Rating:  Summary: 25 feet 3 tons Review: one of the greatest movies of all time a giant killer shark comes to amity chief Brody Matt Hooper and Shark Catcher Quint set out for the hunt,one of the scariest things of all about this movie is that it realy could happen
Rating:  Summary: Review of Jaws 25th anniversry edition Review: Jaws rocks! I saw this movie for the first time on DVD and it was great! The story takes place on Amity Island and a shark kills a swimmer. Then one more shark attack occurs on the island. Chief of Police Martin Brody wants to shut the beach down. But the town mayor disagrees with Brody. Later Matt Hooper and Brody and a shark hunter named Quint go out to capture Jaws. Near the end Quint gets pretty much broken in half and eaten. This movie has good special for its time (it cameout in 1975). I give it 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most frightening films ever made. Review: Steven Spielberg's ultimate shocker still holds up great after all these years for the exact same reasons it was a huge box-office hit back in 1975: amazing score, powerful performances from an extremely talented cast, great special effects, and perfect direction. It's simple story of a shark terrorizing the waters of a small beach may not be the most compelling material ever to come out of Hollywood, but the attention to character and the sheer terror of the shark attacks more then makes up for it. There is something undeniably terrifying about the thought of being dragged underwater by something huge, something you can't even hope to escape from, and the very first attack scene is true nightmare fuel. As is the most memorable scene in the film, Robert Shaw's speech about his experiences after surviving the sinking of the USS Indianapolis, a World War II cruiser that sank and left hundreds of sailors floating in shark-infested waters for more than four days. Shaw's delivery of the scene still chills to the bone and stands as one of the greatest moments in film history. The DVD edition of JAWS has been long-awaited and fails to live up to it's potential. The lack of audio commentary by the director and a handful of out-of-context deleted scenes are major let-downs. But a superb 'making-of' documentary and an extensive art and design gallery are nice additions. Still, this is the definitive version of a classic film, one that deserves to be viewed multiple times both on the screen and in your darkest nightmares. Have fun swimming in the ocean after this one!!!
Rating:  Summary: A great film with only one problem Review: This movie did not have too very many special effects, true. But, do you really want realism or special effects, I want realism. If you are in a boat, do you ever really get a good look at a shark, probably not. As a parallel, 2001 is actually set around Saturn, but the rings would severely date the film, so Jupiter was chosen; if Jaws was full of special effects the film would a) look like any number of monster films, and b) look dated today. In 2001, 26 years later, Jaws packs as much punch as it did in 1975. Is Jaws really about a community versus a shark, yes; but, it is also about a man torn between what's right and what's politically desirable. Honestly, it is pure 1970s in execution, but in message it is fresh even today. This is a movie you have to make your own mind up about, rent it one night, if you like it buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Why didn't anybody told me about the DTS version. Review: "Jaws" it's probably Spielberg's best film, and i have it on DVD, the Dolby Digital Surround Sound version, and it's fantastic, but from the begging i was suspecting thatthere was a DTS version and now i discover that i was right, well Cinescape was right, now i don't know what i am going to do with the Dolby Digitaln version, maybe sell it and buy the DTS version.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Be Scared! Review: JAWS is a terrifying movie (At the beginning), but begins to wind down at about the second scene. This movie is full of suspence and action. Steven Sbielberg is a director who will bring terror with action and adventure anytime, like JAWS. I loved this film and so will you!This is a great film to watch at sleepovers! I really recommend it! BUY THIS FILM ON 'DVD' OR 'VHS'!
Rating:  Summary: Let It Take a Bite... You'll Be Glad You Did! Review: Sure, the mechanical shark looks phony at times, but the edgy performances and Spielberg's flawless (and shameless) audience manipulation more than make up for it. You will believe a robot shark can eat people! Police chief Roy Scheider battles not only the hungry Great White, but also the manipulative mayor, the town's entepreneurs who want to save their tourist money, his own conscience and his aqua-phobia. Marine biologist Richard Dreyfuss lends a hand; so does Robert Shaw as the salty local captain and survivor of the horrific U.S.S. Indianapolis sinking. This is the movie "Jurassic Park" wants to be when it grows up, because it's as much about the people as it is the animal. Scheider and Dreyfuss bond in the way instant friends do, even though they have nothing in common- but there's a tension between them, a competitiveness, that underlies the scenes on Shaw's boat (in the book, the Dreyfuss character beds the chief's wife and there's a lot of social and class warfare involved, too- but Spielberg wisely leaves that out). Robert Shaw's cantankerous captain dominates the film's last third- if you saw him in "From Russia With Love" or "Battle of the Bulge," you'll be surprised this is the same guy. Think Captain Ahab with a foul mouth and a love for beer, and you'll get the idea. Absolutely perfect! Beyond that, "Jaws" is one scary movie. John Williams' creepy shark theme has become iconic- after the first scene, it will drive you crazy with suspense every time you hear it. Spielberg's direction has less flash than in some of his later movies, and this allows the performances to draw the viewer into the story; these are shark attacks with consequences, and people get hurt who haven't been bitten. And then there are the first-person (or first-animal) point of view shots as the shark stalks its victims. Almost every 80s slasher flick copped this little trick because it's so effective. With Lorraine Gary as the chief's wife and Murray Hamilton as the shifty but ultimately tragic mayor.
Rating:  Summary: One of the great movies of all time Review: Never before or since has a movie taken hold of the American conciousness like "Jaws". To this day, people are scared to go near the water because of it; and the famous score is perhaps one of the most widely recognized pieces of music in the US. The beauty of this film is that it's subtle; you don't even see the shark until halfway through the movie. The viewer isn't just scared of the shark, they are scared of everything that is unknown and uncontrollable. The superb acting and camera work only enhance the tension, and the fact that the action takes place in a summer paradise creates an uncomfortable dichotomy that pushes it over the top. "Jaws" is one of the great films of all time. The fact that it is a genuine crowd pleaser makes it all the more special. For these reasons the bonus feature on the making of "Jaws" is all the more interesting, because it shows how a movie that seemed almost cursed became a hit. A great movie, and a great DVD. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Love this movie! (NOT referring to this 25th Anniversary!) Review: Before I begin let me tell you that I am referring to the original (preferably widescreen) version of this movie. Let me explain why:First off, it totally changes the original sound of the movie. It has new special effect sounds and other stuff, but at some points you can't even hear what the character says. It shouldn've given you a choice between the old and new. Next, all the delted scenes and outtakes are not shown. Then, they CUT DOWN the 2 hour documentary. What? Because they were TOO LAZY to put it on two discs. (Same goes with VHS). The 20th anniversary laserdisc included it all. Anyway, the movie is great. I think it's Spielberg at his best. Do yourslef a favor and buy the 1995 widescreen edition. You'll be glad you did.
Rating:  Summary: DTS Review: I have purchased the DTS version of Jaws on DVD. The video quality of the DVD compared to VHS is almost indistinguishable, but the sound quality is amazing. DTS really makes the movie come alive.