, uses his brains instead of brawn in to survive against a larger and more smarter being out of this world. The special effects and the action are well done here. The suspense and the vast amount of blood are relivent throughout the film. I love the scene when the Predator shoots off a soldier's arm and then the arm is still triggering the gun. The Predator's weapons are very eleborate. It has a sort of laser weapon on its shoulder and has the ability to become invisible. Arnold is the man. The guy has the best lines. "Predator" is filled with flair and the pace is outstanding. It should be in everyone's film library.
Rating:  Summary: Weak Review: I don't know what all the fuss is about with this one. Alien and Aliens are so much better. I liked the score and cinematography and there is occasionally some decent gore thrown in here and there. Otherwise this is a pretty lame movie. See Die Hard 1&3, Hunt For Red October or Last Action Hero for a good John Mctiernan film.
Rating:  Summary: Arnold Schwarzenegger's best movie ever Review: This is the best movie Arnold Schwarzenegger has ever done. the special effects are amazing its a thrill ride you will never get tired of watching this movie. Some commandos go to rescue a government official and finds out that some creature is following them and trying to kill each one of them one by one. as you keep watching the movie you will wonder will they escape or will they all die. you'll never know (unless you seen the movie). this is one of the best sci-fi movies ever made and like i said the special effects are awesome and its a movie that will keep you guessing and guessing.you will always love this movie no matter what. the action will blow you away!!!!
Rating:  Summary: MOVIE awesome, DVD blows. Review: Excellent movie with a sub-standard DVD release. DTS is fine and all, but what about extras? This movie is a cult classic, and above par action movie at least... Wondering if they're gearing up for a re-release in the future? With the pending release of ALIEN VS. PREDATOR next summer, we may get a revamp of this film? I hope so, as it was one of my childhood favorites. I snuck into this one after buying tickets to SPACEBALLS - and I can still remember feeling like I was in the scorching jungle with Dutch, Mac, Blaine, Billy, Ramirez, Hawkins and that slimey CIA sod Dillon. Ana was a piece, and made my adolescent years a little more joyful. What helped, aside from the amazing cinematography, was the score by Alan Silvestri. Brilliant in the same way the JAWS score was. This is one of Arnold's best preformances, and among the top action films ever produced. Tight and blistering, but not so fast that the atmosphere doesn't suck you in. This would be a fantastic film to release in an IMAX theater? So, I hope there is a DVD re-issue of this wonderful film. Sure it has minor plot holes, but those are inconsequential to the film experience it provides.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing movie! Dissapointing DVD.... Review: Since I first saw it shortly after it's release to video back in the 80's, Predator has been one of my favorite action flicks. To this day it is Arnie's best. That may not being saying much to most, but they didn't need a big action star such as Schwarzenegger to carry this movie, which is a non-stop barrage of exciting action and suspense. However, while the film itself is fabulous, the DVD packs NO special features! I was hoping for a Making Of, interviews, deleted scenes....something! Alas, all we get is the original trailer. If you are a fan looking for the film on DVD only, then you will be satisfied. If you are a fan looking for extra goodies and insight into this great movie, you will be highly dissapointed with it's nonexistent bonus features.
Rating:  Summary: See the governors! Review: This is one of the greatest action films that came out of the 1980s, when the genre was at its height. The predator is one of the best Hollywood monsters ever created. You get to see two state governors as well! Can't beat that! Carl Weathers in 2004!
