Rating:  Summary: good-action scenes, serious plot loopholes Review: The writers need to do a little more study on ofshore platform construction and shark behavior. It seems like they bought a book "Sharks for Dummies" and "Offshore Platform Architecture for Dummies" because the script has actors citing some unusually insightful ideas, yet ignoring other obvious ones.First of all, sharks cannot bite through steel. That's an urban myth. As for breaking through a wrought-iron fencing, yes easily possible. But with major injury to a shark, whose soft body would grate like swiss-cheese against any kind of metal. Electrocutin a shark, oh please, do the writers not know anything about electricity? I also like how the sharks get stupid, then smart, then stupid again, and smart again. The action scenes have obvious CG-artifacts, but it's still a step forward from Jaws (even though Jaws is still *the* underwater terror film.) I could go on and on, but to summarize, the plot is stupid. The movie is worth watching if you want 1:40min of mindless fun, because it is fun watching the stupid characters getting killed off.
Rating:  Summary: Loaded with special effects and red water. Review: Some scientists are doing research on a floatng laboratory in the ocean. They turn regular sharks into highly intelligent monsters. The sharks are kept in 'secure' tanks. A storm comes. The sharks escape. The floating lab floods with water. The scientists are trapped with the escaped sharks. The sharks are very smart. The usual amount of blood and gore follows. Typical action movie. A cool documentary about sharks is included though.
Rating:  Summary: Someone eat this movie! Review: OK - you got some film and you got a shark - should be worth 2 stars at least but this movie proves that the talent of most hollywood directors is equivalent to the size of a real sharks brain. true drivel - dont waste your time. its boring, unbelieveable and stupid.
Rating:  Summary: Purely mindless - but is that a bad thing? Review: I really tried to like this movie. I didn't hate it, just didn't like it. The audio and video quality were quite good, and the extra's were very well done. I really love deleted scenes when they are accompanied by a director's commentary. As seems to be the norm with Warner Brothers Special Editions, the menus take a little getting used to. In order to get to the special features, you first have to go to the "Special Features" sub-menu, and then click on the "Decompression Chamber" to get to the actual features. LL Cool J impressed me, and Saffron Burrows and Samuel Jackson have definitely had better roles. I think that there was a plot in there somewhere, but I wasn't interested in watching that deep to find it. But is that a bad thing? I didn't watch Deep Blue Sea in the hopes of finding Lawrence of Arabia under the ocean. Pure mindless entertainment without a purpose.
Rating:  Summary: The out takes would have improved the movie Review: I confess, i like this kind of stuff. I'd buy anything that had giant monsters in it. Jaws was still done better although the EFX are better by far in this one. Watching the out takes on the DVD cued me in on the problem. The director cut the character development for action and I ended up liking the shark more than the people. Not good for this kind of movie. Should you buy it? If you like Jason and the Argonauts, Sinbad movies, giant ant movies, and classic 60's horror you will probably like this. If you liked Jaws with it superior characters, you will not like this. I need to like one character at least in each movie, LL Cool J came close but he was played too much toward comedy. The lead hero was stiff. The sharks were way cool though. Go sharks.
Rating:  Summary: Deep Boo Sea Review: Deep Blue Sea is the latest string of high-tech effects and no story films. These computer genetrated effects are so "cheesey" they're not believeable. Super intelligent sharks that seek out they're human creators. I've heard and seen that same plot over and over. I hated the actors so much, I fast forward to scenes where people got gobbled by the toothy intellectual sharks.
Rating:  Summary: Close the beach Review: Sharks are on the move, and director Renny Harlen did everything possible to make them smarter and scarier than ever. Behind this movie is tremendous research, real (yes, real!) sharks combined with great special effects (so that you'll never know whether you see a real shark or a robot), and unpredictable plot. While "Jaws" could not show whole sharks in action due to the technological barrier (different parts were filmed instead and then combined), "Deep Blue Sea" used all the new technological advances to demonstrate all strength and beauty of the wild beasts. The plot is twisted to the most intense levels, keeping you on the edge of the seat, and preparing a surprise for the end of the movie. Though that surprise won't be the only one. "Deep Blue Sea" is one of those movies DVDs are meant for.
Rating:  Summary: ENTERTAINING THRILLRIDE Review: When I saw this movie for the first time, I was thrilled, the second time I discovered the sarcastic humour in some szenes and I tell you something: me and some friends: WE LOVED IT. You cannot compare it to JAWS, its a 90ties movie. Do U really think Jaws would look the same now in this fast-paced times? Deep Blue Sea is an excellent Rollercoaster-Ride on screen. It suprises you with unexpected happenings. It makes you jump and sweat and enjoy. Its thrilling fun and excitement. So many movies are totally overhyped but dissapointing, this one isnt. It keeps the trailers promises. And the acting? Not perfect but good enough to feel with the characters. Btw, LL Cool-Jays "preacher" is not that bad and he garantuees some laughs.
Rating:  Summary: wow Review: i was stuck in my seat for the whole film, i picked up the box to read it, but i just starred at the screen 30 mins later i realised i was still holding the box, i put it down and continued watching the film. this is one amazing film, so watch it buy it what ever, just, make sure you watch it. now now i tell you noooooooooowwwwwwwwwww
Rating:  Summary: JAWS-Lite Review: JAWS for the 90's? Not quite. An accurate statement would be JAWS-Lite: not nearly as good a story; but with far superior visual and special effects. Renny Harlin delivers his trademark stylized look with terrific sets, action and character actors; but the plot is, pardon the pun, chummy. Walt Conti's robotic sharks are shockingly realistic and quite believable. Hammerhead's digital sharks vary in quality from shot to shot; but ILM's FX for the finale alone make it worth it!