Rating:  Summary: Today's Special: Deity Review: An alien from another galaxy has crash landed in an isolated jungle. Unfortunately for the big ugly thing, Arnold Schwarzenegger is in the same jungle. "Dutch" as Arnold refers to, has taken a squad of commandos to rescue some prisoners. After their attack on a base located in the deep jungle, the alien starts to get rid of Dutch's gang. He is the lone survivor and masters some elegant barbecue skills. Knives on sticks, powder bombs, and major logage defeat the 'Predator'. Arnold Schwarzenegger is once again a brilliant lord. The action is top notch and made me wonder if they are aliens living among us. I mean, the thing was invisible and collected skulls for fun. I was disgusted, but it reminded me of the time when I collected Power Ranger toys. A classic movie. The creature tried to devour a deity, he should've known better.
Rating:  Summary: a very awesome thrilling and heart poundind movie Review: I loved this movie though it was bloody,extremely gory and strange but arnold is the one who really pumps up the movie he has never been better. This is a movie that definately IS a classic a number 1 movie of the year.I highly recommemd not to let kids younger the 11 see this because its very GORY bloody AND especially profanity but if you want to go ahead its still number 1 on my list also the scene where the marines are fighting the gurriles is action packed while the pred watches. I highly reccomend that if you love bloody, gutexploding, disc throwing, dismemberd body parts flying everywhere and invisible e.t.'s you will just LOVE this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Predator! Review: Before Die Hard, John McTiernan helmed this action plus gore fest starring Ah-Nold Schwarzenegger as Major Alan 'Dutch' Schaefer, on a mission with a bunch of hulky army guys to kill an invisible alien. One of the big man's best films, with great action, a creepy musical score and Stan Winston's excellent alien. However it still succumbs to the formulaic "kill everyone but the main guy" ending. And plausibility as well as subtlety are nowhere to be seen. But who cares? The action ante is great, and McTiernan's talent for over-the top action can be seen very clearly here. This is great brainless entertainment. The DVD is a real letdown though, with only a trailer. Boo!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome movie, Shocking DVD! Review: I will attend to this dismal DVD production in a moment.But first I would like to say that Predator wins "Best Arnie movie" hands down. Also probably the greatest "Mans movie" ever created.Now come on guys, seriously. How much testoserone is in this movie? Not only is the concept of an out of space creature hunting and skinning alive an elite bunch of toughguys macho, but look at the portfolios of the cast. You've got Arnie (The Terminator) himself, Carl (Apollo Creed) weathers, Jesse (the Governor) Ventura, Bill (eat green berets for breakfast) Duke, Sonny (big in-mate from "Lock up") Landham and 3 other flash-in-the pan little runts who should've been killed off alot sooner than they did (or were'nt?). All you needed was Dolph Lundgren to play "poncho", Sly stallone to play "Hawkins" and Arancha Sanchez-Vicario to play "Anna" and i doubt you would've had an ounce of bodyfat in the entire movie. Even though the concept was original and was probably thought up by by John McTiernan's 10 year old son after a 5 second brain storm. It still entertains and scares the life out of me every time (week) I watch it. And after all, that's why we watch movies isn't it? (to all you tough film critics out there) But let's face it, with movies such as Superman, Jaws and Aliens rceiving such huge accolades, you would have to say that on some occasions original, can be the best. I think the special effects were ahead of it's time, the location in which it was filmed was spot-on and had an "Apocolyps Now" resemblence to it. With the music and soundtrack added alot of excitement and fear to the film. As for the transformation to DVD, all i have to say is FOX, LIFT YOUR GAME! The quality and standard is extreamly poor, making a top-notch Action film look dodgey and cheap. The biggest insult is that it comes with NO ADDED FEATURES WHATSOEVER!!! No interviews, no deleted scenes, no documentary and definantly no alternative ending! I think Dumb & Dumber had more added features than Predator! Can you believe it? The only reason i give this DVD 3 stars is because i love this movie so much! After watching Arnies movies of late such as "The 6th day" and "End of days", i think i know why. It's a bit sad!
Rating:  Summary: OVER HERE! TURN AROUND! Review: Traditionally labelled as Action, this movie is more about suspense, as we spend a lot of time in the jungle with seven commandos who are trying to figure out exactly what it is out there that's trying to kill them, giving it an air of seriousness not often found in Schwarzenegger's films (the original Conan and Terminator films being the only other exceptions). For this, let us give thanks to director McTiernan, who, on his first studio film, takes plot, characters, and visuals to a nice plateau. The fear and suspense are genuinely felt, and, for once at least, the corny one liners ("STEECK around!") seem gladly out place. Helping this process along is the score by Alan Silvestri, which, at times, also conveys a heartfult sense of loss at the death of a comrade. Of course, it's not with out it's "giggle-snort-chuckle" moments, when, for example, old buddies Arnold and Weathers first see each other, their handshake becomes a protracted not-so-subliminal advertisement for steroids ("What's the matter Dillon? CIA got you POOSHING too many pencils?"), or when Arnold delivers one of his greatset bon-mots of carefully reasoned thinking: "If it bleeds... We can KEELL it!" But if you can forgive it for it's decidely AHH-nold style B-movie trappings, you're bound to get a kick and a half out of this one.