Rating:  Summary: One of the Governator's best... Review: It sits perched in the trees, invisible to the naked eye. It watches them trek through the rainforest. It stalks them slowly, lunging forward when given the chance but never revealing itself. It follows their patterns and mimics their voices. The leader turns, sporting a serious expression of fear. It is Dutch Schaefer (Arnold Schwarzenegger). "If it bleeds, we can kill it," he says, glancing down at the green liquid. Terror comes in many forms, but so does action, and "Predator" successfully combines both. We already know the fate of our hero, but that does not matter, simply because we enjoy the ride. This is a smart action/horror/thriller that doesn't fall back on cliches, but pushes forward, aware that it may be following such films as "Alien" (1979) but yet only improving upon the presented material. The Predator is a work of genius--originally fitted for Jean-Claude Van Damme and shaped like a giant bug, it was later reworked by creature effects artist Stan Winston (with the help of James Cameron) after Van Damme was fired due to complaining too much about how hot and stuffy his suit was. The villain helps make this movie, and if there were ever a terrifying creature it is the Predator, which is not only visually haunting but an emphasis of how advanced life forms could hunt us like we hunt animal prey. Kevin Peter Hall hadn't gotten much work then; a few stage performances but nothing serious. He was picked up by John McTiernan because he was taller than Arnold Schwarzenegger and, when placed in the alien suit, he not only looked fierce but he also looked like he could be the one and only true opponent to Arnold, a man who looks like he eats babies for breakfasts. (And perhaps grown humans for lunch.) Not only is he the perfect opponent, he helps make the movie. A lot of the film's positive elements come from the lush Cambodian jungles, the haunting direction by McTiernan, the ultimate macho combat role by Arnold, the paranoia and startlingly effective idea of the remote settings. Much of it also comes from the fact that the alien, when finally revealed, looks real. It looks real, all right, and also pretty darn horrifying. (Who can forget when it drops its face mask and reveals its true self?) Major Dutch Schaefer and his elite team of US Commandos are sent deep into the swampy depths of a Columbian jungle, trying to locate a downed chopper carrying a Cabinet Member. "Do your Cabinet Members always fly on the wrong side of the border?" Dutch quips before he and his men are loaded into their means of transportation. They arrive in the jungle and soon find that a camouflaged creature is ritualistically stalking and murdering them. But this isn't just random slasher style--it picks off its prey on a whimsy, and only attacks fair game (e.g. those with weapons). Soon Dutch and his team realize that getting out of the jungle isn't going to be as easy as they thought. For me, "Predator" is one of the best action films of all time. It has everything. It isn't messy and over-paced; it takes its time getting where it's going, building up the tension for the audience, and then unleashes a bombardment of action set pieces and visual effects. Another great thing is that it is sort of Hitchcockian in a way; it doesn't show us the killer, at least not at first. It again takes its time, building up the tension, getting us primed. When it finally does show us the creature, we're shocked. Arnold Schwarzenegger fits the role like a glove; criticize him all you want, Dutch was made for him. Can you imagine Sly or Willis playing Dutch? Not me, either. This is his time to shine. Shine he does. The series is getting a jumpstarted revival next year with "Alien vs. Predator" (2004). There are doubts as to whether or not it will live up to long-growing expectations, especially with Paul W.S. "Resident Evil" Anderson at the helm, but I remain the optimist as far as I can. The idea of the two species joining together for a feature film was hinted at in "Predator 2" (1990), then hinted at even further with a line of comic books, fan fiction, and great videogames. I, personally, cannot wait.
Rating:  Summary: I don't think this was one of Arnold's more influential ones Review: Predator is a horror/action movie that was most likely inspired by Alien.This one has all of the elements of an Arnold adventure (the big guns, unforgettable quotes, etc.) but tends to lack the good story and spellbinding suspense and action. At first there was a good Commando-like plot that started it all as 'rescue the hostages and say hasta lavesta baby to the baddies'. The creators did well with bringing the story into play; they didn't just say 'alien come and beat up ahnold'. It started to lose the charm with its lack of dialogue and adventure. Instead, it was just mindless shooting and running through the jungle. Yeah, that's what makes it realistic but they overdid the realism. This still deserves three stars, though, but just isn't Arnold Schwarzenegger material.
Rating:  Summary: Great SciFi movie. Review: This is one of arney's earlier films, and let me tell you it ducking rocks. It is like Commado but Sci/fi and better music, better acting, and not really any corny catch phrases. The movie also has some pretty darn cool special effects. This movie is also the best predator movie out there, predator 2 was ok but it didn't have arney in it.