Rating:  Summary: Pure Pulp Review: Pulp Fiction was a groundbreaking film in a couple of different ways. It was an independent release and its success opened the door up for all kinds of maverick filmmakers and companies to release films that otherwise would have never been made. It also had a profound stylistic influence. It was a hip movie with sharp dialogue, graphic violence, cool soundtrack and intricate plotlines. In the wake of its success, many movies try to copy this style, but most failed as they lacked Quentin Tarantino's unique vision. Mr. Tarantino was able to pull John Travolta out of a decade long funk and directed him to the finest performance of his career and one that garnered his second Academy Award nomination. He also pushed Bruce Willis to a stellar performance that showed he was more than just an action hero. The cast is first rate including a beguiling Uma Thurman, Ving Rhames, Harvey Keitel, Eric Stolz, Rosanna Arquette and Christopher Walken. The best performance of all is given by Samuel L. Jackson who is absolutely amazing. It was a crime that he did not win the Academy Award for the role. Pulp Fiction is broken up into three parts and includes flashbacks, flash-forwards and twists and turns and some mysteries that are never revealed. It is a rare film that is both stylish and full of substance. The new Collector's Edition is a huge step up from the original edition which offered virtually no extras. The sound and visuals are crisper and cleaner and the extra features are great. One excellent extra is a Siskel & Ebert show dedicated to the Tarantino phenonmeon, which looking at it eight years later is quite interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: People who critisize this moving as being "violent" need to get a life, and watch the movie again...I love it when people say it's violent, it's like a tribute to Tarantino's ability to direct. THERE'S HARDLY ANY VIOLENCE IN THIS MOVIE...he allows your mind to infer the violence. "One of the worst" ??? You are the biggest idiot I've ever read a review from.
Rating:  Summary: One of the all-time great movies Review: This is not a movie that will appeal to everyone; it is violent, there is foul language and it has a very dark humor. On the other hand, if these things do not turn you off of movies, this is one of the best movies ever. I realize that this can come off as hyperbole, but it is one of my personal favorites, and I am far from alone.Rather than having a single plot, Pulp Fiction is actually a collection of short stories. The stories are all related, however, and focus in particular around John Travolta, who plays hit man Vincent Vega. Although the stories are told out of chronological order, it is not that difficult to follow the sequence of events. This is not one of those movies that can be summarized in a single sentence or even a paragraph. There is too much here, and while fun to watch the first time, it is also a joy to rewatch and catch new things. For example, this last time, I noticed how much of the movie takes place in bathrooms; in particular, Vega uses a restroom in all three of the main stories, and something pivotal happens to him every time he emerges. The key to this movie is the writing. Tarantino realizes that not every single line of dialogue needs to be plot-driven. The characters talk about hamburgers, TV pilots and the frustrations of getting your car keyed. Little of this has much to do with the stories directly but instead add a level of depth that is rarely found in such stories. I could ramble on about these movies...about the spiritual nature of the movie...about Samuel Jackson in his best role as fellow hit-man Julius, who seems to be reprising this role in almost all his other movies...about the influences of crime fiction author Elmore Leonard...but I am limited in space. It is sufficient to say that if you want to see a movie that is well-written, well-acted and a definite change of pace from the majority of other movies out there, then look no further than Pulp Fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, one of its kind Review: I can't sum up how great this movie is, it reached far beyond what anything thought was possible in a film, it has the energy of a cult film but it managed to rack in a ton of money at the box office. My search for the perfect DVD is over, it seems that great movies hardly get any extras and then crappy movies get a ton of extras, but this is a great movie and a great DVD.. fantastic, don't listen to my review.. BUY IT BUY IT!!
Rating:  Summary: Royale with cheese! Review: I can't get enough of this movie, so I had to own it. For trivia buffs, the collector's edition comes with an enhanced trivia track (shows up like subtitles throughout the movie), which can be optionally turned on - e.g., have you ever wondered why a trained professional like Vincent Vega left his gun on the kitchen counter which Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) readily finds? Ever wondered why Marseulles Wallace has a band-aid at the back of his head? There are answers to those questions and plenty of others ... I found this very entertaining! There are two discs - the second one has unedited scenes in their full glory and those scenes that didn't make it. Get it!