Rating:  Summary: wheres the love? Review: If this review were based on the movie alone, i'd give it 5 stars. The beef i have is with the transfer to the DVD format. The video looks terrible. Its grainy and the color is off. What a letdown. It sounds good but couldn't they have put some more effort into the picture? No bonus materials of mention either. This DVD definatly doesn't take full advantage of the medium. Its a shame cause the movie itself is spectacular.
Rating:  Summary: Not Rambo meets Aliens, Commando meets Alien Review: This is by far my favorite action film ever made. I'm no so sure it should be considered a sci-fi film, (yes I'm aware the title character is an alien but) since there's little actual science to this film, and the Predator only uses a (sci-fi-esque) shoulder mounted laser cannon (AKA: Plasma Caster, Shoulder Cannon, SHOULDER GUN OF DOOM!) only a couple times, outside of that the Predator seems to be really as down and dirty as any of the 'humans' in the film, not counting his Cloaking device. While the story line doesn't hold up to scrutiny and the characters are somewhat stereotypical, this film is so good because it has so much action right off the bat, a huge shoot out with a terrorist camp all within the first 30 minutes or so. In most movies the type of battle that took place in the first half of the film would have been the final crescendo peice. But not this movie, after the big shoot out the trained rescue squad takes one a prisoner and try to make their way back across the border, too bad for them, their actions caught they eye of an intergalactic hunter and it's not long before he starts picking them off one by one. By the end, as you may have guess, Ahnuld is all alone in the jungle with the huge hulking beast, normally Arnold is the "huge hulking beast" in the movie, it was really interesting to see Arnold take on something thats bigger, tougher, seemingly smarter and a whole heck of a lot meaner than him. I think this is one of Mr. Schwarzeneggers better 'acting' performances, he truly lookes terrified of the Predator, of course Arnold will play it off modestly and say he was truly afraid of it but well I still think the acting is really good. The Predator creature design, I think, is one of the best movie monsters/characters ever made along the lines of Alien and Pumpkinhead. Stan Winston origionally had a more 'insect' like creature design but it was later recommended by James Cameron that the design be switched to the current one for scare purposes. Now I've told you all about the movie and it's title character now lets talk about the dvd. The price for this disc seems to have jumped a couple bucks in the last month, why? I can't say. But this is a bare bones DVD and I feel it is currently over priced. I got mine for... significantly less...and I still felt I got jipped. The sound is well done, it could stand to have a new master of the sound. It comes with the theatrical trailer, which I thought was cool, but I, myself, am a hardcore Alien and Predator fan and if you are too you will know why the trailer is so neat. You should save you money up for the 2 disc "Special Edition" that should be realeased some time...
Rating:  Summary: John Mctiernan's Pornographic masterpiece Review: John Mctiernan's The Predator is a pornographic masterpiece for its graphic depiction of gunplay (a lot of gunplay) and violence. This film is much more than just a Arnold picture in my opinon its his best movie and always will be his best movie its brillent and it may well be the most action pack film ever made its also landmark for its graphic depiction of gunplay and mixing sci-fi with war which has never been done this film is not for the faint at heart. Warning: This film is rated Hard R for its extremely graphic action scenes including graphic prolonged gunplay and extrem violence. This film is not for childern.
Rating:  Summary: "PREDATOR: INVINSIBLE AND INVISIBLE" Review: Predator is a freaky movie that chills you to the bone with it's action and suspense. Arnie plays a guy who goes on a mission in some jungle when he is suddenly attacked by the Predator. THe Predator is a creature who can disappear and reappear. As his friend's body are found mutilated, Arnie understands that they are not dealing with something ordinary. Then, all of his partners are killed and he is left along in the jungle: fighting with the Predator. John McTiernan directed this film very well. Of course, Die Hard was much better but still...
Rating:  Summary: Schwarz' Explodes In This Time-Honored Guerilla Classic Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger continues defining his well known style and reputation from 'Conan' with this 1987 hit that was ahead of its time. Schwazenegger is Dutch, a guerilla war fighter with a team of good-old boys packing just as much muscle each. Carl Weathers is a former military cut-out turned CIA, who drags Dutch and his team to a musty carribean jungle island under false pretenses. Their mission is to rescue political hostages captured by Cuban rebels, but they wind up getting in over their heads when they're hunted down by a phenomenon of the jungle...or so it appears. Sonny Landham is perfect as the 6' muscle-bound, full-blooded Indian who packs a badass attitude and a huge knife while his native heritage keeps him in tune with the land and his surroundings...when he turns to his men and says "We all gon' die", you just wanna stand up and chear. The Predator is an effect you have to see for yourself.. Arnold, Carl Weathers, Sonny Landham and Jesse Ventura build the tobacco chewing, tough-talking, machine gun-firing and roof-rasing explosions around the story to make it a perfect 'Arnold' trademark movie. Unfortunately, the only thing missing is the topless woman...I guess with a movie this action-packed we'll be alright for now.