Rating:  Summary: When the devil is here , who you gonna call ? Review: The devil takes the body of (Gabriel Byrne) to find his Pride while (Arnold)is trying to stop him ,you`ll notice how the devil is not just powerful with his magical power ,but with his mind power. An Action style movie which youll enjoy it with you DVD home theater system , lots of sound & visual effects . I recommend these movies if you like this one: Stigmata, The Devils Advocate, Fallen
Rating:  Summary: He's Baaaaaack !!! Review: I respectfully disagree with some of the other people who have been trashing this movie. I enjoyed End of Days very much and believe it's one of Arnold's best. I'm happy big Arnold returned to making serious action movies again. I rented this movie when it first came out on DVD and can't wait to add it to my collection! This movie has killer special effects and heart pounding action. Satan vs. Mr. Universe Schwarzenegger? I'll take Schwarz in a 12 round K.O. (You go boy !)
Rating:  Summary: The best Action Hero VS. The most evil and feared Villain! Review: After a long two years, waiting for ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER to get back in his action armor since his previous tradgic film: BATMAN & ROBIN in '97, SCHWARZENEGGER had to return up against the most horrifying villain of all time- SATAN. You'd expect a big action thrill ride non-stop with some scares too... But that is not quite what you get... Director PETER HYAMS, the director of the fast paced, suspense horror film, THE RELIC, which was sincere squash buckling terror, took on a new stand, directing ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (Jericho Cane---Terminator 2, 6th Day), ROBIN TUNNEY (Christine York---Vertical Limit), KEVIN POLLACK (Chicago---Grumpy Old Men), and GABRIEL BYRNE (Satan---Stigmata) in a new supernatural thriller, written by ANDREW MARLOWE (Air Force One) called END OF DAYS. It was the story of a suicidal cop, Jericho Cane (SCHWARZENEGGER) who is plunged into a mysterical and evil plot involving Satan (BYRNE), who at the cusp of the new millenium will reign of terror over earth, that is if he can find his bride (TUNNEY), whom he will produce his offspring and that will declare the END OF DAYS as mankind knows it. Now, Cane must find the girl and protect her all the ways that he can until midnight January 1st. The plot sounds awesome and action packed, and when I saw this movie, I couldn't believe that it wasn't a big, explosive thriller, like RELIC, or SCHWARZENEGGER's previous films. It's another game of where the trailer for the film is awesome with all that rockin' music behind it, but then the film is quite not what you'd expect. Emotional binding and spiritual conflict is where more emotion from SCHWARZENEGGER than I'd ever seen him do before, really puts on a star for this movie. He really had to work hard to make it seem as though he is so fed up with life that he can't stand to go another day. POLLACK's character, Chicago, Cane's wacky partner is a real comedian and has some funny scenes which brings out a few laughs. BYRNE's performance was the best showing how SATAN is so evil and tricks your mind, as if you could go back thousands of years and witness ADAM and EVE being tricked by SATAN as the serpant. His performance was awesome!!! Evil, but made it seem realistic! TUNNEY's character building is poor. Her films that she has starred in have not been very good. She needs to take more time to understand her role and what type of movies she belongs. This film was obviously too dark and too deep of a movie for her to be lacking character in. Her role in VERTICAL LIMIT was a little better because she was able to build chemistry with CHRIS O'DONNELL. The special effects in this film were professional and awesomely done. From INDUSTRIAL LIGHT & MAGIC, Effects Magician STAN WINSTON (Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, Lake Placid, Predator) designed the power house, awesomely scary SATAN as the humungous evil creature that ARNOLD must battle in the end. He also created the invisible floating (somewhat) SATAN in the beginning... All I have to say is WOW! The darkness of the story really loads on emotion more than adventure, and brings a new light to SCHWARZENEGGER and his bond to his family in which he lost in this film. His denial in faith of JESUS CHRIST because of his loss pulls away his intensity and belief that his real enemy in this film is actually SATAN and not just THE MAN. In the end, SCHWARZENEGGER as CANE does give up hope in guns and fist fights with SATAN, and prays to GOD that the LORD will protect him and give him strength to defeat his worst enemy. GO ARNOLD! It is his first time where SCHWARZENEGGER, in a film, has used words to help end a furious battle rather than big guns, swords and street fighting. Quite different than normal which adds another star. The action again, adds a star because it is not a warlike- shoot 'em up flick of SCHWARZENEGGER's previous, ERASER, COMMANDO and TERMINATOR style films. Even he loads up pistols and a grenade launcher to stop SATAN, he realizes that isn't what he needs to end the fight. What he needs is faith... which I think is partly the message of this film. "It is more faith in yourself and Jesus, than it is violence that will help you solve a problem." Even though there is gore violence 99.9% of the time from SATAN. There is also nudity/sexuality from SATAN. And most of the profanity comes from POLLACK or SCHWARZENEGGER, but there isn't too much. Most of the evil from this film is from SATAN. SATAN is bad!!! This movie deserves four stars because of how it is unique in its own way, its directing by PETER HYAMS, and acting by SCHWARZENEGGER, BYRNE, POLLACK and ROD STEIGER. The story is fairly good and original, but not according to the BIBLE, in the book of Revelation, where this film's story is suppose to come from, it isn't accurate so I take away a 1/2 star from this film. And I take away another 1/2 star for it is lower than what I'd hoped for from the action/adventure side and also, the sexual content that was messed up weird-like that wasn't needed, was also part of that 1/2 star I took away. So this film gets 4 stars! It was good and I ordered this film because it is a real eye-popper which I invite action fans, Arnold Fans, Supernatural Suspense fans, End of the millenium/world fans, Special Effects fans, Religious fans and Horror fans to see. RENT IT TODAY!
