Rating:  Summary: Environmental Classic Review: Steven Seagal is an actor of the highest caliber. On Deadly Ground is a brilliant directorial debut from the infinite talent of Seagal. Two hours of non-stop destruction of the environment to kill the baddies, and in the end he blows the mind of his audience with a speech on how we must save the environment. Steven flawlessly reinvents the action film genre. If you really like this one, see Fire Down Below. I can only hope that he will someday finish the environmental trilogy. The oeuvre of Steven Seagal will never be complete without a third evironmental epic. Go Steven!
Rating:  Summary: On Boring Ground: Aikido & the Environment Don't Mix Review: Steven Seagal made his mark in action movies that allowed him to brutalize a non-stop series of oafish thugs with his trademarked open-handed bashes to their collective noses. Early in his career, he was able to capitalize on his height, his surly disposition, and his martial arts to establish his reputation as a serious action star. But with ON DEADLY GROUND, Seagal seems to be taking the same path that Tom Loughlin took a few decades ago. Loughlin, you remember, was an up and coming hapkido star who took a wrong turn in his Billy Jack spiritual message movies. His career flattened out, and Seagal's own career path has not, even now, recovered from the debacle that is this film.Seagal goes against the big oil companies whose leader is a sadly miscast Michael Caine, who ought to have known better than to sign on the dotted line for this one. Seagal spends most of the latter part of the film in an oilrig, planting bombs as he goes. They go off, not leaving him much of an opportunity to manhandle the usual bunch of flunkeys. Fans of fight scenes will surely be disappointed with ON DEADLY GROUND since these scenes are few, far between, and generally uninteresting. Fans of a tightly plotted drama will also be disappointed since the climax is hardly a thrilling one. Finally, the last few minutes of the film is a laughable surrender to the politically correct Green Peace fringe who surely plunked down his salary. What ON DEADLY GROUND proves is that the 'deadly' of the title refers more to a sense of boredom than to a sense of danger. Suggestion to Mr. Seagal: go back to punching out hoods and leave the speechifying to Tom Loughlin.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Too Spectaular To See Here Review: Steven Seagal never seems to learn any acting ability in any of his films and this film is no different. Here he plays a Macho sercurity man for an Oil Company whose substanderd oil drilling is causing trouble for the enviroment and it's inhabitants. The action scenes in this film are awful they all follow the same trend since Seagal's debut in "Above The Law" Seagal never gets touched and he can break as many bones as he wants. And with Seagal at the head of the director's duites he has more leway to do whatever he wants. This is a slow dumb uninspied action film with no redemming qualites. Not worth the rental charge.
Rating:  Summary: Eskimo Refuge! Review: Steven Seagal saved the Alaskan wilderness and people. He worked for an oil company which was willing to kill off people for profits. Seagal goes into the snow and fends himself from a pack of wolves that bite his genitals. "Stinkin' dogs, get offa me!" The spirit of a bear enters his soul as he dreams of hunting the bear. But, the bear threw him down a waterfall and he woke up as a lord. Seagal wants to save his people, but he kills many other in the process. What a genius! He changes the essence of a fat man at a bar, blows up an oil refinery and rides horses for the first time! Poor horse. Steven Seagal is wickedly clever by ambushing his enemies with bombs and defends himself in a grotesque manner. At the end, Seagal delivered a long speech concerning today's society and the waste we spill around our environment. How thoughtful of Seagal after he demolished the most important oil drill in Alaska.
Rating:  Summary: much violence Review: The only good thing about this movie is the aikido moves performed by Steven. Otherwise the movie is kinda uninteresting. Steven produced it himself and tried to give a good message with this film, but the way the movie is, you quickly forget to care anythin about the story. Buy it if you like violent movies with good choregraphed aikido scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Dreadful Review: The plot : environmentally sensitive macho-man versus evil oil tycoon looking to exploit the virgin wilderness of the nature loving Eskimos. It sounds like an A-Team episode. The dialouge is almost laughable - "you are the bear" the shaman says to Forest, the main character, "you have a destiny to fufill". Uggh, cliche city. The action sequences are sub-par and are made all the more boring because Forest is essentially a super-man, and from begining to end the supporting characters never waste an opportunity to tell us just how great he is. The movie is capped off with a sappy, anti-corporate speech (complete with canned images of smog-filled cities and oil-soaked seals). I watched this entire movie because I'm overseas and english-language entertainment is hard to come by. Otherwise I would have stopped watching it within 20 minutes, easy.
Rating:  Summary: NOTHING MORE THAN ALRIGHT Review: There is nothing significant or exceptional about Seagal's direction. Nor is the action very well done. It's cut to lazily and not shot for maximum viewing clarity. This makes the entire storytelling of the film very amatuer and tedious. Seagal plays Forrest Taft, an oil rig fireman who developes a conscience when he realizes that the company he works for, headed by a very hammy Michael Caine, is polluting the Alaskan wilderness. Nothing much really happens apart from shooting and dying and Seagal beating up nameless extras. We've seen all of this before and it's no different this time round. Seagal's mother nature loving at the end is all good and well but it seems too out of place and unsubtle. I mean this guy wastes about 50 bad guys and the in the next scene he is like "Love the earth, she is our grandmother". I do appreciate his environmentally friendly attitude but he could have made it a little less obvious and campy. There was a lot of opportunity for extreme paranoia in this movie but Seagal touches on it only briefly. I give 2 stars for the scenery and 1 star for effort. The DVD has no special features, is in Dolby 5.1 and is anamorphically enhanced at 2.35:1.
Rating:  Summary: Steven's hugely underrated directing and starring effort Review: This film highlighted Steven Seagal's acting and directing debut,which,for some reason,seems to have been greatly underrated.This strikes me as strange,because I found it to be highly enjoyable.A little too stern-faced and serious with little humour,but then it is trying to convey a serious message.A lot of critics like to take swipes at Steven.They like to dismiss him as a wooden actor who's only famous for his martial arts abilities.But,as this film and his debut feature Nico proved,he's actually a very intelligent man,who's got a lot to say about the politics of his country and protecting the environment.He admires the martial arts because of the discipline and thoroughness they demand.But then,that may be why this film got such bad press.The critics couldn't take the fact that they had been proved wrong.Sadly,because of this compassionate take on his views,a lot of his fans who admired him because of his abilities as a fighter and action star also abandoned him because of this film,the film that was all Steve from starring to directing actually ended up causing more hardcore admirers to desert him.But personally,I don't see how this could have happened.I thought there was some cracking action in this film,from the horse vs. helicopter chase sequence at the beginning,through to the oil rig culmination at the end.And to cap all this off,over in the UK,just to show how he doesn't revel in gratuitous violence,the film which he directed as well as starred in got a 15 certificate rather than an 18,which proves anything overly nasty in his earlier efforts was the fault of the scriptwriters,not him personally.Though it could have done with a bit more humour and been a little less serious,otherwise this was a highly entertaining and thought provoking full-on effort from Steven.
Rating:  Summary: worst action movie ever Review: This is one of the worst action movies ever. Steven Seagal thinks he can save the planet by blowing stuff up. Doesn't that cause pollution? No matter, this movie is hopeless and unintentionally funny at times.