Rating:  Summary: Great Review: Simply one of the best movies ever! Quentin Tarantino is one helluva director/writer/actor. Nothing but great dialogues, great acting and a great plot. That's all. Plainly great. Oh wait, it's got a great soundtrack too. Classy!
Rating:  Summary: If I could give it zero stars Review: What is it all about? Endless violence and brutality form the beginning to the end. Looks like certain public simply can't get themselves entertained other than watching people being tortured. Maybe that's why there were always crowds at public executions in the past, to titillate that basic instinct of watching others suffer as this is the funniest thing for certain people? Thanks to Tarantino, we can enjoy it at the comfort of our homes. I wish humanity would prevail even for those who award this sadistic masterpiece the title of the best movie of all times - one can only wonder what they compare it with...Concluding that this is for those who enjoy watching brutality, extreme violence and generally the worst in human kind.
Rating:  Summary: Hello, can you hear me? Review: Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, so here is mine. From a married woman's view, Reservoir Dogs holds a spot on my top 5 favorite movie list. Quentin Tarantino is a master at making simple conversations between characters funny, interesting, and thought provoking.[Do you believe in tipping?] The cast seems to fit the characters to a "T". I discover new dialog and scene inuendoes every time I watch. Quentin can manipulate me into liking or disliking various characters,making me believe I know what just went down....until the next scene anyway. Quentin loves to surprise and SHOCK so if you dont enjoy blood and violence to enhance your viewing pleasure, maybe you should look elsewhere. Watch it with a friend or friends, and see what kind of conversatoinal craziness will ensue afterwards!...Just my opinion,if anyone cares.
Rating:  Summary: OK debut for Tarantino, but... Review: First of all, I agree with some of the other reviewers with regards to the casting and the editing of the movie. Superb performances by Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Chris Penn and Steve Buscemi. Number two, a nice preparation for what lay ahead with Pulp Fiction, in terms of the editing and playing with the timeline, going back and forth, to tell the story in little pieces, almost ending with the middle of the story.Now, in terms of the story: weak. What's the point of the movie, other than pulling out the worst in a human being? Sometimes it can be funny, yes, but the violence and the blood in the movie are pointless and don't contribute quite enough (as they do in Pulp Fiction) to create anything close to a brilliant story. Overall, I found it to be an OK debut by Tarantino. As far as I'm concerned, "Pulp Fiction" was his first big break and will continue to be his best work until he can evolve into something different than this genre plagued with pointless violence.
Rating:  Summary: Consummate Guy Flick Review: This is a great Guy Film, to watch alone or with a buddy and, preferably, with a giant pizza and a few glasses of beer. It features a terrific dialogue-driven plot, a few enjoyable action scenes, and some great background music. It's a dude movie all the way. Don't EVEN try to watch it with your wife or girlfriend. She won't like it, and there is no way you can persuade her to understand how good it is. Don't even make the effort. This is simply the reality of the situation... and, it's her loss. C'est la vie.
Rating:  Summary: What Do You Want Me To Say? Review: Let's start with the good things about this movie. First, it's got a great cast: Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Steve Buscemi, and Quentin Tarantino among others. Secondly, the unconventional structure of the film is brilliant, enhancing the intrigue and suspense of the "who dunnit (ratted to the cops)". Whether flying forward in time or strolling back into the past, the scenes shown develop the characters better than just telling the story in a straight narrative fashion. Finally, the movie has some great dialogue. The entire debate on tipping between Mr. Pink (Buscemi) and Mr. White (Keitel) at the beginning of the picture is classic and illustrates how witty the wordplay can be. Now, for the bad. RESERVOIR DOGS really isn't that great of a movie. There isn't much of a plot: a bunch of criminals who don't know each other get together under a crime lord to pull of a diamond heist and everything goes wrong. We never see the actual heist and that's okay because the movie isn't about the heist, it's about the criminals. However, movies that are based largely on character development aren't usually that interesting and RESERVOIR DOGS is not an exception. The little action that there is usually involves people shooting each other or cutting off ears or soaking prisoners in gasoline or someone bleeding to death. That's the extent of the action. The film is full of gratuitous ultraviolence that serves no purpose. The witty dialogue is dragged down as well, by the constant unnecessary use of foul language (Richard Pryor didn't use the f-word that often). RESERVOIR DOGS showed promise. However, even though it was Tarantino's directing debut and made a dent in the fabric of popular culture the movie dies faster than any of the bleeding men in the story.
