Rating:  Summary: This bites all right... Review: After seeing the previews and waiting impatiently to see this movie until it came out on video, I was a little disappointed! The action was good, the sharks were pretty cool... but the story-line was almost non-existant!The plot is that these gentic-mutant sharks are being researched for increasing mental capacity in Alteimer's patients, but if the scientists don't get results PDQ, there gonna get canned. Like it? That's about it for the story... It wasn't a bad movie, it is worth watchin' once... I just they would have added a little more character development and "depth" to it!
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as expected to be Review: this movie is awesome action but poor horror i mean i thought they wouldnt just stay in the floating thing all way through the movie and the deaths are so incredibly fast and most of them were fake like the shark it looks like he was wiping the walls with that guy and there is more than one shark and they could be bigger.this is still reccomended by me for action and suspense but horror?no way!
Rating:  Summary: Lamest movie I've seen yet! Review: This movie is so bad that I can't even begin to list the words to describe how awful it is (well here's just a few)... 1. A Tiger Shark? Please don't insult my intelligence with a Tiger shark (the main food of the bigger sharks in the movie) that doesn't even look like a real TS! OK let's get a Great White and just paint stripes on it. Voila! A Tiger shark! Yeah the stupid audience will fall for that... 2. Intelligent sharks? If the 2 big bad sharks in the movie are so smart and able to distinguish things like a shotgun being pointed at them, why do they fall for the fire exstinguisher/safety vest decoys that the surviors use at the end to fool them? You mean they can tell whether somebody's pointing a deadly weapon at them in dark water, but yet can't tell that the stream of bubbles is just a open fire exstinguisher risng to the surface in broad daylight? Even a real shark can tell the difference! 3. Special effects? I don't why everybody seems to rave about the F/X in this movie. If you really watch it, you'll notice the sharks and their jerky movments in many scenes. Yeah, there are a couple of cool effects,but most of it looks like the poor animation from the Land of the Lost TV show. Add all this up and you have a less than convincing moster... Do yourself a favor. Pick-up JAWS (25th Anv. on DVD). Possibly the greatest movie ever made about humans and their fear of the sea. Yeah I know 2,3 & 4 really stunk, but that's Hollywood for ya. Like sharks smell blood, studios smell big money. And like any big hit they try to work it for all it's worth...
Rating:  Summary: The best shark film since Jaws? Review: Whilst 'Jaws' featured a (realistic) half-glimpsed shark sweeping through the water like a stream-lined demon, chasing unfortunate humans with a preternatural hunter-instinct, 'Deep Blue Sea' goes more for the 'here's a great big CGI shark chasing a mixture of cliched characters through some utterly implausible yet big blockbuster situations' approach. Spot the difference? Not that 'Deep Blue Sea' was utterly devoid of hope. One scene early on features Samuel L. Jackson looking down at the surface of the pool, and a distorted image of a shark the size of a bus swims past. It's one of those 'take-your-breath-away' moments, that makes you go: 'woah, this is gonna be good.' But then, suddenly, we go underwater, and the film dies. The animatronic sharks were quite cool. The CGI sharks were absolutely appalling, and being as most of the film was CGI, it looked like some two-bit cartoon extravaganza. Each of the 'terrifying' death scenes were some of the most hysterical moments I've ever watched. Computerised sharks is one thing, but computerised people, with arms and legs kicking around like some wind-up bath-toy? It was the fact that you never really see the shark until right at the end that made 'Jaws' scary; the mako sharks in 'DBS' are unveiled after about five minutes in all their too-smooth-to-be-real glory. The scene in 'Jaws' where Richard Dreyfuss is in the cage peering out into the murky ocean was one scene they couldn't steal; the CGI water was absolutely crystal clear so that no matter how far away the shark seemed to be, we could see it. The story line is rather plodding, our hapless heroes blundering from one mishap to the next. The initial moral question about genetic manipulation, and the quest for a cure for Alzheimer's seemed to be forgotten quite early on in place of the 'who's going to die next' formula. The sharks were hyper-fast and hyper-intelligent one moment, then really slow and kind of stupid the next (they recognise the gun, but with their highly evolved sense of smell, one of them can't smell gas). Oh, and every character is munched with one chomp, except a particularly tough rap star, whose leg is made of titanium. I'll touch briefly on the characters: rigid, cardboard, who really cares if they live or die? The only exception to the rule is LL Cool J, whose preacher cook is humorous, interesting and always a pleasure to watch. The only saving grace of this movie, and the only reason it got two stars, was LL Cool J. Admittedly, he plays it very similar to his role in Halloween H20, but why change a formula that works? The rest of the film can sink to the bottom. And don't get me started about Saffron Burrows...
Rating:  Summary: Worst Movie I have ever seen! Review: This movie is not one you will want to see. You can see it because you want to see how stupid it is, but not because you want to be satisfied. The effects are horrible. When the shark eats Samuel L Jackson, it is the fakest thing i have ever seen, period. LL Cool J lights a lighter, and throws it, when he throws it the flame doesnt go out, and it hits the WATER and explodes in a huge explosion? WTF? The sharks look very fake, and you will be wondering why the people are so stupid. When the sharks eat the people it is cool, but very fake and anticlimatic
Rating:  Summary: Action packed Review: I saw this movie when it came out in the theater and was really surprised at how good it was. This move kept me at the edge of my seat throughout. I watched this movie again on DVD, and was extremely delightly with the action. I recommend you to buy this movie and watch the move with the commentary of the director and Samuel L. Jackson, his commentary is very funny....Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: A Frightening Film! Review: I had given up on shark movies after so many imitations of Jaws. This movie changed all of that. As a result of medical experiments a scientific crew is laid seige by smart sharks. These sharks are scary. With the use of outstanding special effects the sharks become even scarier. The crew on this installation is never safe. The actual attacks of the intelligent sharks are made even more realistic and scary as a result of the special effects. One by one the crew is disposed of by these intelligent killing machines. The crew members are hunted until the very end. The remaining crew members are finally able to kill the final shark. This is a must see movie. Be sure to see it. It is frightening!
