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List Price: $14.94
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: very bad.
Review: very bad film

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of Cage's Best Films
Review: Possibly one of the best films I have ever seen, this was a masterpiece from several standpoints. If you want to see a damn good movie, pick this one up.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great concept...but then it was all downhill
Review: Schumacher really should stick to his day job (producing) and not directing - purlease!!! This was a good idea and casting Cage was cool. He did the best he could in an ill-scripted and ill-conceived film. The insight into the dark and murky world of 'snuff films' was interesting and a very brave topic to tackle on the big screen in front of mainstream audiences. But as a film its very disapointing. As seems to be the trend these days; it starts well and then just loses its head and disintegrates (slowly) on screen for what actually seems like the next 2 hours!! By the end of the film I had lost all interest in any of the characters and just wanted this rubbish to finish. The editing was terrible and the direction was lousy - at best.

If you're thinking of watching this film, go and see EVERYTHING ELSE you've thought of watching before wasting your time on this one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Its very discussting
Review: Nicholas Cage acted super but it was very discusstin

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A flawed, but very unique movie
Review: There is no doubt that 8mm is a very flawed film that is far from being a masterpiece it might have become under different circumstances. Nicolas Cage's performance has its good sides, and according to his own viewpoint, it was one of the hardest acting experiences he ever had. However, just like it was the case in Platoon, the main character's internal struggle and moral transformation just isn't very visible, which makes the movie look more aloof than it should be. Sometimes it seems as though Schumacher knows exactly where to get his characters and what situation should come next, and he pushes the plot a bit too much to get where it's supposed to get. The details of Cage's deductive experiments get tedious at times, and there is much to be said against the director's use of consistently dark environments, which prematurely depress the viewer and detract from the shock that is supposed to come later. However, for all its faults, 8mm is a film that has a heart: a heartbreaking, philosophically significant story with an important moral messatge. It is clear that for all the wrong decisions they made along the way, the creators really cared about the film, and put a lot of thought into it. There is no explicit pornography to be found anywhere, and the movie is never unnecessarily sleazy. The director never seeks to thrill you with the forbidden realms of the Los Angeles/New York underworld, but rather, he seeks to present it as a disgusting and apprehensive as possible. For all its flaws, I believe that the movie is well worth watching, and if you don't expect it to be a first-rate piece of filmmaking, you'll get a lot out of it as far as the subject itself is concerned.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Excellent work by Nic Cage - A film that makes you feel
Review: I think Nicolas had an outstanding performance, as usual portraying an average man being pulled in by the darkness. He is absolutely the best actor at portraying emotions and making his characters believable and someone we can all relate to. The storyline itself was dark and something we all hope we never have to face in real life. However Joel Schumaker tastefully portrayed what could have been horrifying moments. My only regret in directing is that Joel did not take into account - night blindness. It was filmed in very dark lighting and even my eyes strained to see the images. I was very impressed with Joaquinn Phoenix and his very likable character, a definate boost to the movie. This was a film that provoked thoughts and emotions. It made me rush home, hug my kids and then go on thinking about those lost teenagers - wishing there was something I could do to help. Maybe there is ...that's the beauty of a film like this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: GREAT MOVIE....
Review: I saw 8MM and I liked it. The plot was great, Cage gave a greatly riviting performance. I was dissapointed from seeing the previews of the film that I thought that it would have more action in it and it didn't. The first half of the film was rather tiring but the second half was great. If you liked 8MM I reccomend Seven.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This film is the nuts.
Review: What a wicked film, I have never seen a film that has dealt with the seedier side of porn done as well as this. I would recommend this to anyone who like thier thriller raw and hardcore.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Those who watch "8MM" expecting to see a hard-hitting look at the world of snuff films are bound to be gravely disappointed. For a film that is supposed to rail against violent pornography, director Joel Schumacher lets his camera linger a bit too long and lovingly on graphic S&M and sexual torture. Granted, the subject matter can not be presented without showing such things, but Schumacher comes off like a closet pervert. Secondly, Nicolas Cage's character is supposed to be one of the world's best detectives, but does things in the film so incredibly stupid, he makes Ward Cleaver look hard-boiled.

With all that said, "8MM" is a sleazeball masterpiece, with plenty of wonderfully nasty moments to rank it with "Mandingo" and "Freeway" as one of the best exploitation films ever made. If you can get past the film's flaws, you're in for a good, sick ride.

ONE FINAL NOTE: There is absolutely no way this film would have gotten an "R" rating if it had been released by an independent studio. If anyone needs any convincing that the MPAA are the lapdogs of the big studios, there is no better proof than the "R" rating given to this film. This deserves an "NC-17."

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Nic on the downward spiral...
Review: This is an attempt to let us see into the dark and dirty, cruel and ruthless world of prostitution and "snuff" - it's nothing new, really and anybody who disputes snuff existence and finds it blown way out of proportion or unreal is pretty innocent, unworldly or immature. However, making a movie about this is a difficult thing to do. What Schuhmacher was trying to achieve hasn't become too apparent - blurring the line between good and evil. How one might get lost in the fascination of being in power of somebody else's life, even though you despise violence, how suddenly your normal life doesn't exist anymore and you find yourself being swallowed whole in this devellish circle, trying to fight your way out and fight with your inner self most of all. For my taste it could have been more intense on the level of Nic as Tom Welles getting "to close to the Devil who never changes, but changes you. As a huge Cage admirer I have to say though that I'm not too taken with his main stream movie-making and I think he's selling himself short on scripts like this one. He can do better - ok, it wasn't as bad as Con Air but it certainly wasn't better than Snake Eyes and that was a pretty average and predictable movie I thought, even if Nic did well in giving his character an identity. I'm waiting for another Oscar movie/performance a la Leaving Las Vegas. Nic, do your own thing, man - you have the imagination and... enough money by now! >=o)~

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