Rating:  Summary: The Best of the Best Review: This is without a doubt, one of the best movies i've seen. I could someone say this is a bad movie. You need to get your head fixed if u dont like it. ~~~~e-mail me if you would like to test your movie trivia
Rating:  Summary: A Purely Ambivalent Review Review: I went to the theatre to see this film with a background of nothing more than vague stills from the movie--usually between two men in suits as they stood in awkward stances, gun-barrels aimed at each other. With so little preparation, I could not foresee what the theatre should expose me to. The result is that I am one part pleased with this film and one part disappointed. Reservoir Dogs is probably one of the most unique films in the fact that it is a heist film without the heist. It is everything before, it is everything after, but it is nothing in the middle. And, you have to applaud the filmmakers for the audacity to experiment in such a way. It adds a greater depth to the film. This isn't a story about a crime; it is a story about criminals, what they do to prepare, what they do after the crime, what they do when thinks go shaky. And so what outwardly appears as your run-of-the-mill, high-octane, new age crime flick, becomes instead a character driven run-of-the-mill, high-octane, new age crime flick. Except that this one no doubt set the standard by which all others are gauged. To speak of technical issues, we'll start with director Tarantino. He does well, to say the least. In a film where the most abundant action takes place in the wide expanse of a nearly vacant warehouse, he always manages to inflect the scene with enough momentum to keep the audience's interest. Shots rotate and move with a spirit that never culminates in the onscreen action, but in the onscreen characters as they pace amidst their own anxiety. Performances are appropriate, though sometimes lacking, but ultimately are very good. Everyone seems to know their character very well, and really in a film structured this way, that is the most important aspect. But as much as I was pleased, I was also displeased. Humor, as is anticipated in a movie of this sort--and moreover, as directed by a filmmaker of Tarantino's sort--I expected to be in greater abundance. Surely, the highlight of the film is watching Mr. Blonde feebly dance around his bound prisoner, and just as surely it is this kind of event that has prompted criminal coolness in subsequent films. But ultimately, however, I found the film a little too heavy for the style of the characters, which were just fictional enough to be interesting and just realistic enough to be believable. Moreover--and echoing the recurring accusation of so many critics towards so many filmmakers--there was too much style and too little substance. It was, as I've stated, all about character, but their was no great depth to the onscreen events. It was, in finality, a bunch of crooks covering their behinds. Can the world of crime be so mind-numbingly simple? I think even criminals sometimes take a break to be regular people. And so, in conclusion, this is a film that necessitates a middle rating, or just slightly better. As cinema is concerned, it deserves to be as heavily lauded as it has been. But as the character-portrayal that it is, there seems to be lacking the humanity of it all. Many will say that this is the point of the film. If so, then Tarantino seems to have found evident proof in contradiction to the existence of a God. Beyond all this however, beyond the perhaps too somber and too pessimistic portrayal of criminal life, is a thoroughly entertaining film that--though it may not become your favorite and though you may not find anything to relate to--will nonetheless entertain you with a world so far gone from the norm.
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone one. Review: I think it would be hard to make a crime thriller as gory as this one was and polish it up this good. Wheather you love Tarantino's hard hitting work or hate it theres no denying the fact he dose a pefact job at creating violents. The Script is very impressive for Tarantino's first time out, and all the acters do great jobs, and I think because the acting in Reservoir Dogs was very well recived Tarantino decided that he was going to make more of his well-crafted crime flicks with most of the same stars like Harvey Keitel, and Tim Roth who give Reservoir Dogs there best. Another thing about Reservoir Dogs is its very compelling. It starts of with the jewl thefs meeting in a restrant to go over there plains for the next take down, and its only befor their pointing guns at one another out fear. The movie could have been a stage play as simple as Tarantino and the production desigen dude set it up. .... .... .... Bottom Line: if you not easily grossed out by gore realisicly displayed then chack this out.
Rating:  Summary: Don't get this DVD, a "Special Edition" is coming out! Review: You know, this really gets my goat...I received my newly purchased copy of Reservoir Dogs and the VERY FIRST thing I see is a slip in the case saying "Reservoir Dogs: Ten Year Anniversary Special Edition...coming July 2002". So once again, the studios do a rush job on one DVD, only to replace it with another a year or two later, with all the bells and whistles DVDs *should* have when they are first released.