Rating:  Summary: Deep Blue Sea Review: Another film surrounded by hype - which turns into basically a stylish stalk n' splash affair. Comparisons with Jaws are to be expected, but ultimately this is a different kind of film. Sharks, for sure, and what great effects,however marred by a dodgy script. The ending is another cop-out in my opinion - but perhaps its because I always sympathise with the "monsters" - after all they are just doing what comes naturally! Overall a good action film with great sharks - bring on Deep Blue Sea II!
Rating:  Summary: I'd rather be shot Review: Deep Blue Sea was, by far, one of the worst movies I've seen in ages. The plot looks good on paper, but it turned weak in a hurry. The special effects are weak, to say the least...and that's all that could have saved this film. Poor acting skills, a horrible screenplay, and bad special effects made this film as entertaining as a visit to the VD clinic.
Rating:  Summary: JAWS EAT MY SHORTS Review: This is the best film I've seen this year. It's also the first but I've every confidence in it. If you liked Jaws get this film because things have moved on a bit.When we think of shark films we imagine humans in their territory. In DBS we have sharks in human territory. This is a movie which should appeal to everyone. An credible Jurrassic Parkesque story where these biological farmed beasts take on man in his own environment. These things are far more fearful than regular sharks. These fish are killing machines with intelligence, strategy and pack instinct. The story is also credible. The special effects and thrill support the story rather than the other way round. The special effects are amazing, and the use of animatronics is fantastic. What you see in the movie is what you really have - no computer effects. Well, OK, some but computer controlled animatronic sharks were used extensively (computer effects were used where the speed of movement of the beast presented a problem). And these things could swim and move just like the real thing. The movie's special features are also very worthwhile. Just get it and see.
Rating:  Summary: A typical action movie. Review: Deep Blue Sea was a disappointing movie on the whole. It must have had a substantial budget, but that didn't completely help in my opinion. The cinematography was very good but that's really the only positive thing I can say about this film. There didn't seem to be much character development either and the movie just turned into a typical action flick that was too long and should have ended earlier. The acting by all wasn't a problem though and was okay. The shark action didn't look natural of course and their movements were too choppy and not very believable. Deep Blue Sea seemed to come off as very glossy, but still lacking in substance. The concept at the beginning dealing with using the sharks to cure a disease was interesting, but that was all forgotten when the movie shifted into action mode. Deep Blue Sea wasn't completely poor, but it's a movie that could have been better. Disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: its the hottest shark movie of the millenium! Review: in my opinion as an expert id said that its great entertainment and has cool special effects but it a little........ oh what the heck the story is unreal.a shark that can see that is not true but in the other side the shark looks very real and the attacks are not copycated well i should said that its great if i were you ill buy it
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE Review: This movie is one of the best movies ive ever seen,curse to the same person writing the same bad reveiew over and over(you know who you are)i cant tell by the IP address,oh well if you want to killa movie go ahead but it wil get you no where in life,this was in my opinion a great movie,JAWS was good but then again it was in the 70's quite old now,deep blue sea has tthe new look and feel of a great shark movie
Rating:  Summary: Puhleeze! Review: The only upside to this movie would have been the special effects - but take the usual thin hollywood script and ad tired effects and even sharks seem boring@!
Rating:  Summary: Big Budget B-Movie Review: It's always sad when a filmmaker sacrifices a promising story over a bunch of blazing action scenes, and that's exactly what Renny Harlin has done here. In his narration he admits that virtually every scene containing any kind of character development was deleted or trimmed for reasons of pacing. What remains is an embarrassing concoction of laughable dialogue, crippled logic and the most phony looking computer animations I have seen in a film. The characters are bland, uninteresting cardboard figures, despite actors like Samuel Jackson and Stellan Skarsgård, who fights valiantly to put some credibility into a script they obviously have no faith in. The believability of the story hits rock bottom when the sharks start to systematically herd the survivors around inside a flooded submarine re-fueling station, knocking down doors in order to undermine the structure. The swimming predators know so much about the layout of the facility, that they have actually figured out a way to sink it. Thinking sharks seemed like a silly idea in "Jaws IV", and it still does. Believe me... The film hurries along like a runaway train. There is no time for thought, depth or character studies. Harlin is a great action director, no doubt about it, but I have my misgivings about the man when it comes to horror. You can't rush an audience into a state of fright. You need the expositional stuff and character insight to really care and feel for the people in peril. Who gives a darn if Stellan Skarsgård's character is eaten by a shark, when we don't know him any better than LL Cool J's parrot. The quality of this DVD is good, but far from excellent. The picture is faily rich in clarity, but sometimes grainy and the sound is lacking in dynamics. For the true fans of the film (and I know there are many), the bonus material section is extensive with deleted scenes, two "Making of"-features, the theatrical trailer and a stills gallery. Despite several homages to its obvious source of inspiration, this film never comes close of capturing the terror of "Jaws". My advice is that you go back to Spielberg's classic to experience some true Mako mayhem, and let this film sink to the bottom of the ocean like a ton of bricks.
Rating:  Summary: What a waste of time! Review: This movie is so bad. I am not sure where to start. Hmmm... Let's see... Maybe that this movie is a complete take off of Jurassic Park but 4000 times worse. My question is: How can a 24' shark fit through a little port door? Smart Sharks yes, but really dumb movie!