Rating:  Summary: Truley bad! Review: This was a truley bad movie. I honestly don't see the attraction of it. I did not find the film funny at all (for the record I think that the Simpsons is the funniest, most intelligent show on television right now), and the croc wasn't scary. None of the characters were simpathetic in the least. I found myself rooting for the croc, just like Betty White. This movie could have used a cameo from Steve Irwin, of Crocidile Hunter fame, just to give us at least one character worth rooting for. What am I talking about? I mean at least give us one character. Besides Oliver Platt and Bridget Fonda (both of whom should have known better than to do this movie) none of the characters were fleshed out. And the ones that were fleshed out were overly cliched.The "shock" ending, not to give anything away, really comes out of nowhere and really isn't much of a shock. If you haven't seen the movie yet stop reading this review now, because I am going to give something away. Are you gone? Okay, does anybody really think that they would transport a 30 foot crocadile on the back of a truck, going at least 65 mph, with nothing to protect the animal? At the very least they would put it in a trailer of an 18 wheeler. For me that scene was just the icing on a really bad cake.
Rating:  Summary: You have got to be kidding me Review: I have thought about this movie long and hard, and I have got to say the only movie I can say was as bad as this was is CopLand. I had once been under the impression that any movie with a giant lizard tearing things up would be absolutely gold. (Godzilla gets 5 stars easily) However, this movie has destroyed my faith in my scaly friends. Please take my word on this and don't see this movie. It made me cry.
Rating:  Summary: Complete Trash Review: Boring,Bad dialogue and the worst Special Effects in this type up movie. Fonda is complete annoying and is useless all she ever does is fall out of canoes and boats and that stupid crocodile it was so FAKE. Jaws made the shark look real but this it was complete awful. There was only one thing I like and that was Betty Whites performance and that was that great. I recommand "Deep Blue Sea" over this any day and that was bad as well. Lake Placid D- Deep Blue Sea C+
Rating:  Summary: What a crock! Review: Lake Placid is everything a movie about a giant crocadile should be, and that is not a compliment. Why is this movie so bad? Because we don't care about the people. I (along with Betty White) was rooting for the crocodile. I was hoping he would eat the entire cast, and then move on to some bigger better lake, sort of like an apocolyptic ending, where the croc wins. Oh well, at least that bad ending would have been a good-bad ending, fitting for the schlocky material. Betty White is funny though, in her cameo appearance ("Come and get it!")
Rating:  Summary: Funny and Exciting plus ORIGINAL! Review: This comedy was a nice touch to the movie. Mrs. Bickerman is funny as hell and some of the things the people do when they try to catch the croc is pretty funny stuff. Check it out
Rating:  Summary: An excellent movie in only 1 hour and 22 minutes! Review: Lake Placid has everything. It's scary, funny, (Thanks to the wonderful Betty White) and has a little drama. Betty White helps bring comedy to it with her character who has been feeding the croc for about six years. She is terrific in any role. The scariness in this film is very well done. It was gory in two-three parts. I can understand where people wish there was another rating but I see where they gave it an "R" rating. (The use of some bad language) I probably would have said "PG-13". Bridget Fonda does great with her part as Kelly. Her best scene was at the end. Bill Pullman was terrific as well! Three great actors together made a terrific ride in this comedic, scary, and just down right excellent film. But, the real star of this movie, is the CROC! Like the back to it says, "A real nail bitter!" Buy the DVD for the featurette and the trailers!
Rating:  Summary: Short,(1hr 18min) But Sweet! Review: I thought this movie was cool, I even got on the edge of my seat a few times,Betty White definately rules in this one "Is that a crime? To wish the chewing of law inforcement?". I wish that they had done more with it, but what can ya do?
Rating:  Summary: If you get it, you'll love it! Review: This is a picture that to the simple viewer will appear to be a campy B-horror flick; however, this is most definately not the case. Make no mistake about it, the makers of this picture knew exactly what they were doing when they put together this cast with this dialogue. The result is nothing short of hilarious with the just the right amount of chills to place it in the horror genre. If you just don't understand the popularity of this picture after seeing it, you probably wouldn't enjoy The Simpsons either, but fear not, there's always Barney...
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, but should be rated as a Family Movie Review: Well, I don't understand the comparison to Jaws, except that both have scary moments and funny moments. Otherwise, Jaws is much, much more gory. Our family of 5 loves this film. There are only 2 short, gory parts that merit an R rating. Otherwise, it should've been rated PG. Without revealing the plot (as so many before me already have), I saw it because I thought it was a scary horror movie, but enjoyed it because it was more of a comedy. We rented it as soon as it was released on video and just watched it again for the sixth time. It really is hilarious. As for the two somewhat gory parts. The first is truly gory, ala Jaws, but the second happens quickly and you don't really see anything. And both victims were minor characters that you don't even get to know. The first happens in the first 5 minutes, so maybe you should fast forward through that part for the kiddies. If you enjoyed Jurassic Park, you'll love this. (Except this one is less gory, I think.)
Rating:  Summary: Big Crock in a Shallow script Review: Cheesy, Hokey Story. I like monster movies but this only has a few good scenes but it could have been much better. The special effects seemed low budget.. the crock looked real but just put in the scene like in the old Sinbad movies. I wont ever buy this on DVD...