Rating:  Summary: Tarantino rocks Review: While this is my least favorite of the big 3 (Jackie Brown, Reservoir Dogs, and Pulp Fiction) it is still a very good movie. I don't think anybody who complains about the supposed violence in this movie has actually seen the movie because the little violence that takes place in this one (and all of QT's flicks) takes place off camera. In comparison to some other action movies there is next to no violence. Great audio and a superb transfer to dvd. Awesome special features. The only thing missing would be a QT commentary. Loved the "trivia" subtitle track that plays during the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Style over substance -- too much emphasis on being "hip" Review: All in all an okay movie, but it gets a little bit tiresome too soon. QT places far too much emphasis on making it look hip, stylish, and retro-funny. At the end of it all, that is all it is -- a self-indulgent, self-congratulatory exercise of a video store clerk's wet dream of a movie. A bunch of movie stars gather to recite lines that make them sound cool, and some over-the-top violent setpieces that are an end in themselves. Film-student quality writing at best. This thing won an Oscar for Best Screenplay? Just because it is "different" and possibly irreverent doesn't make it award-caliber. Every scene should come with a voice-over that says, "Hey, this is so cool, isn't it?", because that is the feeling one gets watching this movie -- that QT and company just wanted to wave their movie-making magic wands a bit and show off how irreverently cool they could be. But it wears thin after a short while. Sure, plenty of folks have dropped plenty of accolades on this film. But its success was as much a matter of fortuitous timing as anything else. It was the right film at the right time in Hollywood -- the ultimate Flavor of the Month film. But QT has yet to show us that he has the chops to have a long career as a filmmaker of substance.
Rating:  Summary: Is there something wrong here? Review: This film is a glorification of violence, and when the audience laughs when people are killed, you know there's something wrong. This is Hollywood, pure and simple, with actors who do anything to make a buck. If you fill your mind with its images and its language, you'll be sorry you did. This is not art - it's anarchy.
Rating:  Summary: A Clever, Yet Gritty Film. Travolta and Jasckson Shine! Review: PUPL FICTION is a film that you'll either love it or hate it. It has violence (implied) and language that is quite obscene and blatant. But this film has something that none other does, great performances by characters that are the lowest of low and saying things in the a way that makes them real and sympathetic to the audience. Quentin Taratino (Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown ) directs - and plays a small role too - this film that many have said it one the best of all time. It has three separate stories one with John Travolta (Saturday Night Fever, Look Who's Talking, Michael) and Samuel L. Jackson (Star Wars Episode ! & @, Pulp Fiction) giving some of their best performances and their careers.....another with Bruce Willis ( Die Hard, 6th Sense) and Ving Rhames (Don King, Mission Impossible ) and yet another with Tim Roth (Planet Of The Apes 2001, The Musketeer) and Amanda Plummer (TV's LA Law, Joe Vs. The Volcano ) . They are all intricately intertwined and cross each other paths with the seemingly witty talents of Uma Thurmon (Batman & Robin, The Avengers), Christopher Walking (America's Sweethearts, The Dead Zone ), Harvey Keital (Red Dragon, Little Nicky), Rosanna Arquette (The Big Blue, Joe Dirt, The Whole Nine Yards) and Eric Stoltz (Mask, Anaconda, Hercules). The performances are superb. The story is raw and the action is non-stop. There is tension, costumes and mood all over this place. There is implied graphic violence, drugs and a lot of swearing! Not for the week of mind or easily offended. It is amazing interesting and riveting at times. This hyperactive director takes you on this hyperactive ride rather well. The DVD extras are excellent as well. Quentin himself guides through the selected scenes and why they were deleted. There are several good behind the scenes of the production, history and story of the film. It also has the original Siskel and Ebert show that featured Pulp Fiction as well as many, many DVD rom features that includes interactivity with the script. I really liked this movie because of the performances Travolta and Jackson are incredible and even Eric Stoltz shines in this one. Be warmed - there is a lot of adult language...this is not for anyone under 13 - and maybe for those in high school. Parents - watch it first and then you decide if it is appropriate for your children.
Rating:  Summary: An American Classic Review: After scoring a critical indie hit with Reservoir Dogs, writer/director Quentin Tarantino stunned moviegoers with 1994's Pulp Fiction. Tarantino assembled one of the finest casts ever envisioned, and bracnhes the film into seperate yet interwoven stories; all of which have an underlying theme just as Tarantino's other films have (Reservoir Dogs was honor among thieves, Jackie Brown dealt with survival, and Pulp Fiction dealt with redemption), and Pulp Fiction became an international hit for Tarantino and Miramax Films, while resurrecting John Travolta's career and making Samuel L. Jackson a household name. The ensemble cast also includes Uma Thurman, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, Maria de Medeiros, Ving Rhames, Eric Stoltz, Rosanna Arquette, Christopher Walken, Bruce Willis, Phil LaMar, Julia Sweeney, Peter Greene, Steve Buscemi, and Tarantino himself. Samuel L. Jackson nearly steals the entire film (he was robbed of his Best Supporting Actor Academy Award nomination for this), and you can't help but feel for some of the characters. Travolta was nominated for Best Actor and the film was up for Best Picture among other nominations. This new DVD Collector's Edition is a great buy, but if you already have the older edition of Pulp Fiction on DVD there's no need to run out and buy this, the extra's really aren't that special to warrant a second purchase of the film. All in all, Pulp Fiction is a modern day American classic that will make you laugh your head off while your not asking yourself "Did I just see (or hear) that?!".