Rating:  Summary: Buh? Review: Once upon a time, in a land long before the memory of today's movie-going audience, there was a thing called tact. But his big brother, tacky, killed him and now gets all the best parts. Whilst 'Jaws' featured a (realistic) half-glimpsed shark sweeping through the water like a stream-lined demon, chasing unfortunate humans with a preternatural hunter-instinct, 'Deep Blue Sea' goes more for the 'here's a great big CGI shark chasing a mixture of cliched characters through some utterly implausible yet big blockbuster situations' approach. Spot the difference? Not that 'Deep Blue Sea' was utterly devoid of hope. One scene early on features Samuel L. Jackson looking down at the surface of the pool, and a distorted image of a shark the size of a bus swims past. It's one of those 'take-your-breath-away' moments, that makes you go: 'woah, this is gonna be good.' But then, suddenly, we go underwater, and the film dies. The animatronic sharks were quite cool. The CGI sharks were absolutely appalling, and being as most of the film was CGI, it looked like some two-bit cartoon extravaganza. Each of the 'terrifying' death scenes were some of the most hysterical moments I've ever watched. Computerised sharks is one thing, but computerised people, with arms and legs kicking around like some wind-up bath-toy? It was the fact that you never really see the shark until right at the end that made 'Jaws' scary; the mako sharks in 'DBS' are unveiled after about five minutes in all their too-smooth-to-be-real glory. There was nothing real about it: they moved like automated characters in some beat 'em up computer game. The scene in 'Jaws' where Richard Dreyfuss is in the cage peering out into the murky ocean was one scene they couldn't steal; the CGI water was absolutely crystal clear so that no matter how far away the shark seemed to be, we could see it. The storyline was uninspired to say the least. The initial moral question about genetic manipulation, and the quest for a cure for Alzheimer's seemed to be forgotten quite early on in place of the 'who's going to die next' formula. The sharks were hyper-fast and hyper-intelligent one moment, then really slow and kind of stupid the next (they recognise the gun, but with their highly evolved sense of smell, one of them can't smell gas). Oh, and every character is munched with one chomp, except a particularly tough rap star, whose leg is made of titanium. I'll touch briefly on the characters: rigid, cardboard, who really cares if they live or die? The only exception to the rule is LL Cool J, whose preacher cook is humorous, interesting and always a pleasure to watch. The only saving grace of this movie, and the only reason it got two stars, was LL Cool J. Admittedly, he plays it very similar to his role in Halloween H20, but why change a formula that works? The rest of the film can sink to the bottom. And don't get me started about Saffron Burrows... Now, I don't like being patronised, but my opening statement seems to be exactly what the filmmakers were thinking. Word to the wise: we do remember a time when films needed more than a PC with a graphics card. Get it?
Rating:  Summary: Tell me I didn't just see that!! Review: Before seeing this movie, I was not much of a Renny Harlin fan. And afterwards, maybe I'm still not that much of a Renny Harlin fan; I mean Die Hard 2 was good, but it was far from its predecessor. But this movie--OH DEAR GOD!!--it made my day, and the next week. Okay, so you have to be in the right mindset. Summer-action-effects-extravaganza. Nothing more, nothing less. But Harlin knows how to push your buttons; not the emotional ones like Spielberg, but the gut-wrenching, visceral ones that make you want to eat red meat and take no prisoners. (Sorry, I'm getting a little carried away.) Yeah, the plot is pretty simple. Scientists find a cure for Alzheimer's in sharks' brains, must make sharks' brains bigger causing them to get smart and do really bad things, stuff blows up, some people die, some people make it. Most scenes can easily be deconstructed--this is where the hero-stud tells Mr. Man how it really is, etc.--but so what, like you're watching this movie (and it is a movie, not a film) for the nuanced characters and subtle plot developments. Maybe I'm selling the characters short. Some are really bad, like the blond "Let me explain the layout of Aquatica" chick and some are just awesome like Thomas "Boogie Nights" Jane, as the hero-stud. This guy redefines the term. He's saving lives, throwing out subtle one-liners, and just kicking tail and taking names on practically a scene-by-scene basis. I could go on (and on) but there are other things I must tell you. For example, LL Cool J has the best (ie chessiest) one liner: "It's feedin' time" (turn it up and play it over and over again, baby!). Michael Rappaport is the world's greatest underused comic actor. And Samuel L. Jackson? Where do I begin? Just watch this movie and you'll know where I end. This is not the greatest movie I've ever seen. It definitely takes a particular mindset (I know I'm repeating myself), but if you expect little, you will be awarded with more than you could have possibly desired. Recommended (lesser) double feature companion: Lake Placid (for Oliver Platt & the sheriff, if nothing else).
Rating:  Summary: unbelievably awesome Review: i loved this movie. i have never seen jaws, but this is probably as good. i first saw it in the theater and have never in my entire life been on the edge of my seat more. once it gets going it is one very long action scene that never lets up to let you catch your breath. it is great.