Rating:  Summary: Arnold VS Satan¿ I Love Whoever Thought That Up. Review: Anyone who didn't enjoy "End of Days" are either A: Not Action Fans, B: Not Schwarzenegger Fans, or C: Taking it (and themselves) far too Seriously. I Adored the film, It had me Laughing, Cheering, Jumping, Wincing, Screaming and even Crying. (yes, only a little though... I Love Arnold That Much) Arnold does a Really good job in a Darker, more Serious role. It is at times hard for us Die Hard fans to see him acting so well, it's a Shock to the System. Gabriel Byrne has a Great Criminal Career to fall back on if this whole "Acting" thing falls through, as he Steals every scene he is in. Casting him as the Devil was a Stroke of Genius, he looks like he is Loving every minute of it, which makes it Even More fun for us Viewers. Kevin Pollack is Great fun as Arnold's Partner and Joke Maker. The Screenplay by Andrew W Marlow ("Air Force One" and "Hollow Man" - This man knows how to right good action.) provides us with all the Requisite Thrills and Chills, it also takes it self Very Seriously; but in a Good way. Peter Hyams' Direction is Suitable Dark and Dank, The Special Effects are Always Right on the Money and the Action Scenes are very Crowd Pleasing. Do yourself a Favour and see the film as a Fun Action Flick, not a Religious Sermon.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent DVD, Poor Film... Review: The Collector's Edition of "End of Days" is a really great DVD (why, oh why do they make 'collector's editions' of all the poor movies, and the good ones have nary a single feature?) -- but a very poor film. Contains a great 'making of' feature, movie-length commentary, coverage of how the various special effects were done... this is fantastic if you're interested in moviemaking, not so hot if interested in movie-watching. If you like absolutely brainless eye candy and action-adventure, this may be your cup of tea (also, if you're interested in DVD's loaded with features and are a Schwartzenegger fan) -- otherwise, be sure to rent before buying. The script is a total clunker -- manipulative, outright stealing from every other action-adventure ever made... I can only say downright pathetic. One star for the script, and that's generous. The eye candy is fun to watch, although make sure you have a nice big screen and good audio system (it suffers greatly in the widescreen format on a standard-aspect TV screen 25" or under). If you're a major, major Schwartzenegger fan, or a film student interested in CG/action moviemaking and how it's done, this one may be for you, otherwise you might enjoy a rental -- once. It's all in the script, folks, and this one's a stinker. Phew! Lucky for Arnold, he utters "God Help Me!" toward the end of the film, because even for a Schwarzenegger movie this script drops right into the pit.
Rating:  Summary: A BIG B MOVIE Review: This movie could have been awsome if they would have dropped the wanna be exorcist type music hyams cranks up every time something spooky happens.It should have been ampted up with the music off the cd=rob zombie,everlast,etc.and most of all the original ending where arnold blasted the hell out of the devil.Thats what they did all the way through it,and he lived.Dont give us some ridiculous leap through the air from across the room to kill himself.and another thing if there is a very special human being, who has been chosen to be the devil for a day,why oh why does he just as easily switch over to arnolds bod in a flash? personally I cant wait for the movie when they go the extra mile and have jesus himself come down and kickbox the devil to hell and back now that would be a movie.
Rating:  Summary: HARD CORE Review: This had to be the best movie Arnold has done since Terminator 2.Gabriel Byrnes Had to be the best Actor to play the devil.The end is very sad when arnold kills himself to save earth from becoming nothing but a world of Death.It should be in the best thriller list next to Hannilble,Seven, The Bone Collector,ManHunter,And The Silence Of The Lambs.Truly should have been Arnolds come back.And it Shows every critic for his age he has alot to offer.
Rating:  Summary: do not buy it ! Review: The story does have a lot of potential but not even Arnold saves it from being an utterly boring film. On top of that it lacks coherence and a good story line. save your money - get something better.
Rating:  Summary: end of the movie please... Review: I decided to make up my own mind after hearing bad reviews from critics (EXPECTED) and a lot of bad things from even fans of ARNOLD (not expected.) His fans usually fall down and drool over action films and even accept his action/comedy attempts. This film offers nothing new. Satan will rise up and take over the world. Its all been done before usually better. Yes the film has a big budget, slick effects, and ARNOLD but so what. Slick effects are becoming a dime a dozen. Turn on any TV mini series event to see some eye candy. Even the people who love Schwarzenegger will be hard pressed to get through this. The acting is laughable because it tries so hard. Usually you don't care because Arnold is having fun trashing bad guys. Here he tries to pull off the anti-hero, playing the alcoholic whose lost his spiritual way. He's tempted by the devil because "they have so much in common" That is more than a stretch its completely ludicrous. Hey but wait there's lots of bloodied dismemberment, large loud explosions, and nothing you don't expect, so if thats what gets you excited by then by all means buy this junk. For a real movie on the subject go watch the Omen.